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The XBox One's Official Policies


Filthy Casual
So how many of you use facebook and twitter? Look how NRS wanted us to use that social media crap just so we could vote or get a arrow skin.....If you don't like being tracked get your ass to Alaska. That's completely 100% ok with most of people because that's socially accepted, this way of gaming will soon follow...


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
They have also said now ...no having to check in online and that used games will work the same as this gen...and announced a couple free to play games...
The question is will the games make everyone look past all of this...because even if it don't effect youu now it shows you what direction the companies are going....

Sent under duress.
The E3 showing is going to get them some sales, I am certain of that, there is going to be a large amount of uninformed consumers and people that don't care about this and just want their games, but this time around, with the economy the way it is currently and how social media has changed many things, consumers are more informed than they were before in past gens and this is likely going to hurt MS pretty bad. There is trully no way to repaint this picture from what it is.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
So how many of you use facebook and twitter? Look how NRS wanted us to use that social media crap just so we could vote or get a arrow skin.....If you don't like being tracked get your ass to Alaska. That's completely 100% ok with most of people because that's socially accepted, this way of gaming will soon follow...
You are correct to an extent, but eventually a line gets drawn and I feel right now we are finally seeing that line. Look at today's gen and also look at the state of the PC market, we have thus far seen the games and software with the most restrictive policies losing in sales in a very bad way. The last DRM scheme that made millions was D3, Sim City and several others not so much. Consumers are waking up you can see that in many reflective sales, just research SFxT and how they no where near made their projected sales shortly after the exposure of the on disk DLC scam they ran.

It also quite aparrent even the media(game journalists and mainstream media such as CNN) aren't even trying to polish this news up as consumer friendly. They will get sales mark my words they will, but overall they will be hurt in the process. Sony and Nintendo have been acting way more friendly on the consumers' demands and MS has given them the finger ever chance they got. Again I say it good ol' Boogie said it best, " Sony already won the console war, just by showing up and not being assholes".

I will agree though Mao you do argue valid points...


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Kinect is always on and always listening as well.
They are really pushing adverts.
This is an 'all in one' box. Well, I already have sky, I already have skype on my computer... I don't really want skype on my TV or TV which I already have on my TV.

So whats left? Mandatory kinect? No thanks. Kinect is utter shit. Plus, the always on nature of the kinect makes this into a telescreen from 1984.

I just wanted to play games man. Video games. I didn't want TV, skype or being monitored by microsoft.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I'm curious to know what happens if you don't connect your Xbox online for more than 24 hours.
As it is stated you will only have access to a limited amount of functions for the TV hook ups and be able to us ethe DVD player, you will not be allowed to play any of your games!!!


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
As it is stated you will only have access to a limited amount of functions for the TV hook ups and be able to us ethe DVD player, you will not be allowed to play any of your games!!!

I'm sure our armed forces and people who are swapping ISP will be really happy.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I'm sure our armed forces and people who are swapping ISP will be really happy.
Considering I am vet and have been there, yeah our military isn't gonna buy into this either, considering most of our sailors and soldiers are CoD nutz they will get there fill with the PS4.

Honestly I think this is why PS4 will win the war and WiiU is gonna wind up with more games eventually. Publishers are gonna go where the money is and if the XB1 isn't selling and the PS4 and WiiU is they will flock to them.


As it is stated you will only have access to a limited amount of functions for the TV hook ups and be able to us ethe DVD player, you will not be allowed to play any of your games!!!

So basically they want 1 online check in order to play games and if you don't they disable your gaming until you check online?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'd like to point out just for the record the majority of people were saying the same things about the PS3 (hurp durp, I want a real gaming console, not a blu-ray player and it's not worth buying one just for MGS4) when it was confirmed $600/£400 and the 360 was around $400/£200 lol

It'll be interesting to see how much of a devil DRM really is if the difference in RRP is that drastic again.

I digress, unless it turns out to be more like the original 2001 Xbox, I don't see much incentive either, a lot of major video game corporations just tend to have a massive arrogance brainfart by the time they get around to their third console, Atari 5200, N64, Sega Saturn, PS3 etc..


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I'd like to point out just for the record the majority of people were saying the same things about the PS3 (hurp durp, I want a real gaming console, not a blu-ray player and it's not worth buying one just for MGS4) when it was confirmed $600/£400 and the 360 was around $400/£200 lol

It'll be interesting to see how much of a devil DRM really is if the difference in RRP is that drastic again.

I digress, unless it turns out to be more like the original 2001 Xbox, I don't see much incentive either, a lot of major video game corporations just tend to have a massive arrogance brainfart by the time they get around to their third console, Atari 5200, N64, Sega Saturn, PS3 etc..

PS3 flopped initially though. No games and more cost and a year late.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I want my voice-activated TV lol.

