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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread

I have to disagree with Harley not being viable in tournament play...I placed Top 8 (7th to be exact) in the ATL Injustice tournament which had some of the strongest players you'll see at this game atm...while alot of my matches were uphill battles not once did I feel that it was impossible to win...I even pulled off the impossible on stream by defeating Doomsday with Harley...I've read in these forums how many consider it her worst matchup...Now I truly feel Harley only isn't viable if the player doesn't know what he's doing against his opponent (I lost to Hawkgirl & Ares due to lack of matchup experience & they were good players) besides that Harley is a very solid character with no real flaws when the player is on point...idk if anyone agrees but thats how I feel on Harley as a character.

I don't think Doomsday is a bad match for Harley at this point, I just don't think a lot of people know how to fight him. I think the match is pretty fun TBH.

Similarly, I don't think Harley is good, I think people in general just don't have a lot of experience against her. Doing well with a low-tier character, when the game is pretty new and people don't know all their matchups yet, isn't all that unusual, but I'd love to be wrong and see Harley players still doing OK 6 months down the line.


Too old for this Shit
Which I agree. I enjoy winning my matches with harley than any other character in this game cause I know it not an easy mode character that I have to earn it lol
This is exactly it.. Harley wins have to be earned..


Even if she isn't good my execution will be stellar after practicing and using these crazy combos. ;3


Like Father, Like Daughter
Wins most certainly do feel satisfying with Harley anyway considering a lot of matchups are uphill battles :p


Clipeum Aurea
Ronald, could you elaborate on using the f1,3 ender and how it helps with the mixup game?

Something like this: b22, TS1, B3, J2, f1, 3 for around 30%.

f1, 3 is hard knockdown when hits airborne opp in a juggle(i think. Never had anyone roll out of it), and allows you to:

- ff, TS1
- SS, TS1
- ff, B3
- ff, F3(and all that comes with it in my thread)
- ff, JI2
- cupcake/MB cupcake. Exact range of cupcake.

In other news, i haz sig now. Gratz me.


After b3 in a combo ji3 112 does more damage and gives a hard knockdown. While f13 gives a weird bounce it doesn't give a hard knockdown and they can techroll after the first bounce.

Anyway, I want to discuss safety of Tantrum 1. I visited a friend yesterday and played a lot of Injustice and I was confused how he, with GL, sometimes could punish TS1 on block and sometimes not and we discovered that TS1 is 100% safe on block against GL UNLESS it was cancelled out of f2 on block.

blocked f2xxTS1 = Punishable by jabs, so at least -7 on block.
2xxTS1 / 12xxTS1 / raw TS1 / SSxxTS1 etc. = Not punishable by jabs, so at least better than -7 on block.

Any idea why it behaves like this?

EDIT: This was 1.03. Apparantly TS1 is -7 on block now regularly. Fucking shit.

And Harley REALLY needs to get her random elements removed, like pop-pop misfire. It's ridiculous to have such a RNG in a fighter... I can live with random traits as it's so fucking useless anyway that I won't use it, but against some characters I like to set up some pressure with charged pop-pop.
Man I wish I had a capture card. I found some totally gross corner interactable setups/loops tonight and it'd be easier to explain if I could just make a video of it, lol. Maybe I'll try making a video with my ghetto phone camera.


Filthy Casual
And Harley REALLY needs to get her random elements removed, like pop-pop misfire. It's ridiculous to have such a RNG in a fighter... I can live with random traits as it's so fucking useless anyway that I won't use it, but against some characters I like to set up some pressure with charged pop-pop.
I'd rather have the opposite actually. Keep the random dud chance for full charged Pop-Pop IF the trait handled differently. Hell I'm surprised that they didn't put a dud item in Harley's trait box as well since...ya know...it's Harley Quinn! Honestly, it's like they designed her with these cutsy "personality flairs" at the expense of some critical gameplay mechanics.


Like Father, Like Daughter
Harley got stealth nerfed, that -7 carthwheel in frame data is correct, I got someone to punish it with GL's 7f jab.

This is a huge nerf imo, it means she can't get away with cartwheel vs certain characters now, and it makes punishing it a lot easier for those with 6f normals.

I think NRS hates Harley lol.


I'd much prefer getting a stealth buff for a change but since I don't plan on becoming the next evo champion anytime soon I think I can live with it.


Too old for this Shit
Harley got stealth nerfed, that -7 carthwheel in frame data is correct, I got someone to punish it with GL's 7f jab.

