Some Dude
I have to disagree with Harley not being viable in tournament play...I placed Top 8 (7th to be exact) in the ATL Injustice tournament which had some of the strongest players you'll see at this game atm...while alot of my matches were uphill battles not once did I feel that it was impossible to win...I even pulled off the impossible on stream by defeating Doomsday with Harley...I've read in these forums how many consider it her worst matchup...Now I truly feel Harley only isn't viable if the player doesn't know what he's doing against his opponent (I lost to Hawkgirl & Ares due to lack of matchup experience & they were good players) besides that Harley is a very solid character with no real flaws when the player is on point...idk if anyone agrees but thats how I feel on Harley as a character.
I don't think Doomsday is a bad match for Harley at this point, I just don't think a lot of people know how to fight him. I think the match is pretty fun TBH.
Similarly, I don't think Harley is good, I think people in general just don't have a lot of experience against her. Doing well with a low-tier character, when the game is pretty new and people don't know all their matchups yet, isn't all that unusual, but I'd love to be wrong and see Harley players still doing OK 6 months down the line.