In all honesty, I'll probably get one if I have the opportunity. New games don't even really excite me much anymore, anyway...games have been shit for a good while, excluding fighting games and the rare gem of a game that graces our presence maybe once or twice a year.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
PS3 flopped initially though. No games and more cost and a year late.
PS2 came out a year later than the Dreamcast, was much harder to develop for, had no online, games (unless we're gonna pretend a graphically enhanced port of Tekken Tag satisfied everyone for a year) and cost more too.

Bottom line being, it wasn't $600 lol


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
So basically they want 1 online check in order to play games and if you don't they disable your gaming until you check online?
Precisley as I said, no check in no gaming!!!

I'd like to point out just for the record the majority of people were saying the same things about the PS3 (hurp durp, I want a real gaming console, not a blu-ray player and it's not worth buying one just for MGS4) when it was confirmed $600/£400 and the 360 was around $400/£200 lol

It'll be interesting to see how much of a devil DRM really is if the difference in RRP is that drastic again.

I digress, unless it turns out to be more like the original 2001 Xbox, I don't see much incentive either, a lot of major video game corporations just tend to have a massive arrogance brainfart by the time they get around to their third console, Atari 5200, N64, Sega Saturn, PS3 etc..
The issue here is not that XB1 is focusing on features outside the realm of gaming, which already affected them in a negavtive way, it is here they are trying to literally control every aspect of their system, as if you are only renting the system. They feel that the box itself belongs to them regardless if you paid for it. They will restrict your access to your paid content simply because you didn't check in with them first. I understandt your view about how bad can the DRM be, but need only look allready what has been done with DRM today on the PC(essentially what the XB1 is going to be) Single Player games with and forced online conncetion to play(Diablo 3, several older Ubisoft titles, and Sim City), Allowing only a limited number of re-installs on the SAME computer(Spore), which also altered your registry unknowingly. Locking customers from accessing content(Origin), On disc DLC(SfxT), as well as Day 1 DLC(ME3), online passes(EA Games mostly). I'm certain there are examples I didn't mention, but those are just to name a few. These practices strip your right of ownership, it allows them to say WHEN, WHERE, and , HOW you will utilyze their product. It gives them the ability to 100% control and monitor you and then they have the authority to remove your ability to use the product regardless if you paid for it. Everytime you sign a End User Liscense Agreement(EULA), you have waived your rights as a consumer and have given them full consent to whatever is written in said contract.

This issue with the Kinect is huge as well, simply put currently a federal,state, and local law enforcement agency can warrant an ISP to sieze one's personal e-mail, now with your giving consent to use the XB1 you have waived you right to privacy and now these agencies have the ability to sieze this data that is collected on you as you play your XB1 or even while its just in standby(with the use of a warrant of course), if that doesn't scare anyone read up on the Patrot Act.

Now compare these issues with last gen's complaints about the PS3, "DaFuq a Blu-ray player I want games not movies"

Sorry for a wall of text I just wanted to point these things out fully for those who do not fully understand.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
It's cool, I understand everyone's frustrations and concerns. I just find it a a little hard to believe Microsoft would be obnoxious enough to go to the extent of this for the sake of revenue, considering it's a relative fluke that they're at where they are today. And they're not exactly at the forefront of the industry with a monopoly on their hands like Atari, Nintendo and Sony have had at some point or another, either, they're going 50/50 with Sony.

That's why I say they must be banking on the PS4 having a significantly higher upfront cost or something. As much as it worked last gen, because the mass market didn't see proprietary hardware and subscription fees coming together, they simply saw "cheaper console that was able to play GTA4". I don't see Kaz Hirai ever wanting to go down that route again considering they didn't have a profitable fiscal year until 2010, and they're both architecturally similar in design.

This isn't necessarily the way I see any of this, but in short, I can't believe MS would be this stupid lol.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
It's cool, I understand everyone's frustrations and concerns. I just find it a a little hard to believe Microsoft would be obnoxious enough to go to the extent of this for the sake of revenue, considering it's a relative fluke that they're at where they are today. And they're not exactly at the forefront of the industry with a monopoly on their hands like Atari, Nintendo and Sony have had at some point or another, either, they're going 50/50 with Sony.

That's why I say they must be banking on the PS4 having a significantly higher upfront cost or something. As much as it worked last gen, because the mass market didn't see proprietary hardware and subscription fees coming together, they simply saw "cheaper console that was able to play GTA4". I don't see Kaz Hirai ever wanting to go down that route again considering they didn't have a profitable fiscal year until 2010, and they're both architecturally similar in design.

This isn't necessarily the way I see any of this, but in short, I can't believe MS would be this stupid lol.
PS4 will likely have the better price point here simply due to its developer friendly design. MS is an arrogant company and they always have been, they have always come out and said here is the future of technology and guess what don't like it your getting it anyway. They are banking on the E3 showing to overshadow there anti-consumerist practices and policies. They feel that since the X-Box is a brand that is highly popular and well recieved that the XB1 is an instant profit regardless of what they do with it.


Too old for this Shit
Precisley as I said, no check in no gaming!!!