This is a huge nerf imo, it means she can't get away with cartwheel vs certain characters now, and it makes punishing it a lot easier for those with 6f normals.

I think NRS hates Harley lol.
OUT"F'ing"STANDING.... ................................

I mean.. It's an original move set.. The TS to follow up... It is somewhat mirrored in other fighters and given to more technical characters.. Yet they just want to keep it useless as give us all LESS reason to use it and MAKE Harley have to jump in....making it punishable by 6 frame moves, making EVERY single option able to be blocked low.. It is one slap in the face after another...


Meow Hoes
I think he's saying with tge F1 3 that u whiff the F1 as the opponent is getting up so that way the 3 hits em free if they block low...am i right on that?
I do this all the time.. but wake ups have gotten better and easier to do. It has been getting me blown up

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Too old for this Shit
I do this all the time.. but wake ups have gotten better and easier to do. It has been getting me blown up

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
The new/fixed wake up on first available frame blow up Harley's former meaty options against say.. GL. Prior patch she could land the whiffed F1,3 and land the 3 meaty or a meaty JI1/2/3 to beat wake up.. Now he is getting woken up on..


Meow Hoes
The new/fixed wake up on first available frame blow up Harley's former meaty options against say.. GL. Prior patch she could land the whiffed F1,3 and land the 3 meaty or a meaty JI1/2/3 to beat wake up.. Now he is getting woken up on..
Yup...NRS hates harley

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Why would they give her the most useless risky trait in the game, a move that randomly does nothing and gives her a really shitty recovery that allows every character to land a full fucking combo in the most undeserved way in the history of fighters and nerfs every single patch? Are they that determined to make her a bottom tier joke? Seriously, what's with this RNG-crap? This is a fighter, no serious fighter have RNG's. I mean, why not fuck her over more by RANDOMLY make her guns jam on all gun-related moves? Smash Bros Brawl was so well recieved, why not give Harley the random-tripping-over-mechanics? Right now it fits her better than any Brawl-character.

Come on NRS, if you think that a slow low slide that gives a combo should be punishable then why the fuck aren't you touching Killer Frost? Her slide is fucking half screen and way safer than Men Without Hats ever were.

I look at every patch-note and laugh like a maniac as I'm driven insane by RNS hate towards my character of choice - and thus I become her...

Superman SB still +1 on block... But we're getting a new cool skin, which is arguably the best buff she ever had.


Too old for this Shit
Why would they give her the most useless risky trait in the game, a move that randomly does nothing and gives her a really shitty recovery that allows every character to land a full fucking combo in the most undeserved way in the history of fighters and nerfs every single patch? Are they that determined to make her a bottom tier joke? Seriously, what's with this RNG-crap? This is a fighter, no serious fighter have RNG's. I mean, why not fuck her over more by RANDOMLY make her guns jam on all gun-related moves? Smash Bros Brawl was so well recieved, why not give Harley the random-tripping-over-mechanics? Right now it fits her better than any Brawl-character.

Come on NRS, if you think that a slow low slide that gives a combo should be punishable then why the fuck aren't you touching Killer Frost? Her slide is fucking half screen and way safer than Men Without Hats ever were.

I look at every patch-note and laugh like a maniac as I'm driven insane by RNS hate towards my character of choice - and thus I become her...

Superman SB still +1 on block... But we're getting a new cool skin, which is arguably the best buff she ever had.
I feel your pain/anger man... And not to bring down your last point a well.. But the new skin is nothing but a re-do/re-take of her classic costume.. So we have Arkham, Insurgency, and 3 variations of her Classic costume....................


Too old for this Shit
Phoenix Wright in UMVC3 does and joke characters in general might have RNGs.

I have a feeling Harley is Phoenix Wright of this game.
Again.. I would love to tastefully argue this point.. But all evidence points to your sound logic being correct.. (See what I did there w/Phoenix Wright and evidence?) god it's depressing......


Yeah it sucks but we just have to keep trucking through cause I have a feeling eventually shell get the buffs she deserve. other wise I think NRS should have just made the game of the Supes, GL, Batman, DS and Doom as the characters or just not put her in the game if she just keep getting no love by the dev team like this.

But I say fuck them I out to prove a point, Harley gonna be the next Adon


Like Father, Like Daughter
Well Hsien Ko in Darkstalkers is a pretty top tier character and has RNG elements.

I think we just need to stay positive as hard it is lol, she might be top tier next week before we know it :p

But in saying that, it's hard to stay positive when we don't know what they're gonna do with the game, I really wish they would just leave the game to settle.