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Official TYM E3 thread!


I'm guessing Sony really wanted ubisoft to show AC at their conference, which made them hand over a rushed and really unpolished demo. That, or the guy wasn't even playing the game and what we saw was prerecorded gameplay. I'm doubtful of this though since we heard audio continue to play while the video froze.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So far so good. KH3 and indie shit. Indie shit is good.

Late though. And that problem with black flag.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Correct. "But the world is ever changing" along with the title of the game. Glad to see they didn't shelve this game too.
That's what had me confused lol, I weren't sure if they were meant to be hinting at something else entirely haha


I have been waiting for close to 6 years for a sequel I never thought would come. Earlier today I made a joke about KH3 never being confirmed... I am so happy. I can feel the tears flowing! :D

I guess this secures my purchase of the Ps4.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if kh3 doesn't come out til like 10 years from now. SE games always feel like they take forever to come out.