The issue here is not that XB1 is focusing on features outside the realm of gaming, which already affected them in a negavtive way, it is here they are trying to literally control every aspect of their system, as if you are only renting the system. They feel that the box itself belongs to them regardless if you paid for it. They will restrict your access to your paid content simply because you didn't check in with them first. I understandt your view about how bad can the DRM be, but need only look allready what has been done with DRM today on the PC(essentially what the XB1 is going to be) Single Player games with and forced online conncetion to play(Diablo 3, several older Ubisoft titles, and Sim City), Allowing only a limited number of re-installs on the SAME computer(Spore), which also altered your registry unknowingly. Locking customers from accessing content(Origin), On disc DLC(SfxT), as well as Day 1 DLC(ME3), online passes(EA Games mostly). I'm certain there are examples I didn't mention, but those are just to name a few. These practices strip your right of ownership, it allows them to say WHEN, WHERE, and , HOW you will utilyze their product. It gives them the ability to 100% control and monitor you and then they have the authority to remove your ability to use the product regardless if you paid for it. Everytime you sign a End User Liscense Agreement(EULA), you have waived your rights as a consumer and have given them full consent to whatever is written in said contract.

This issue with the Kinect is huge as well, simply put currently a federal,state, and local law enforcement agency can warrant an ISP to sieze one's personal e-mail, now with your giving consent to use the XB1 you have waived you right to privacy and now these agencies have the ability to sieze this data that is collected on you as you play your XB1 or even while its just in standby(with the use of a warrant of course), if that doesn't scare anyone read up on the Patrot Act.

Now compare these issues with last gen's complaints about the PS3, "DaFuq a Blu-ray player I want games not movies"

Sorry for a wall of text I just wanted to point these things out fully for those who do not fully understand.
Patriot Act, Facebook, tapped house phones, alien technology that control my smart phone, or the demons lurking in my kinect do not bother me AT all. Like all modern technology.. You must do your homework on how and why it works... Ever check in somewhere on FB? yup, your smart phone is now a blip on the radar.. ever see that FB post.."FAMILY GOING ON A LONG NEEDED VACATION..SEE YOU WHEN WE GET BACK!!" (aka: my house is empty.. come ROB us)..PEOPLE ARE STUPID, and too lazy to do homework.As of right this second, your cable television is "rented" at a crazy high rate, rent an apartment? That's hundreds/thousands into a black hole... How about pictures now a days? Do you realize,(take a wedding for example) that your photographer OWNS your image from your big day, and you ultimately have to pay him to release consent of YOUR own image so you can get/make copies.. And if you somehow find/circumvent that process- it is piracy... IT IS PICTURES OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY/FRIENDS!!!!
The season passes, Downloadable content, DiscLocked content, greedy, lazy developers out to make a buck does not affect me AT all.. If I am enjoying a game, or a franchise and I have to toss a few bones to get MORE fun out of it.. I'm in. "But its content you already bought that you are buying again!" BULLSHIT.. If it is not on Disc at time of purchase, it is add ons and is completely optional to buy at that point. Clearly you know no one who goes to a bar/club an drops $100 a night to be hung over the next day... again, $5 DLC.. THATS FOR ME!! Can we look at the issue from a business standpoint and not one of a slighted child?
This is a twisted, cynical, ever evolving, technological world we live in my friend.. this is not the 1930's..
But at the end of the day 2 facts remain in my case:

1) I do nothing wrong to worry about spyware "invading" my privacy..what is the boogey man gonna get out of me? Watching Game of Thrones with my hand down my pants Al Bundy style? "They" will tune out very quickly! That I play RPG's, fighters and action games? GOOD! Maybe they can use that info to produce more and BETTR of what I play..

2) I get a system to game.. Plain and simple.. Enjoyment, stress relief, time killer.. So as long as games come out that I enjoy, or that look like they can fulfill my needs.. I'm in.

To this day the Feds have not raided my house, have not confiscated my console, I have not been hacked, robbed, or anything else that threatens my or my families way of life.. I HAVE on the other hand enjoyed MANY movies, games, shows, and all other media from my Xbox..If 6 months after launch the XB1 is not to my satisfaction... I will check other avenues then.. But I am going to make my own informed decision... Thanks.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
xWEBSx: You kinda missed the mark there though, for one given the nature of my current employment I will state you shouldn't be putting much personal information on the web, such as facebook and what not and you should be practicing proper internet security.

The idea that you have no problem circumventing your freedom and rights for the sake of enterainment is somewhat off, why should you do this, why should this be allowed. So it is ok that if you paid your hard earned money for something that a company can tell you "sorry you are no longer allowed to use that because we don't want you to".

You are viewing this from the wrong angle my friend and I am not trying to say you are wrong, I am only trying to sya look at it frrom a different perspective. The perspective your viewing is one-sided and should be viewed from different angles.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Please sony, do not go this route, no one wants it. There is no need for stupid regulation. All we want to do is have a few beers with some friends and play some videogames. Sony please don't make that complicated.


xbl-OBS trustinme
If I pour piping hot gravy into the tape deck will it still play my aha headlines and deadlines album?