I am requesting for Scorpion to be banned at EVO. This is based off of principal. The developers failed to bring him into this game at an acceptable level. Even if they fixed him at this point it is too late for us to cross our fingers. Everyone needs to get it in their head that spending time on Scorpion with the intention of winning EVO is time wasted.
The only viable fix I've heard suggested was from
AK Pig Of The Hut. I wan't both versions to be a mid hitting special and only special cancellable if it hits. Regardless of the other suggestions this would be the only suggestion that could fly if the MB version stayed high because technically an MB doesn't exist until the teleport hits.
If I go into EVO with Scorpion the way he is currently I will be very upset. As you guys have all mentioned on this podcast he ruins the game, I am in agreement.
colt please fix this character.
MrWizard please ban this character at evo.
This forum generally makes me feel as if I don't really matter. I don't give a fuck. I know that here in Arizona I make a very big positive impact. I am vowing, right now to never play this game again. To never stream it. To never host an event that promotes NRS games. To give up completely on fighting games in general. If I go to EVO and Scorpion is allowed.
And as funny as all of you trolls think you are for trying to force Scorpion into tournaments that people pay good money to be at, all you are doing is ruining what could have been something great and ultimately the place you spend all your time trying to annoy people. You are what is most toxic to this community. Instead of these fucking mods wanting to infract me or get rid of me for voicing my opinions they should focus their efforts on what is ruining our community. They are not truly looking out for your best interests. I am and people like me who want to see Injustice succeed because we love what has been created.
/signed - Sao