Now I respect all fans of Killer Instinct, but to buy a system as bad as the Xbox One just for 1 game is kinda silly. Yes the game looked hyped, but look at who is developing it. From my knowledge it's double helix games, the same people who made Silent Hill: Homecoming. If they can't get a survival horror right then what makes you think they can get a fighting game right? If they are developing this game then allow me to link you to what games they actually developed as well.
Wow, what a list of games that have failed. Are you sure you guys are really that hyped? Hey, I could be wrong and the game could be great, but to leave a game like Killer Instinct, a game that has so much weight and following behind it, in the hand of a company that has made travesty after travesty is just ludicrous. Here is to praying.