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PR Balrog gives us his thoughts on INJUSTICE, patches and does he agree with Filipino Champ?

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No, Timmy.

1. You play what you like and what you play, you get good at.
2. Capcom players overall have done more in MK and Injustice, than MK players ever have in any of the Capcom fighters.

Also what MK players like to ignore, is the fact that Chris G called your community out more than FilipinoChamp ever did.
FilipinoChamp said that if they were playing the game, they would beat you. You all went bonkers.
Chris G said that you're all playing the game and after all the time you're still not good at it. You ignored it.

MK players are delusional. I still like you all! One would say ... a love / hate relationship.

Fchamps statement is completely invalid imo. saying if they played the game they would win is BS. because if they felt that strongly about it , they WOULDVE played the game, now I already know what your gonna say, they didnt play the game because it would take away from their practice time with MVSC and SF. COOL. well, thats their loss. thats like you beating me in a game of basketball and me responding, "WELL, i can beat you in a fist fight!!! nyah!" the issue is we werent fist fighting, we were playing B ball and you won, gg.


because if they felt that strongly about it , they WOULDVE played the game, now I already know what your gonna say, they didnt play the game because it would take away from their practice time with MVSC and SF. COOL. well, thats their loss.
That's not what I would say.
What I would say is more something like: It's not their loss, but their win.

Capcom fighters = more tournaments, bigger tournaments. More pots, more money matches. More opportunities and more recognition and thanks to that more sponsors, which means even more hardware and money.

Why should they put in the time in MK9, when they already have 3 other games, which are much harder to be good at than MK9? Some of them played the game at the beginning and had their wins (mainly Justin Wong and Chris G).
MK9 players like to say that Capcom players suck, because they couldn't keep with them later on, when the MK9 meta developed and so on. Well, no shit Sherlocks ... You were playing one game, while they had to practice for at least 3 games.
Not something I personally would be proud of.


Fchamps statement is completely invalid imo. saying if they played the game they would win is BS. because if they felt that strongly about it , they WOULDVE played the game, now I already know what your gonna say, they didnt play the game because it would take away from their practice time with MVSC and SF. COOL. well, thats their loss. thats like you beating me in a game of basketball and me responding, "WELL, i can beat you in a fist fight!!! nyah!" the issue is we werent fist fighting, we were playing B ball and you won, gg.
No they didnt play it cause it wasnt worth the effort they knew the game was gonna die years before mvc3 and sf4. Why invest time playing a game they know is gonna die?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
LOL@ these lame excuses why capcom players 'aren't good in mk or didn't play" yeahe same reason mk guys dont play sf, because they stick to games they can play well in. period. Plus just want to add mk and injustice take just as much skill as sf, mvc3 do. In fact if anything mvc is a button masher in comparison...even j wong said it wasn't nearly as deep as mvc2 was.

@ killzone..

Few things, for one name isn't timmy. ;) but i give you E for effort.

Secondly, eh not really if everyone was good at the games we like everyone would be a pro. It's not that cut and dry, each community supports the game that they're best in.

You play what you're good in, obviously there has to be an genral interest(thought this was obvious). From where i'm standing, Not really, in mk and injustice mostly mk players have won far more then capcom guys.

Mk guys are good in mk and injustice, capcom guys are good in mvc3 and sf.

I don't think the mkc is delusional, but the capcom community or some of them have this retarded elitist attiude that nobody cares for. As for chris g i give him props, but again who has more wins in mk and injustice thus far, him or reo, brady etc? I rest my case. Capcom players may be more versatile and openminded about other games, maybe more then mk players are but that doesn't make them "better" there's a huge difference.

As for f.champ lol dude i'd wager i can even beat him in mk or injustice and i dont even go to tourneys due to time and money issues, notice he's no where to be found. Why's that after running his mouth?lol the mkc merely called him out on it, nuff said. to my knowledge it sounds more like that is just an opinion of chris g but he doesn't run his mouth or trash talk from what i hear like some people love to do to cause drama(ie fchamp) Seriously though, his statement is irrelevant anyway being as how no capcom players dominated the mk scene like he said they would, then where were they? lol
That's not what I would say.
What I would say is more something like: It's not their loss, but their win.

Capcom fighters = more tournaments, bigger tournaments. More pots, more money matches. More opportunities and more recognition and thanks to that more sponsors, which means even more hardware and money.

