Going to give a MU Chart a shot.
Aquaman 4-6 his trait negates ours
Ares 5-5
Bane 7-3 Has to come to us and parry beats lvl 3 running charge
Batgirl 5-5 Still learning this one, shes annoying as hell.
Black Adam 4-6 I think this will become 5-5 soon enough. He has no answer for neutral/back jumping
Catwoman 6-4 she has to do a lot of work to get in
Cyborg 5-5 No more block infinite yay
Deathstroke 5-5 One of my favorite matches to play
Doomsday 5-5 I'm thinking this might be in Batmans favor as things progress
Flash 5-5 He has to come to us but I think he can make his lightning charge MB on block now so this could change.
Green Arrow 6-4 We outzone him, grapple or bats when he tries to pull out arrows. mb b3 causes him problems
Green Lantern 6-4 Just stay away from him and be patient. You can win the zoning war and when you're out of b1 range he suffers.
Harley Quinn 6-4 Have to stay in tight so she can't get her zoning going but watch out, her sweep is plus.
Hawkgirl 5-5? Not enough experience so I'm not sure but I know up batarang and sky hook give her trait of flight fits.
Joker 7-3 Batarang animation goes under Joker gun shot for whatever reason making it even more laughable
Killer Frost 5-5 We can punish slide with Bats which they have to respect.
Lex 6-4
Lobo 6-4, 7-3?
Nightwing 4-6 When he gets in its scary and his ability to outzone us in staff stance make this one tough
Raven 5-5? .....
Shazam 4-6 This match drives me insane. His d1 (batmans kryptonite) is great and he can spam torpedo on us. Even with bats, its difficult to punish and he has a great j2 as well. With all his wake up or die setups and Batman getting practically no damage off slide, he has nothing to fear.
Sinestro 5-5? ...
Grundy 6-4 He has to come to you and bats plus any combo string or f3/b3 beat out his WC.
Every blocked swamp hands allows us to get a batarang on screen. He also can't jump over mb batarangs
Scorpion 5-5 flip kick being -10 doesn't change this MU for the trex.
Superman 5-5 Parry doesn't allow him most of his mixups so you can always block low and then parry 22*3 on reaction. Also nj2 beats f23 ice breathe loop. Try to avoid zoning battle, you will lose lol
Wonder Woman 6-4 She has to come to you so you can create a wall of bats and up batarang for win/win situations.