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Official TYM E3 thread!


Tired, But Strong
Really hope Smash Bros. on the 3DS has netplay (and better yet, cross platform netplay with the Wii U ver.). Not interested in the game competitively, but I have a lot of fun with the series and dunno when I'm gonna get my hands on the Wii U ('specially with the need to save up for the PS4). In the worst case scenario, I'd love to be able to play it with my pals in the meantime on the portable version a la PSABR.

Game'll probably take forever to come out anyway, but you never know. Either way, it'd be a good sign of Nintendo understanding the importance of strong online multiplayer presence in gaming...


Get over here!
Really hope Smash Bros. on the 3DS has netplay (and better yet, cross platform netplay with the Wii U ver.). Not interested in the game competitively, but I have a lot of fun with the series and dunno when I'm gonna get my hands on the Wii U ('specially with the need to save up for the PS4). In the worst case scenario, I'd love to be able to play it with my pals in the meantime on the portable version a la PSABR.

Game'll probably take forever to come out anyway, but you never know. Either way, it'd be a good sign of Nintendo understanding the importance of strong online multiplayer presence in gaming...
I am pretty sure they are going cross-platform. Apparently they are joint developing them... so chances are looking good. :)


When's DragonBall?
KI, yes, but Halo isn't Halo anymore. From what we've seen from Destiny, it's looking like it's the true spiritual successor to Halo. The REAL Halo 4
Yes...Destiny looked awesome to me for what they did show,that game is promising so much more than that it's ridiculous. Thought it was beautiful so far,excited to see how far the rabbit hole goes and how everything works and looks. It's still early since it's not droppin til 2014 but I want to see more for sure,I'm fine leavin Halo behind with Destiny comin around the corner from the true parents of Halo anyways


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Just give me Sheik and Link, I don't need anyone else. Except Lucas. And Falco. I guess Luigi too... Oh! And...


Augmented Wallet Squeeze
At least Nintendo will have a really smooth Second place. There's no way in hell any M$ fanboy can defend that garbage of a Press Conference.

Hopefully, Nintendo will have good announcements when they get their time to shine.


I'll try to save some money and get the PS4 shortly after launch. I am pretty excited with it's launch lineup (PS3's sucked) and Sony's vision in the future of gaming is intriguing.

In other news, new Smash Bros and potential Zod reveal today, my day is made :)


When's DragonBall?
I'll try to save some money and get the PS4 shortly after launch. I am pretty excited with it's launch lineup (PS3's sucked) and Sony's vision in the future of gaming is intriguing.

In other news, new Smash Bros and potential Zod reveal today, my day is made :)
Yea today was AWESOME for the future of gaming,etc but I do wanna see some Zod dlc and Man of Steel on Friday!!! So much win this week


El Psy Congroo
I'm a big Gamefly user so it's a no brainer for me that if I want to play any next gen games on console I'll have to make the switch to PS4. Not really an issue, there's been practically no game for consoles that I've enjoyed deeply other than a few fighters in years and the few that I do enjoy outside of the fighters are indie games which are going to become more prevalent on PS4 anyways. I could just upgrade my PC but it'll take a bit more than 400 bucks for it to be worth it. Looks like I need to get off my lazy ass and get a job now.

Thankfully there aren't too many launch titles I care much for. A shame if Quantum Break, Ryze, Titanfall and Project Spark are all exclusive to Xbox because they all look to have potential. I long for some good mech games, parkour and tech mechanics done right and although Titanfall looks a bit too COD esque at times with the sprinting and ADS shooting other aspects look neat. Also KI being exclusive is sad but after seeing who the developer is, that it's f2p and it's never going to be in large scale tournaments(assuming the always online goes through) I've lost interest. I'm also looking forward to being able to play PS3 games that I never had a chance to with PS4's inevitable cloud backlog game library they were talking about briefly. Guessing it's not backwards compatible but if I can play The Last of Us this will do. Destiny looks like a much improved version of Defiance. The Division looks like the game of show this year so far. It's ambitious and beautiful. I wish I could get a competitive multiplayer game that didn't play like COD or some other realistic esque game but I'm kinda used to it. No Red Factions, Bioshock 2s, Shadowruns or Monday Night Combats in the foreseeable future sadly.

Dead Rising 3 looks like they sucked the comedic life out of it, doesn't look bad just kinda tired. Gritty zombie game, woooo zzzz. If they can make the controls feel good this time it might be worth a rental, I always hated how clunky Dead Rising felt. Below is a minimalistic platformer it seems like, looks neat. Beautiful to look at, might be odd to play with the camera so zoomed out.

Watch Dogs still looks great, new gameplay we got still looks like a great step in the right direction for next gen games. Splinter Cell Blacklist is meh except for the return of Spies vs Mercs which anyone who played Chaos Theory knows is amazingly fun. Typical AC stuff, don't care. The Crew seemed kinda interesting and I'm not a huge fan of car games, other than arcadey ones like Mario Kart, Blur, that sort of thing. A common theme this E3 seems to be this open world immersive blending between single player and multiplayer which I think is really neat.