Why should they put in the time in MK9, when they already have 3 other games, which are much harder to be good at than MK9? Some of them played the game at the beginning and had their wins (mainly Justin Wong and Chris G).
MK9 players like to say that Capcom players suck, because they couldn't keep with them later on, when the MK9 meta developed and so on. Well, no shit Sherlocks ... You were playing one game, while they had to practice for at least 3 games.
Not something I personally would be proud of.
exactly, which gave them no insensitive to practice, and thats fine. However, one cant claim superiority by stating "if i spent more time on it i would be better" If i challenged someone in something i knew they were good at and had a passion for, and I lost miserably, me saying "well if I practiced more i would be better than you" because while they were training i was sitting on butt plugs, jerking off and shooting loads all over myself; is not an appropriate response. there are endless analogies I could use for this. i mean, its like tiger woods calling up michael jordan saying, "bitch i will fuck you up in a game of golf, you are trash!!!" This doesnt go for fighting games. this goes for anything in life. Thats my issue with fchamps trolling statement. and like i said, if he really wanted to prove he was the best, there was nothing stopping him. If he put prize money and free joysticks ahead on his priority list, then good for him!!


Whst do you mean" may be" its undisputed fact capcom players are more versatile than MK players. And you say reo and tom have won more in mk and injustice. To that i respong with who makes more money from playing fighting games reo tom or chris g. The MK community is hilariously delusional.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol i'd say the capcom community is hilariously delusional, get over yourselves for a second seriously. Nobody gives two shits about "just money" or amount, people do it for fame and to get known. The money is a mere bonus, yeah ask tom and reo and cd how much they've made, i'm sure it's not exactly peanuts oh and perfect legend who btw has also won in other games,i mean he only won evo back to back but yeah....not a lot of money right? lol. DOA, MK? if anything i give him more props over any capcom player because that's acing a 3d fighter and a 2d one, how many people can do that? Not many...

Besides, you want to say "hey capcom games have more tourneys, prizes then mk etc" ok...well which series has made more outside overall media money not to mention better story and actual developed characters? mk or sf? hint hint,not sf....

Keep making excuses for why capcom guys didnt play mk or why they werent as good, i find it utterly amusing at this point.


Wtf is outside overal media money? There is more money to be made playing capcom games the best players follow the money. Nobody cares that Reo won a UMK3 tourney that has 7 entrants. Will MK even break 150 entrants this year at EVO smart money says no.


Ready to lose your head?
Though I find this whole debate as to who's better intriguing, I'm fairly new to the gaming scene to really say too, too much. Only thing I can say is quality over quantity, and if the quantity all do have quality to it as well, well then you can't argue against that. The way I see it, Capcom games are for sure harder to master than any NRS game. NRS bases everything on hype and money and don't really give two shits what they have to do in order to gain more, even if it means creating a visually captivating game but completely lacks a proper fighting mechanic. I've messed with UMVC3 and SCV(I'm decent in that one mainly due to the 3D mechanic which is very new to me, but haven't played it in a while) and those by far exceed MK9 and Injustice mechanic wise and execution as well as visually(mainly SCV). I don't put even 50% of effort into MK9 or IGAU despite uploads I do mainly because I see its not required. I get salty, and I have my losses, but guess what, at the end of the day, I truly don't care because I know for a fact I didn't even put half an effort training wise and still got far enough and thats all I need to feel satisfied for the time being. The top players are naturally good, and whether winning or losing, given their other game footage, its painfully obvious they aren't trying their complete best when it came to MK9 or IGAU even when getting very strong wins.

All that aside, I agree with practically everything in this interview. Constant patches that have very little time in between each, because the community is full of whiners complaining over things that can be worked around is as stupid as a company can get. Why not patch things like parrys that are designed and said to parry overheads and highs but now have the bonus of parrying all mids and even physical specials that hit mid? Or actual proper balancing such as damage outputs alongside the tools a character has, not to mention properly establishing a decent risk/reward factor for EACH character. But no, that kind of reasoning is just too absurd to ask for here. As for those talking about it being ironic that he dislikes the heavy zoning in IGAU but plays UMVC3, I'm pretty certain the issue is because you can only block on the ground and not the air to work around it as with UMVC3, but hey I could be wrong


Eternal student
If you aren't aware if wins Almost Every MK2 tournament he enters. Almost Every UMK3 tournament. And this is winning over people who have been playing since day 1. Almost every MK9 tournament. Now looks to be tops in injustice. And also one of the best Melee players. Basically whatever game he decides to take seriously, he's arguably the best in. I see no reason why that wouldn't translate to other FG's. He just doesn't like them, from what he's told me.
I'm sorry to tell you but MK2 and UMK3 aren't relevant anymore. Their scenes are scarce and I don't know of any "famous players" that still bother themselves to learn that game. Those games aren't even at majors. The only relevant games he plays are injustice and Mk9, though the melee thing was news to me. I know nothing about that scene.

