Maxter Reporting for Duty. I agree that scorpion breaks a lot of the game rules, specially blocking back is not an option against his Teleport, I know that blocking neutral down works but this gives scorpion priority on his offensive, using hell fire and giving him free jumps at certain range because of you holding that down direction, Also his jump is a little OP specially against big hitbox characters, it is short and he can 50/50 them all day after regular teleport in combos.
One thing that concerns me is some top players crying about him and taking this as an excuse to Ban him, First of all, CD Jr rant about him last night doesn't prove a point that top players will be free to him, this was CD Jr first time playing against a scorpion and Also he doesn't play the game much, he is just well trained with superman and being a good player with good fundamentals helps him win.
Rico Suave and I were training the matchup really has problems against teleports blocking neutral down on his stick square box, even when he tries his best is not easy for him to hold neutral, guess is a bad habit from only playing street fighter at the highest level =/, so if he get beaten by scorpion is his solely fault.
About Pig complaining, most of his Rant comes from online matches and it is not easy to react to whiff teleports to punish, but in fact they are very punishable offline, correct me if i'm wrong and you have faced high level scorpions offline.
M2Dave just want to own the whole screen for himself and try to chip you to death from the other end of it and scorpion's teleport wont allow it, Also batGirl can make it hard for Zoners just in case. so stop being Lame M2Dave and Hold Dat.
I'm not gonna keep mentioning other players because i will never end this post then, but i agree that scorpion is fucked up and a Teleport like that is too abusive on a back to block game, still as players we should give this character more time and see how we adapt and evolve for fighting him, i guess it is too early to start banning a character, some characters are hard to learn to fight against, Look how scrubby doomsday was, remember how even top players used to lose to him just with shoulder charges and Ground pounds? Now poor doomsday is downloaded and fucked bad.
Lets give the game some time guys, I also believe that scorpion will get better with time and will make a lot of us suffer because of the way he plays or maybe he ends up being another doomsday who knows.
Banning a character from tournament is a disrespect to the players using him and leveling up with him, also a slap in the face to the developers for their incompetence designing a character that don't fit in the game, scorpion should be allowed in a couple of tournaments and see how he performs, 16 bit and some of the GGA guys stated that they know how to fight him and they don't agree with a ban, we should all learn the same.
On the other hand if it is proven he will dominate the tournament scene as well as casual play for years to come, i will support the Ban, or we could ask NRS to fix his teleport, not nerfing it more than it is but making it to hit the opponent in front when he disappears kind of the way BatGirl does, he can teleport the same way he does from the other side of the screen but when he appears on the other side he will have to hit in front of you, they could make start up faster possibly at same speed as batgirl but at least you will be able to keep blocking the same way you do against the whole cast, i'd rather seeing this change than a Ban.
And BTW Keep Leveling Up More And Stop Crying Less.
Adapt Or Hold Dat "That's Life"