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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Too old for this Shit
I am loving the mental gynmastics. IF YOU'VE DONT NOTHING WRONG YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO HIDE. Just like with the kinect lol.

Not all bans are justified. And... if you are banned all your money is wasted. You can't even play offline. Currently, if I get banned, I can't connect online and use xbox live. But with the xbox one... it literally turns into a brick.

You see this as a positive? Man... anything to defend the xbox.
Again Jared with your logic...

You are condoning Pirating, Modding (console type), Racist Remarks over the internet as well as Sexual Harassment?
Your an ACE Jared.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Again Jared with your logic...

You are condoning Pirating, Modding (console type), Racist Remarks over the internet as well as Sexual Harassment?
Your an ACE Jared.

Learn to read.

I said not all bans are justified. And I don't think any ban is worth you losing all your content that you spend money on. I believe when I buy a game, I own it. So while I may be banned from using the xbox online services, I don't believe I should be banned from using something I own, along with something I also own.

You can get hacked, and then find that you're banned due to the hackers actions. You can get a totally false unjustified ban due to people reporting you for no reason.

But that's ok... because its the future and it will save gaming.


Too old for this Shit
Learn to read.

I said not all bans are justified. And I don't think any ban is worth you losing all your content that you spend money on. I believe when I buy a game, I own it. So while I may be banned from using the xbox online services, I don't believe I should be banned from using something I own, along with something I also own.

You can get hacked, and then find that you're banned due to the hackers actions. You can get a totally false unjustified ban due to people reporting you for no reason.

But that's ok... because its the future and it will save gaming.
So Pirating, Modding (on consoles), Racist Remarks and Sexual Harassment are condoned by you .... I am not surprised.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So Pirating, Modding (on consoles), Racist Remarks and Sexual Harassment are condoned by you .... I am not surprised.

Yeah you're a retard. I don't condone them, they should be bannable. BUT BANS SHOULD NOT MEAN THAT YOU LOSE YOUR FUCKING GAMES.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Oh look The Last of Us day 1 download...the fuuuuuuuture look at me noooow ....:rolleyes:
I wonder what I'm playing this on...no way crazy sauce...but.... but...


Too old for this Shit
Yeah you're a retard. I don't condone them, they should be bannable. BUT BANS SHOULD NOT MEAN THAT YOU LOSE YOUR FUCKING GAMES.
Thank you for answering my question Jared...
Now... I believe Microsoft will be tying ALL personal preferences be it Movies, Tv, Internet and Gaming to ones Xbox Gamer Tag....With the said Gamer Tag existing digitally, and with all the digital media involved...It makes perfect sense that if your GAMER TAG ACCOUNT GETS BANNED that you lose access to said service..

You see Jared, you seem to lack tact as well as common sense... you are very defensive and on a personal note (I dont know what happened to you as a kid , but I truly am sorry for whatever it was)... that being said... One does not get a single report against them on Xbox Live or PSN and get smashed by a ban-hammer... Not every Ban is legit- that is true.. however it is up to the wrongfully banned individual to discuss the reason behind said ban and work to get the error corrected. Yes there is the unfortunate event of hacking, however that is the nature of the beast in a technological age..


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Thank you for answering my question Jared...
Now... I believe Microsoft will be tying ALL personal preferences be it Movies, Tv, Internet and Gaming to ones Xbox Gamer Tag....With the said Gamer Tag existing digitally, and with all the digital media involved...It makes perfect sense that if your GAMER TAG ACCOUNT GETS BANNED that you lose access to said service..

You see Jared, you seem to lack tact as well as common sense... you are very defensive and on a personal note (I dont know what happened to you as a kid , but I truly am sorry for whatever it was)... that being said... One does not get a single report against them on Xbox Live or PSN and get smashed by a ban-hammer... Not every Ban is legit- that is true.. however it is up to the wrongfully banned individual to discuss the reason behind said ban and work to get the error corrected. Yes there is the unfortunate event of hacking, however that is the nature of the beast in a technological age..


Read this, and know that you are proven wrong. And know this:

You are officially, literally retarded. You have one extra chromosome. So know this, I'm not ignoring you because you are disabled. I'm ignoring you because you don't post anything of worth.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Thank you for answering my question Jared...
Now... I believe Microsoft will be tying ALL personal preferences be it Movies, Tv, Internet and Gaming to ones Xbox Gamer Tag....With the said Gamer Tag existing digitally, and with all the digital media involved...It makes perfect sense that if your GAMER TAG ACCOUNT GETS BANNED that you lose access to said service..

