A high level MK/Injustice player is NOT irrelevant because they only choose to play those games, Since when have we all started deciding what fighting games are more important than others?
No one ever said that. Not even I said that and I'm probably the main person who is downgrading REO and the MK9 community in this thread.
You all don't get it.
REO is a great player and I acknowledge that, but he is nothing, when it comes to the overall community. NOTHING. Why? He never acomplished anything.
He builts himself up on the fact that he was playing all of the MK games competetively, but 1) how many of them were actually competetive to such an extend like SF 3rd Strike or MVC2? Judging by the game mechanics and the competition? And 2) How many of these games did he play at the same time? I guess not that many, since he was playing the most recent one, so his focus was always directed towards one game.
One game without any real name in the FGC, because unfortunately that's how the FGC is. No one ever cared about old MK games competition-wise. MK9 was the first game that actually started something for this community.
Do I think that REO could do well in Capcom games? Yes, in fact I do.
But does that mean ANYTHING? No, because he never played these games. He has NOTHING to back it up with, NOTHING.
When it comes to judging great players... great people... it's about what they have acomplished and not what kind of a potential they have. REO does not deserve to be mentioned in the same line as the likes of Justin Wong and Chris G, because they did so much more than him. And yes, I think that these two players surpass even guys like Daigo and Infiltration. Not in their own respective game and that applies even for Injustice, but they consistency with the amount of games they play >>>>> everything anyone here in this community ever did and for you you have to shut the hell up.