As for the Sony conference, some cool stuff but not too many exclusives. The Order 1886 and Mad Max could be awesome, but all we got were CGI trailers. Never played KH but that was exciting cause I always hear people asking for it every E3. I need to see more of the indie titles as well as Knack. Could be some good stuff there, gotta go back through and watch. The Dark Sorceror could be fun, although I have no idea what it is, the 3rd wall breaking meta humor was cool enough to get me interested. I think the addition of Diablo 3 is also, as someone who can't play it on my PC. I still want to play Torchlight 2 on consoles too. Killzone and Infamous are meh, whatever. Not very interested. Main shit here is of course the announcements of the price and used games and online drm regulations which are a breathe of fresh air for me because I had 0 interest in new consoles cause I figured both would offer no substance of games and just be hassles to play on due to this shit. Thankfully at least one company isn't going full retard.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
And now i can finally stream our 3rd world shit live, PS4 rules, unlike other console who was forcing us to stay online all the time, PS4 helps us with easy beginner streaming feature.

Can't wait to Mk10 (hopefully not Xbox ONE exclusive) to start using this feature, with my fellow TYM brothers

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Alright, so now that the first day is over and done and I've had my lulz, I'ma actually give a legit 2 cents. Prepare for the long read!

Undoubtedly, the PS4 has far and away destroyed the Xbox One as far as the console war goes. I feel Microsoft will pull their heads out of their ass and denounce DRM and the need to sync once every 24, which would be good, but unfortunately for them, the damage has already been done. With the additional need of the Kinect2 being enforced upon its users (which brings a whole slew of additional questionable things to light) and an intergral part of of the Xbox One, it only hinders the console further unless there are ways to truely keep it from interfering from the actual gaming, and more importantly, day to day lives. Also, confining themselves to a release date (or at least a specific month) has narrowed any chance of fixing said problems before release.

PS4, on the other hand, has come straight out and said exactly what everyone wanted (needed) to hear concerning the major issues Xbox One was ignoring. They seized a golden opportunity and plunged the dagger even deeper with a 399$ price tag.

As far as games go, I feel both systems were very impressive. Xbox One has 15 confirmed exclusives and PS4 has 20 confirmed exclusives up to this point.

For Xbox One: Sunset Overdrive, Crimson Dragon and Quantum Break looked fantastic. Ryse, while beautiful to look at, was unfortunately very heavy in the QTE department, thus killing what could be a great game from the start. Titanfall looked good, but also seemed a little stiff and too Call of Duty-ish instead of more Mech Warrior: Lone Wolf-ish. Killer Instict 3 looked "okay" and remains to be seen (so unfortunate that it is exclusive). Forza 5, Halo, and Dead Rising 3, while not my particular cup of tea, were still expected and welcome. Project Spark, to me, seems like a glorified Little Big Planet where only the creative will thrive and will limit its player base. One big thing that could help or hurt Xbox One is their ride-or-die investment into blockbuster type gaming. Halo will certainly do well with its strong following, and Black Tusk Studios' slight (though pure CG) teaser looked promising, the remaining 3 unnamed remains to be seen and gameplay is unknown. Anyone of these are very make-or-break.

For PS4: The Order, Infamous: Second Son, and the new Killzone: Shadow Fall looked great. As did the big indie title Transistor (which will be a day one for me :D ), and of course SquareEnix's showing of FFXV (or still 13vs...I'm not sure, was a little confusing) and the bigger announcement, Kingdom Hearts 3 (both of which may or may not be exclusive? have to wait and see). You also have Drive Club and the teaser for Mad Max looked good as well. Knack was also a fun looking, traditional platformer. And of course Destiny, the potential Halo rival, looked outstanding. But the big kicker for me is that unlike the Xbox One, who is investing on big blockbusters, Sony has instead invested in a slew of indie games, several of which look damn good including the Metal Slug look alike Mercenary Kings, a brawler in Secret Ponchos, and the impressive horror game in Outlast. What stands out most about this is Sony's willingness to invest in the small upstarts that would be more capable of creating a lasting, memorable game instead of going with Xbox One's "too big to fail" montage. What is even more impressive, is 3 indie titles will be free on Day 1 for PS+ members, showing they are committed to the community of both developers and gamers alike. Impressive to say the least.

As for the non-exclusives: Mirror's Edge 2 was extremely hype and while I'm not big on FPS, Battlefield 4 looking amazing. MGS5 and AC: Black Flag looked good (MGS more so than AC). The Crew also looked like a solid arcade racer that I could really get into. But the two killers for me were easily Watchdogs and The Division. Watchdogs took the basic concept of Assassin's Creed and developed it in a far more creative way. As for The Division, this sincerely looked to be a potential GOTY candidate and was truely remarkable in it's detail and gameplay. An absolute Day 1 buy for me. No...I'm serious...look at this shit:

From the grandscale of things and lighting, to the small things like bullet effects to the even smaller detail of him shutting the car door as he walks by it. Fucking amazing. I love it.

All-in-all I thought this was an impressive E3 showcase and honestly, I haven't been this excited about gaming in a long time. I can't wait to see what else is in store from other developers and publishers and I honestly hope Nintendo can step up and impress today.


Killer Instict 3 looked "okay" and remains to be seen (so unfortunate that it is exclusive).
I don't think that anyone should call that "Killer Instinct 3" ... it would be Killer Instinct 3 if it was a real game, but the shit they will release is something developed by a bad developer (no matter how disrespectful and evil that sounds ... their track record is simply not good and the games were generic and repetetive) and broken into pieces to sell it to you partially.
There is no concern about the gamers, who wanted Killer Instinct 3 and not Killer Microtransactions.