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A Plea to TYMers


Too old for this Shit
I don't enjoy the bitching or the drama. I just have an opinion and I disagree with people in a mostly civilized manner. I say I think injustice is easy/broken/braindead because xy and z reasons. Not just go, eff you noobs injustice sucks! Or on the other end of the spectrum have people saying lrn2playnub when a match or many matches are clearly in a characters favor because of the broken mechanic of a trait or special.
Sorry Lumpy.. Wasn't referring to you in general.. You are bringing up valid points and thought out opinion.. I am talking about those that rage just to rage.. That troll just to troll and they don't like the game to boot .. Yet it has not left the tray since launch... Consider me baffled :)


Online Punching Bag
Sorry Lumpy.. Wasn't referring to you in general.. You are bringing up valid points and thought out opinion.. I am talking about those that rage just to rage.. That troll just to troll and they don't like the game to boot .. Yet it has not left the tray since launch... Consider me baffled :)
I didn't think it was directed at me specifically by any means. Was just stating that I'm not a fan of the arguing but I'm not just going to ignore sharing my input either. ;)


My blades will find your heart
How dare you? My name is Under_The_Mayo, not Under The Mayo. Can you not see the underscores? You know, the horizontal lines SEPARATING each word? Are you stupid? I can't believe the audacity of some people on this site. Try paying attention for once in your sad insignificant light. And then maybe, just MAYBE, you won't misspell people's God-given names. Good day, sir.
I still love you mayo



"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Its because the MK community is comprised of scrubs who were attracted to mk because of blood. I mean just look at the comments like "IGAU has no footsies" or "This game needs dash canceling", they literally expose themselves. Whats hilarious is how they claim the game is scrubby because they get their asses kicked by scrubs.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
People just need to learn how do dash right. If you see the car back dash. Take timing but it can be done. You can also mb f/b 3 and dash them aswell. You guys just need to take 10 min and think about what you did wrong.

Scorp is very good at the moment becouse he is new. im sure he will stay top.


I agree with the injustice being kinda scrubby, particularly interactables. But at the same time everybody needs to stop shit talking whichever one(injustice and mk9) they don't play. The console wars aren't even a war. Ps4 will win hands down.


I think the IGAU and MK community should respect each other I mean we're like brothers, we have the same creator, we should respect one another and everyone else...... except Capcom, they can go F#@^ themselves.


Zatanna for DLC!
Honestly this whole thing reminds me of another fateful day. When Blazblue came out. the GG vs BB scene was so silly. So I expect the same results. People bitching about why their game is better then the other. Honestly, if you don't like the game just don't post in IGAU/MK thread. I like IGAU, I really dislike MK. I have nothing against their community, I just don't like the game and therefore don't play it.​
I stay in my own little world. Anything that represents IGAU, I'll tag along because I really like the game. That's it though, I really don't need to hear stupid arguments about which game is best because that's your opinion. So really your best bet is stay out of pointless arguements and play the game that you want to play. If MK community wants they shit heard, they need to really focus on getting their community together instead bashing another Community. Guilty Gear players tried to bash on Blazblue. Guess what? It didn't work.... on top of that Blazblue doesn't have a scene anymore (or rarely). I guess since your community isn't relevant anymore we gotta destroy other communities?​
Just be like Vitrua Fighter community and accept it.​
I disagree with Injustice being a scrubby game necessarily but there are certainly aspects of the game that make matchups much more lopsided than they need to be. For instance, the lack of solid anti airs for the majority of the cast makes blocking jumping attacks that they clearly see coming almost the only option. Especially for characters like Ares with a crappy backdash and terrible b/f3 whereas a character like green lantern can grab for an easy combo and Aquaman can just mash d2. Then some characters get free safe options to get in that make zoning nearly useless like Scorpions teleport while characters like Bane who need to get in can only do a slow, easily punishable grab, even if he correctly reads the opponents move. The worst however is the interactibles, in theory they should be able to used equally by different characters but rather the lower tier characters such as Bane and Lobo are demolished by interactibles while solid characters like Scorpion and Batgirl can avoid every interactibles and full combo punish them. The game certainly has potential and can have high level footsies but if the interactibles are not toned down and the character balance evened out then this game will not stay a top fighter for long


My local scene organizes more than once a week, we have multiple streams that I don't even bother promoting on here any more and we've just created a facebook group to share all of our Injustice information on.

We get more accurate information sharing with eachother, we don't have to sift through all of the horse shit and we don't get a bunch of basement dwellers trying to butt heads with us and engage in pissing wars.

Where have all of the big MK9 scenes gone??? They still exist they just found new forms of communication because all of the new people coming in have ruined this site. Its what happened on shoryuken and its whats happening here now.


My blades will find your heart
My local scene organizes more than once a week, we have multiple streams that I don't even bother promoting on here any more and we've just created a facebook group to share all of our Injustice information on.

We get more accurate information sharing with eachother, we don't have to sift through all of the horse shit and we don't get a bunch of basement dwellers trying to butt heads with us and engage in pissing wars.