You see Jared, you seem to lack tact as well as common sense... you are very defensive and on a personal note (I dont know what happened to you as a kid , but I truly am sorry for whatever it was)... that being said... One does not get a single report against them on Xbox Live or PSN and get smashed by a ban-hammer... Not every Ban is legit- that is true.. however it is up to the wrongfully banned individual to discuss the reason behind said ban and work to get the error corrected. Yes there is the unfortunate event of hacking, however that is the nature of the beast in a technological age..
They don't do very well at correcting anything...A friend of mine had been banned for pretty much nothing but his Xbox breaking ...he got a new one...worked with customer service to get the licencing transferred and they banned him we believe by accident...future calls did nothing to persuade them otherwise for some reason and he lost around 50 arcade games...


Too old for this Shit

Read this, and know that you are proven wrong. And know this:

You are officially, literally retarded. You have one extra chromosome. So know this, I'm not ignoring you because you are disabled. I'm ignoring you because you don't post anything of worth.
That touching article would fall under my previous post of "Not every Ban is legit- that is true.. however it is up to the wrongfully banned individual to discuss the reason behind said ban and work to get the error corrected.

as far as the rest of your ignorant post... well.. I will just let it speak for itself..


Too old for this Shit
They don't do very well at correcting anything...A friend of mine had been banned for pretty much nothing but his Xbox breaking ...he got a new one...worked with customer service to get the licencing transferred and they banned him we believe by accident...future calls did nothing to persuade them otherwise for some reason and he lost around 50 arcade games...
Thats a damn shame Saint... and I am not saying Microsoft is flawless... NO CORPORATION IS... that just flat out sucks. :(


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
My account has never been banned Jared....in any generation, on any system...

Less Pirating
Less Modding (as we know it on consoles now as a BAD thing)
Less educated gentlemen with internet muscles yelling racist remarks every other word
Less Sexual Harassment (especially to the female gaming market)

that enough for you?
Just an unlikely example of how something innocent can get you banned:

Let's say for instance, that you go to a game store (or any store that sells games) and you see a game you have been waiting for and buy it before the street date (unlikely I know because with now X1 works, they wouldn't allow the game to be played until that date... another reason I like the old gaming model and the PS4 aka offline)... you take it home and put the game into your system and begin playing it. Either by automation or some filthy M$ employee notices you playing a game before the street date, as per your agreed upon terms of use, you are now banned and lose access to ALL of your games, dlc, movies, and everything else you paid for linked to that account.

Good luck getting that nightmare worked out.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Thats a damn shame Saint... and I am not saying Microsoft is flawless... NO CORPORATION IS... that just flat out sucks. :(
Yeah also PS3 has this crazy thing when 2 (used to be more but people abused it) systems can download a game so my sister now has TLOU also...
Thing is MS is a confusing mess right now because the system they were going to use was 10x worse then this backpedaling mess and the family sharing is not available at launch they say ...I don't think they know whats going on
Now everything is in save the ship PR overdrive so I don't believe a damn word of it until I see it..mostly because all the cloud nonsense is just that at the moment for many reasons...
Lets not forgot 360s dashboard is radically different then when it first arrived either of them can do that PS can do just as much with the cloud...they can both change used game models once every 6 months.. the PS can come out with a ps camera or whatever thats better then Kinect in 2 year MS can come out with Kinect 3....
All this set in stone this is the future crap is just useless arguing..
I'm getting a PS4 because it fits me better I will use the vita stuff tons and I have a better understanding of what the fuck it is they are doing(games)...I also like the exclusives better and any xbox exclusive I want is also on the 360 and that will probably happen for a while...
That being said if xbox gets its crap together maybe next e3 will persuade me to get a One...
I don't pick sides...I want them both to make me want them both...
I don't pick future winners because anything can happen in the future...
I do pick what I want and what I want is to be able to pick what I want...:p


Too old for this Shit
Just an unlikely example of how something innocent can get you banned:

Let's say for instance, that you go to a game store (or any store that sells games) and you see a game you have been waiting for and buy it before the street date (unlikely I know because with now X1 works, they wouldn't allow the game to be played until that date... another reason I like the old gaming model and the PS4 aka offline)... you take it home and put the game into your system and begin playing it. Either by automation or some filthy M$ employee notices you playing a game before the street date, as per your agreed upon terms of use, you are now banned and lose access to ALL of your games, dlc, movies, and everything else you paid for linked to that account.

Good luck getting that nightmare worked out.
Konqrr.... That is WHY there is a street date... if it is not adhered to... it is breaking the rules.. and when one is caught breaking rules, punishments are usually issued... it is not that hard of a notion to understand...

Please dont take the ignorant gamer route of I didnt know when the release date was... Gamers sure as hell know when their anticipated game is coming out... to the friggin minute.


