DJ L Toro
GGA Dizzy Tom Brady and shogunoflive have all suggested some rules for stage select in tournament, but i think they all fall short of the ideal.
I think the problem with having random every match (Dizzy's idea) is that you can see which level because of the background. It's because levels are so important that knowing which level you will be playing in before you start is a HUGE advantage.
That being said, Brady's rules have the same problem for the first match and the 50/50 problem for the rest.
Shogun's rules also seem to benefit the loser a bit more, but still carry the problem of the 50/50.
So here's my solution:
What if instead of just using what is in the background, player 1 selects that and player 2 had to press 3 (X or A, depending on the system) twice causing a random 50/50 (because p2 level select's starting spot is random) thus on a loss you dont just counterpick the right character for the "random" level in the background and the 50/50 picks between 2 random levels selected by the game, not the players. This would solve the unbalanced level problem (because the odds of reselecting that level are still going to be less than 2%), solves the problem of seening the "random" level in the background, and is probably the most fair system that has been suggested thus far.
Every match could just be the level that player 2 randomly starts on (this one has been suggested to me, and it doesnt seem like a bad idea, so i'd also like to open up discussion of this idea).
What do you think? could this be used at least in part of the process? Maybe for the first match but let loser pick? or maybe only after the first match? Either way we need to decide on something more fair than 50/50 every time, loser picks, or always what's in the background. those all have problems and limit the legitimacy of the match in my opinion (because if you always play on a favorable map did you really outplay your opponent?).
I think the problem with having random every match (Dizzy's idea) is that you can see which level because of the background. It's because levels are so important that knowing which level you will be playing in before you start is a HUGE advantage.
That being said, Brady's rules have the same problem for the first match and the 50/50 problem for the rest.
Shogun's rules also seem to benefit the loser a bit more, but still carry the problem of the 50/50.
So here's my solution:
What if instead of just using what is in the background, player 1 selects that and player 2 had to press 3 (X or A, depending on the system) twice causing a random 50/50 (because p2 level select's starting spot is random) thus on a loss you dont just counterpick the right character for the "random" level in the background and the 50/50 picks between 2 random levels selected by the game, not the players. This would solve the unbalanced level problem (because the odds of reselecting that level are still going to be less than 2%), solves the problem of seening the "random" level in the background, and is probably the most fair system that has been suggested thus far.
Every match could just be the level that player 2 randomly starts on (this one has been suggested to me, and it doesnt seem like a bad idea, so i'd also like to open up discussion of this idea).
What do you think? could this be used at least in part of the process? Maybe for the first match but let loser pick? or maybe only after the first match? Either way we need to decide on something more fair than 50/50 every time, loser picks, or always what's in the background. those all have problems and limit the legitimacy of the match in my opinion (because if you always play on a favorable map did you really outplay your opponent?).