Where have all of the big MK9 scenes gone??? They still exist they just found new forms of communication because all of the new people coming in have ruined this site. Its what happened on shoryuken and its whats happening here now.
my scene kinda does this but its still nice to get differing opinions.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I love Injustice.

I dropped Green Arrow 3 days ago for Aquaman, and now I have a 90 game streak.

Injustice is the best game evar, I love laming people out with cheap shit. :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I like how everyone defense is always "Herp derp, if it's so easy win a major" Because I claimed I was the best. Amirite? Exactly, so stop trying to defend this joke of a game. If I want to jump around and throw shit, I'd play Smash Bros.
I love how you want to call this game scrubby like you're a scrub beating players known for being good in other games.

In all honesty, every fighting game has scrubby shit. But tell me this, has a scrub won anything in this game yet? I can't recall the last time that happened.

You can only call a game scrubby when said tactics allow someone who is clearly not good just up and win tournaments. Otherwise, you're just salty the game isn't playing how you want it to.


Ayy Lmao
I love how you want to call this game scrubby like you're a scrub beating players known for being good in other games.

In all honesty, every fighting game has scrubby shit. But tell me this, has a scrub won anything in this game yet? I can't recall the last time that happened.

You can only call a game scrubby when said tactics allow someone who is clearly not good just up and win tournaments. Otherwise, you're just salty the game isn't playing how you want it to.
Be happy man, no need to be upset. :)

This game has no fault, maybe minor ones, but nothing big. It's damn near perfect! :)

I love injustice! One of the most balanced pefect fighters I've played! Happy thoughts :) Hugs, not drugs! :)


King of the Jobbers 2015
If you have to pick up a top tier character to enjoy the game, do it.

God knows how many people picked up Kenshi in Mk9
LBSH, Injustice is a scrubby mess that rewards reckless gameplay and dumb gimmicks.
Also lol at 1 bar 45% long range easy to get in Aquaman, when GA only gets 25% from a super risky Freeze Arrow.



My blades will find your heart
LBSH, Injustice is a scrubby mess that rewards reckless gameplay and dumb gimmicks.
Also lol at 1 bar 45% long range easy to get in Aquaman, when GA only gets 25% from a super risky Freeze Arrow.

Werent you the one who created a thread right before launch that said no matter what, we should not cry about the game? You know how ironic that is right?

No one is making you play the game. If you hate it go back to MK9, no one is stopping you.

Lol at comparing a top tier character with a mid tier character. Compare Sonya's combos to mileenas combos, BALANCE.

Just because you are losing to stupid gimmicks does not mean the game is bad. It means you are not putting in enough work to be competent at the game.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Werent you the one who created a thread right before launch that said no matter what, we should not cry about the game? You know how ironic that is right?

No one is making you play the game. If you hate it go back to MK9, no one is stopping you.

Lol at comparing a top tier character with a mid tier character. Compare Sonya's combos to mileenas combos, BALANCE.

Just because you are losing to stupid gimmicks does not mean the game is bad. It means you are not putting in enough work to be competent at the game.

Just ignore Cossner and Rampage. They'll only decrease your brain cell count.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Werent you the one who created a thread right before launch that said no matter what, we should not cry about the game? You know how ironic that is right?

No one is making you play the game. If you hate it go back to MK9, no one is stopping you.

Lol at comparing a top tier character with a mid tier character. Compare Sonya's combos to mileenas combos, BALANCE.

Just because you are losing to stupid gimmicks does not mean the game is bad. It means you are not putting in enough work to be competent at the game.
Correction, I'm WINNING because stupid gimmicks.

The thread was about crying about nerfs*. They just did. The game has been out for a while, I think it's safe to see what's broken and what's not. People were crying for the dumbest shit back in the day, and they nerfed shit that didn't need to be nerfed.

I play both MK9 and Injustice.

You do realize, the whole point of balancing a FG is to have the most amount of characters have a fighting chance right? Apparently for GA that means nerfing tools randomly, giving him shit damage and shit range.

And I'm sorry, I'll sound extremely douchy right now but it's just to prove a point. I'll body you in Injustice foh sho, just as I 30-1 you at Dallas. SRY :X but it needed to be said lol, don't say "don't work enough to be competent at the game" lolz, I'm way better than 99% of TYM members will ever be e_e

Also, DangerousBacon is one of those Filthy new people who registered to an MK site to bash on MK. So there you go.

Btw, play Grundy vs Aqua, see if the game still seems as great. Poor grunster, he gets fucked no-lub in the ass with a cold wet pole.


Ayy Lmao
Just ignore Cossner and Rampage. They'll only decrease your brain cell count.
That's not nice to say :( We want everyone here to be happy and positive! :)

Some people think the game is bad, but it's not. We just need to stay positive and stay motivated to improve. :) This game's balance is near perfect.


Ayy Lmao
Cossner said:
LBSH, Injustice is a scrubby mess that rewards reckless gameplay and dumb gimmicks.
Also lol at 1 bar 45% long range easy to get in Aquaman, when GA only gets 25% from a super risky Freeze Arrow.

Cossner, buddy, think positive! NRS tried their best to make this one of the best fighters. :) We should be happy about that!
We just need to improve, nothing wrong with that. :) The game's balance is fine. :) Stay positive!