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A Plea to TYMers


Head Cage
Alright so I have been keeping this in for like the past couple weeks but this site has become near unbearable to read and I just cannot take it anymore. You may not like everything that I have to say but frankly, I really dont care and hope that some of you may take what I say seriously as it pertains to growing the community.

This community has become completely split in 50 different ways. Everyone is at each others throats all the time and it is annoying as fuck to read. Not to mention both sides have misinformation about the other and both end up looking dumb. I wanted to try and level with some of the sides of these arguments from an unbiased(well...kinda) perspective.

First thing is this whole MK vs. IGAU debate. Two years ago this site was flooded with people saying how MK doesnt get its fair shake and people hating on it is the reason it doesnt grow. And then these same people look at Injustice, and do THE EXACT SAME THING THAT PEOPLE DID TO MK. Do you even realize how hypocritical that makes us look? LBSH, MK had some fucked up shit in it. Sure it was fun and overall it was a great game, but saying it was perfect is delusional. These people say things like "Injustice is scrubby, there is no footsies, it takes no fundamentals etc.". Newsflash, every fighting game takes fundamentals and every fighting game has footsies. Saying shit like that just makes our community look like it has no idea what it is talking about. As for the game being scrubby, that is only because this community is too busy bitching to figure stuff out. For every 1 thread trying to find useful tech there is 10 bashing the game. I personally am going to be putting out an interactable guide in the next few days and I would love to see more stuff along those lines. There are other people like @Under the Mayo putting out useful tech like crazy and that is great. But instead of sitting waiting for others to post it, YOU need to do some of the work. If something keeps beating you, go into training and find a way around it, simple. I know IGAU is not perfect, but neither was MK. Like it or not, this site is partly injustice based and that is not going to change.

Stop trashing IGAU and trying to get people to come back to MK. Frankly I have considered not entering MK9 anymore because I am embarrassed to be part of a community that acts so childishly. You dont have to like IGAU, but you dont have to trash it either. Instead of trashing IGAU, try and go to the IGAU community and say "Yo NRS also made MK, you may have heard bad things but it actually is really fun. You should try it out". This would work 10 times better than saying "You all have no fundamentals, you should play MK". No one is going to give you a shot if your asses to them, but they might if your cool about it. I love MK too and want to see it continue to flourish, but to do that your going to have to drop the jealousy that TYM isnt just MK anymore. We have to come together with the IGAU community and support both games to help them both grow.

On the other side of the coin, some of the IGAU people need to realize that this site is still an MK site. It is extremely disrespectful to sign up on here and go back trashing what essentially brought this site to life. This site is not just an IGAU site, it is still an MK site and people need to respect that. MK may have had its faults but it definitely took skill to win. It had footsies just like IGAU does. Yeah it was imbalanced but so is IGAU, doesnt stop anyone from playing it. MK had some extremely lopsided matchups, but that just made it more fun to overcome them. I am not here to say play MK, if you dont want to no one is forcing you. My point is you should be more civil to the community that created this site in the first place.

I was going to go off on some other points but I am tired of typing so ill sum them up. Console wars are for three year olds, FC champ did the MK v. Capcom thing for hype and you look stupid for taking it seriously, and interactables are staying whether you all like it or not.

I just want to end saying that I love this site. I have been on here for two years and will continue to come back. I just want to see it come together so I dont have to keep seeing these pointless arguments. You dont have to play both games, or even like them, but you can still be civil and mature about it.

Stop being assholes, grow the fuck up



Augmented Wallet Squeeze
It's just the nature of the beast. It's really funny how people just simply insult one another just for not agreeing with them about the stupidest things. It's like this in almost every single Forum/message board about Video Games. The fact that Scorpion got nerfed before he was even a week old and Batgirl didn't suffer the same fate just because people refused to learn the Match-up is pretty pathetic. It just shows how much we've gone from "Deal with this until the next game or shut up and get bodied" to "OMG NRS PLS NERF SCORPION BECAUSE HIS TELEPORT IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR AND I WANT TO BE SPOONFED INTO WINNING".

Console wars is just funny to discuss in my opinion. Seeing people defend and attack others just because of one little thing about whatever console is great fun to see.

