Werent you the one who created a thread right before launch that said no matter what, we should not cry about the game? You know how ironic that is right?
No one is making you play the game. If you hate it go back to MK9, no one is stopping you.
Lol at comparing a top tier character with a mid tier character. Compare Sonya's combos to mileenas combos, BALANCE.
Just because you are losing to stupid gimmicks does not mean the game is bad. It means you are not putting in enough work to be competent at the game.
Correction, I'm WINNING because stupid gimmicks.
The thread was about crying about nerfs*. They just did. The game has been out for a while, I think it's safe to see what's broken and what's not. People were crying for the dumbest shit back in the day, and they nerfed shit that didn't need to be nerfed.
I play both MK9 and Injustice.
You do realize, the whole point of balancing a FG is to have the most amount of characters have a fighting chance right? Apparently for GA that means nerfing tools randomly, giving him shit damage and shit range.
And I'm sorry, I'll sound extremely douchy right now but it's just to prove a point. I'll body you in Injustice foh sho, just as I 30-1 you at Dallas. SRY :X but it needed to be said lol, don't say "don't work enough to be competent at the game" lolz, I'm way better than 99% of TYM members will ever be e_e
Also, DangerousBacon is one of those Filthy new people who registered to an MK site to bash on MK. So there you go.
Btw, play Grundy vs Aqua, see if the game still seems as great. Poor grunster, he gets fucked no-lub in the ass with a cold wet pole.