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Massive Changes in Microsoft's Xbox One Policy

Vulcan Hades

This is great news for gamers around the world, we should rejoice. Because this flip flop wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the social media movement started by core gamers. It shows that things can change. It shows that we can make any big company turn 180 degrees if we just say "no" to the bullshit. Good move Microsoft, you finally gave up on your greedyness and surrendered to common sense.

Welp, no reason to get a PS4 over XboxOne now. :)


My blades will find your heart
I always love how people compare PS3 to XBox360 exclusives without mentioning XBLA games.

Those alone are probably reason enough to get xbox180, especially if there are sequels for state of decay, trials series, super meatboy, etc.


The Bat in the Hat
Well that works for me, may end up getting one down the road now depending on how Killer Instinct turns out and what else comes out.

DJ L Toro

While I'm writing I usually check a bunch of different sources to see where the information came from, make sure it's 100% accurate and not just a random blog post, do a bit of homework on where/when it was released (which involves reading other news articles from around the net while I'm writing to cross-ref the info), get extra links for articles for names and whatnot, go over grammar/spelling and rewrite sentences to fit better, load up an image program and crop resize things to fit, hop on twitter and post, and promote here and format the article for being frontpaged in the system.

Yeah, that usually takes me a half hour-ish start to finish, especially while I'm working on other things.

That's the difference between having an accurate well-written post with appropriate sources and throwing random things onto the front page.
That's pretty dedicated for a forum... I didnt even work that hard when i wrote stuff for psuni.com as a job, lol.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
But what about "the future" Microsoft?.....

Fucking communist morons, at least they aren't stupid enough to not realize they made a gigantic mistake.

I'll never forget how they just shrugged off the troops overseas that have supported Microsoft and Xbox for years because they wanted some extra bucks.

That being said, I eventually see myself getting an Xbox to support Killer Instinct. Lets see how my hate level will be by the holiday season.


Did you not see the E3 MS conference?
They may have showed a couple more exclusives than Sony at E3, but both consoles are not even out yet to claim that one is offering more exclusives than the other. Sony is currently holding more IP's than MS and it' safe to say that almost all of them will make the transition to next-gen


Dojo Trainee
I always love how people compare PS3 to XBox360 exclusives without mentioning XBLA games.

Those alone are probably reason enough to get xbox180, especially if there are sequels for state of decay, trials series, super meatboy, etc.

you can say the same about PSmobile and PSN games.

I just REALLY dislike how MS is towards indie games. Look at fucking sullgirls. Shit shouldn't have taken almost a year later to come out (patch).

And its not a freak accident, just look at how happy indie devs jump on the Sony bandwagon. Divekick, Hotline Miami (psvita too), Journey devs, and the whole PSmobile list. Also that company that made Bastion jumped on the Sony train as well at E3.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
110% untrue to those saying PS4 is " offering more", MS is offering FAR MORE exclusive titles... New and old... and believe it or not some people like the TV and movie ideas.

This has officially became a system war again, PS4will win initial sales because changing pre orders wool be almost impossible soon but in the end...MS will win the console war AGAIN unless Sony can start pumping out some more and better exclusives.
Microsoft also offered more exclusive titles at launch with the original Xbox than the PS2 did, fucks given: zero.

I also don't recall Microsoft ever winning a console war, financially or statistically, they became so obsessed with the prospect of "beating Sony" that they lost sight of the Wii, closed down the majority of their first party studios in favor of timed exclusive DLC, assigned whoever they had left on R&D for Kinect.. and on top of all that, as of this year, they're no longer even beating Sony anymore. Granted, the gap is so tight that it shouldn't even be considered a victory on either corporation's side.

By all means, the Xbone's exclusive line up is shaping up nicely, at this rate, it could be Microsoft's best yet for any of their systems, but the marketing advantages the 360 had over the PS3 are nowhere to be seen.


Well it's too early to tell which PS4/Xbox One exclusives will shape into full franchises. PS3 launched with a big number of exclusives and a lot of them were so bad that Sony gave up on them immediately


My blades will find your heart
you can say the same about PSmobile and PSN games.

I just REALLY dislike how MS is towards indie games. Look at fucking sullgirls. Shit shouldn't have taken almost a year later to come out (patch).

And its not a freak accident, just look at how happy indie devs jump on the Sony bandwagon. Divekick, Hotline Miami (psvita too), Journey devs, and the whole PSmobile list. Also that company that made Bastion jumped on the Sony train as well at E3.
It comes down to personal preference. The games I like are on XBL, so that makes me more inclined to buy a Xbox 180.

The only PSN game I have ever been interested in is divekick.


This is great news for gamers around the world, we should rejoice. Because this flip flop wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the social media movement started by core gamers. It shows that things can change. It shows that we can make any big company turn 180 degrees if we just say "no" to the bullshit. Good move Microsoft, you finally gave up on your greedyness and surrendered to common sense.

Welp, no reason to get a PS4 over XboxOne now. :)
Yes and no, this is not really about media and stuff like that, but Sony. If Sony would have choose the same politic than microsoft, we would all be fucked up right now.


Dojo Trainee

This is the first step.

The second step is to allow you to detach the kinect from the console.

That, will be the reason for me to get xBox.

They claim you can "completely turn it off."

...but then it doesn't allow you to remove the kinect or cover the sensor?

That is complete drivel.


Brain Dead Bro
When did this happen the first time?
Right because crosd platform games NEVER sold 2-1 at the least in favor of the 360? That must mean it'd equal, I forgot.

Listen I'm no " fan boy" I'm a realist.

And everyone, I mean relevant exclusives they showed like 4 at the press conference and the rest cross platform.


I'm a literal Sloth
What game is that? You said you hadn't played any. And most of the good exclusives are offline, such as Uncharted, God of War, etc. Perhaps you're referring to frame rate, not lag?

God of War and Uncharted are not RPGs. Action-Adventure, sir.

I'm talking about MK9 offline.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I love games...

As much as I hate some gamers...

Today was a win for us no matter what side you are on...and you still want to be fan boys about it...
No Xbone didn't just win and they never lost...they also never won before...
Sony now has to do more then just be there being a game console...which I love...strong compitition is needed to keep everyone inovative and honest...

I am still getting a ps4 first...but now at least I know I could look foward to owning an Xbone soon also...

Sent under duress.