Too old for this Shit
Yeah also PS3 has this crazy thing when 2 (used to be more but people abused it) systems can download a game so my sister now has TLOU also...
Thing is MS is a confusing mess right now because the system they were going to use was 10x worse then this backpedaling mess and the family sharing is not available at launch they say ...I don't think they know whats going on
Now everything is in save the ship PR overdrive so I don't believe a damn word of it until I see it..mostly because all the cloud nonsense is just that at the moment for many reasons...
Lets not forgot 360s dashboard is radically different then when it first arrived either of them can do that PS can do just as much with the cloud...they can both change used game models once every 6 months.. the PS can come out with a ps camera or whatever thats better then Kinect in 2 year MS can come out with Kinect 3....
All this set in stone this is the future crap is just useless arguing..
I'm getting a PS4 because it fits me better I will use the vita stuff tons and I have a better understanding of what the fuck it is they are doing(games)...I also like the exclusives better and any xbox exclusive I want is also on the 360 and that will probably happen for a while...
That being said if xbox gets its crap together maybe next e3 will persuade me to get a One...
I don't pick sides...I want them both to make me want them both...
I don't pick future winners because anything can happen in the future...
I do pick what I want and what I want is to be able to pick what I want...:p
Understood and respected Saint


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Konqrr.... That is WHY there is a street date... if it is not adhered to... it is breaking the rules.. and when one is caught breaking rules, punishments are usually issued... it is not that hard of a notion to understand...

Please dont take the ignorant gamer of I didnt know when the release date was... Gamers sure as hell know when their anticipated game is coming out... to the friggin minute.
Seriously, wtf? That's not why there is a street date...

"Street dates are there so people have to follow rules" ... get the fuck out of here! You clearly have no idea.

Not all gamers know a game's street date. What if some guy buys a game at a small store before the street date that he had no idea such a thing existed, and gets literally his $500 system plus all of his other shit banned because of a stupid policy such as this?

I thought all of your previous posts at least had some thought and civility to them, but now I know you are an ignorant fool.

BTW, I go out of my way to buy games before the street date... they are my "Fuck You Trophies" and I have many. Some of which I still haven't even played.


Too old for this Shit
Seriously, wtf? That's not why there is a street date...

"Street dates are there so people have to follow rules" ... get the fuck out of here! You clearly have no idea.

Not all gamers know a game's street date. What if some guy buys a game at a small store before the street date that he had no idea such a thing existed, and gets literally his $500 system plus all of his other shit banned because of a stupid policy such as this?

I thought all of your previous posts at least had some thought and civility to them, but now I know you are an ignorant fool.

BTW, I go out of my way to buy games before the street date... they are my "Fuck You Trophies" and I have many. Some of which I still haven't even played.
You are such a rebel Konqrr.. The real life Robin Hood of gaming.... And I appreciate your opinion about my previous posts.. How unfortunate that my disagreeing with your method of rule following makes me an "ignorant fool". Hopefully my future posts will redeem my image in your eyes and then my life can be complete. I <3 you Konqrr.. Don't you ever change!
Alright guys I'm outta here. It seems like everyone knows the ugly truth about the x1 except for a select few. No point in trying to argue with them they are loyal to their system and will die with it. One must not break the rules he who breaks the rules shall be punished lmao. See you guys on ps4

Edit: OMG LOL before I leave I really thought all games at e3 ran on pcs but I guess some of the devs for the ps4 have tweeted that this is false and they were running their games on ps4s with slightly more ram. Of course this is only pr bullshit that some people won't believe

Edit 2: sorry mr Ava I thought you posted the same article I posted a couple pages ago


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
rofl nice lie
Uh... ok. I actually think playing non-fighting games online with other people take away from the experience. I may buy CoD one day so I can play the offline campaign. I'm sure it will be used for $5 or less when I do...


Uh... ok. I actually think playing non-fighting games online with other people take away from the experience. I may buy CoD one day so I can play the offline campaign. I'm sure it will be used for $5 or less when I do...

So you never went online in D2 at all?


Forum General Emeritus
Konqrr.... That is WHY there is a street date... if it is not adhered to... it is breaking the rules.. and when one is caught breaking rules, punishments are usually issued... it is not that hard of a notion to understand...

Please dont take the ignorant gamer route of I didnt know when the release date was... Gamers sure as hell know when their anticipated game is coming out... to the friggin minute.

So speaking of which... what kind of penalty gets dished out if a retailer breaks the street date on a console of game? I can cite numerous occasions where this has happened; particularly with the launch of the N64 back in '96. I got mine 3 days early and don't recall hearing about any negative press.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So speaking of which... what kind of penalty gets dished out if a retailer breaks the street date on a console of game? I can cite numerous occasions where this has happened; particularly with the launch of the N64 back in '96. I got mine 3 days early and don't recall hearing about any negative press.

I broke street date on injustice. I'm still here.