The MK vs Capcom thing died. I can't be the only one who saw the fault in that "plan" by Filipino Champ. I respect the fact that F. Champ is trying to make the FGC interesting all the time, but he didn't do so well when he called out the MK guys. It was like if a Wrestler who was a heel only got heat from insulting the local sports teams.


Online Punching Bag
Lumpymoomilk So because you scrubed out a scrubby scorpion, that doesn't mean the game is scrub friendly. Nobody has been able to provide a good argument as to why it's "scrubby". I've done the SAME thing you described literally in every major FG. I picked a top tier player and at one point and time, beat somebody who I probably shouldn't have beaten. If somebody is jumping around like a 6 year old and teleporting and you are eating it, that means you are allowing it. Why not bait it and full combo punish? If the scorpion is actually good, then he's not jumping around like a moron. If he's high level, then you just lost to a good player, there is no in between. Was Tekken 4 scrubby cause of Jin's JFLS? Or Sagat in SF4? How about Storm in MvC2? I can go all day, if you have been playing fighting games seriously since Tekken 3 I don't understand why you are so surprised there are some top tier chars that are easy to play.
when shit like a j3 hits me when I dash behind him when he jumps. I did not lose to a good player, I lost to a character with cheesy specials that make you work harder and think harder while they just mash buttons. Like I said I've played Scorpion for 10 minutes in my life and beat his, when he could get away from every pressure trap I was throwing at him with lobo by hopping around with j3 and randomly teleporting. When characters like superman have a trait that makes 3 other characters traits worthless. When scorpions teleport still gets him out of slow characters corner pressure, away from interactables and zoners for free on reaction. When you get 1 hit of armor for meter burns and people like deathstroke, and Green Lantern machine gun can use it without consequence even against armored characters who have no projectiles. Green lantern's enhanced machine gun even stopped my super from hitting before. Reads barely matter when you have safe traits that get you in without consequences like batman or get you out like aquamans..

MK9 you could win with smart use of armor and reading your opponent for anti airs/pokes even in horrible matches, in Injustice, because of some traits and specials playing smart doesn't matter nearly as much. I never played Sf4 for more than a day, I thought it was boring or MvC2 barely played it because it was imbalanced and stupid. Just like injustice is stupid in some ways which is why just my personal opinon think Mk9 CURRENTLY is better. They may change some mechanics in the game. It's still very young, new strategies will be developed for a while. But when things like playing defensively doesn't matter when you can whip tracking unblockable huge hit box damage at your opponent from across the screen or you have traits/specials that are get out of jail free cards or lets you jump in for free against anti airs or constant keepaway against characters who have no effective way of advancing and no projectiles.. This game will not be considered a very skilled game. IMO. MK9 wasn't very skilled either but you at least had to learn how to play somewhat before you could actually get some wins against decent people.


Too old for this Shit
What I don't understand is, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If people hate IGAU so much, why do they continue to play it?

When I was a kid, I shaved my own head and looked retarded. As a kid, I learned the basic concept of "if something sucks don't do it again". So why do you idiots keep shaving your head over and over? I just don't understand, help an old school gamer like me get it cause I really don't
There is no simple answer Nori.. I wish there was.. Only thing I come up with is some people are gluttons for punishment and truly enjoy the bitching and drama of the punishment... It defies logic, sanity and reason..


Online Punching Bag
There is no simple answer Nori.. I wish there was.. Only thing I come up with is some people are gluttons for punishment and truly enjoy the bitching and drama of the punishment... It defies logic, sanity and reason..
I don't enjoy the bitching or the drama. I just have an opinion and I disagree with people in a mostly civilized manner. I say I think injustice is easy/broken/braindead because xy and z reasons. Not just go, eff you noobs injustice sucks! Or on the other end of the spectrum have people saying lrn2playnub when a match or many matches are clearly in a characters favor because of the broken mechanic of a trait or special.


Master of Quanculations
How dare you? My name is Under_The_Mayo, not Under The Mayo. Can you not see the underscores? You know, the horizontal lines SEPARATING each word? Are you stupid? I can't believe the audacity of some people on this site. Try paying attention for once in your sad insignificant life. And then maybe, just MAYBE, you won't misspell people's God-given names. Good day, sir.