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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Oh really? Microsoft said they want to destroy consumer rights? I would love to see a quote of this.

What you do speaks louder than what you say.

Restricting used games and online is removing consumer rights.

Ergo, when microsoft say they want to do these things, they say they want to remove consumer rights.


Microsoft wants to take away consumer rights that consumers have had since gaming even started; the ability to share their games, the choice to not be monitored online, and to play offline.

Just because these things don't affect some, they'll go along with it. Just losing their rights.

This is how dictators end up getting into office in smaller countries. Because of people who won't be affected from the get go about the loss of their rights just because they get something they want in return. In this case it's a handful of games they want from the system.

In my line of work we call this by what we see it. Thanks though, at least now I know the mindset of the people who are actually going with Microsoft on this one. "Doesn't affect me! So why not support them?". The big picture doesn't mean much as long as you could play the games you want.

I don't agree at all, but in the end, yea, it's your opinions. Have fun.

Soooo does this mean you use a Mac or a PC?

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
No Simcity didn't always have to be online, but comparing Simcity and XBL is wishful thinking and hoping X1 fails as the newest Simcity suffered from poor design choices upon inception, and poor server load choices upon release. XBL, while it has had it's growing pains early on, has had minimal issues in the 11 years it has been running, and has been relatively without issue during it's life span.
lolwut http://www.policymic.com/articles/29213/simcity-drm-always-online-mode-results-in-disaster-for-gamers

anyway, why do people play and pay for World of War Craft? Or Eve Oniline? Or any number of always online conected experiences? Can't their Internet, and servers, and whatever else go out too? PC gaming as been doing what we are talking about right here for years, yet people just don't want to see benefits that an Internet conction can bring, and they only want to focus on the negatives because they don't want console gaming to change.
You really enjoy your straw man arguments don't you.

Look. It's your money. I don't give a shit what you do with it. But spreading misinformation through willful ignorance is...well...dumb. You are talking about specific games...notably, ones that have online in the fucking name of the genre. Sure, these games go down for maintenance, but that isn't stopping me from playing Half-life 2 or Battlefield 3 or any other mass list of games on PC. Having this feature on an entire console restricts everything on it. Which is the issue you seem to be blind to.

And I've still yet to see these oh so magical benefits that require an internet connection.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Again though, you were right before AA25Mamba. It is your opinion, and people should respect it. You're 100% right on that and you shouldn't be bashed for it.

But yea, you are losing choices and options that consumers have had for years. There is no getting around that.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Again though, you were right before AA25Mamba. It is your opinion, and people should respect it. You're 100% right on that and you shouldn't be bashed for it.

But yea, you are losing choices and options that consumers have had for years. There is no getting around that.
Exactly. It's like trying to argue Apples and Oranges.

But as to losing choices and options, I don't see it that way.


I think the real kicker here is when people try to tell me I'm loosing choices by going always online. I'm very perplexed by this thought because when I look at my gaming past... I've been an "always online" gamer since 1995. Diablo, SC, Tribes, Quake3, the list goes on.

Then I got a PS3 and people were just discovering chatting in-game.

Console gamers, yes, Welcome to NEXT GEN.



"I have to admit that when I first heard that Starsiege: Tribes was to be an on-line only game, I was a little disappointed."

This was written in 1999 folks. You are reading this correctly "on-line only game" or "always online" and "disappointment" in the same sentence in 1999 yet Tribes was phenomenal for its time and everyone who played it loved it to death.

It had 32 player multi player support (with a max of 128) in 1999. Next gen is barely scratching 64 players in 2013 with Battlefield 4. Tribes also had a record feature where you could record a demo of gaming session and could be uploaded and viewed by other gamers.

Next gen is finally getting these two features in 2013.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Didn't Microsoft say they were setting up for the future when they decided to back HD DVD versus Bluray?


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Not physically, but it will through cloud streaming in the future.
Ive straight given up on backwards compatibility these days, I read one reason many aren't doing it is supposedly on about 5% of users use. I am gonna buy a new PS3 though soon, because I still have one that was put back on launch day.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
Hey all this last new is just damn fucked up ?
Microsoft said the xbox one will support only some countries at launch and the other will be supported in the coming year 2014
The countries that xbox one live doesn't support yet
The xbox won't work there !!!
Because the 24 hours always online
I live in saudi arabia
And all the arabians countries r not supported !!!
So that means no arabian country support xbox one
I just want 2 say
What the fuck is microsoft doing here ?

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