His track record isn't good enough to say he's top 5 in U.S.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
They're all deep, solid games but just different. I just feel for someone to say "such and such didnt play mk cause it's not deep or its easy to win in(even though its not) is a copout, bs excuse for not wanting to get involved.

Just the vibe i'm getting, i have no issues admitting that im far better in nrs games then i am in capcom games. Look at halo and cod, two different games, same genre if one guy is great in halo but alright in cod or vice versa would you discredit the guys skill because he's better in halo then cod? Both games require a good level of skill, they're just different.

for jayme, lol, obviously you dont seem know what media means...ok, outside entertainment that spawned from the game. Again, who cares about trivial things like "this player has more money or entrant amounts" unless a game gets literally like 10 people or something ridiculously low, most evo games get at least few hundred players typically..point is if you make evo you're worthy and obviously a top quality game, period. As for that ouside entertainment...hmm ok, cartoons, comics, tv series, web series,clothes, films....mk has made far better products then sf. Hell,legacy alone fucking owned the last two sf movies if you tally up demand and views lol. just watchun li and watch mkl and get back to me. Not to mention music, figures etc BTW, storyline does matter in a fighter and games in general now because you must realize the deeper the story, and fleshed out characters there are the greater the chance for a sucessful movie or series to spawn off of that. Example, MK and injustice vs. SF and mvc....

I'm also not talking about umk3, i didnt even mention it...it was a big deal prior to mk9, now not so much but point is, perfect legend, reo, cd, michaelangelo, tom brady etc have won in far more mk and/or now with injustice tourneys then any capcom player. Money isn't the sole reason for playing, again it's to get known, supporting the game, the scene and getting the game out there...money is a bonus. You seem to be obsessed with just money, k in that case everyone knows the mk films, legacy etc have made more money then any sf film and that mk9 and injustice more then likely too have outsold mvc3....


Get over here!
I'm sorry to tell you but MK2 and UMK3 aren't relevant anymore. Their scenes are scarce and I don't know of any "famous players" that still bother themselves to learn that game. Those games aren't even at majors. The only relevant games he plays are injustice and Mk9, though the melee thing was news to me. I know nothing about that scene.

His track record isn't good enough to say he's top 5 in U.S.
It is relevant that he wins almost every tournament regarding the "irrelevant" games. Even if the games are outdated... he is still winning. That is what matters. It doesn't really need to be current. His point still stands. He is good at FG's.


Mid Tier
are you kidding me? i play 8 hours when im screwing around online

when a local is about to happen i go balls deep 16 hours a day
lol I usually work more then 8 hours a day, commute for 2 be a father for 5 a husband for 2 sleep for 7.

My game time comes outta my sleep time, I literally only played about 2 hrs a week leading up to UFGT and still almost made it outta my pool lol

I feel bad for people that put in a shit load of time and go 0-2.

But I guess if you have no job and still have a place to live, and have no real aspirations to do anything else in life besides play video games, then yah 16 hrs a day seems legit. I can understand that if your a still a kid and living at home. But what are you gonna do when your 40 years old and have no career and no money saved up for retirement, and your alone in a basement still playing 16 hrs a day to spend money to go to a tourny and go 0-2?

but I digress, to each there own.

Don't think I'm trying to sound all high and mighty, shit I wish I had nothing else to do but game, but I also wouldn't be wasting that much of my life doing it when there is so much more shit to do before I die.


It is relevant that he wins almost every tournament regarding the "irrelevant" games. Even if the games are outdated... he is still winning. That is what matters. It doesn't really need to be current. His point still stands. He is good at FG's.
Son, there is a huge difference, if you enter a tournament for a 50 year old games and 10 entrants, or if you enter a tournament with 50 more mechanics than the games you're talking about and 150 more entrants, who are up to date and practice for many hours daily - something no one does, when it comes to MK2 and UMK3.

Stop posting shit. Just stop.


Get over here!
Son, there is a huge difference, if you enter a tournament for a 50 year old games and 10 entrants, or if you enter a tournament with 50 more mechanics than the games you're talking about and 150 more entrants, who are up to date and practice for many hours daily - something no one does, when it comes to MK2 and UMK3.

Stop posting shit. Just stop.
A win is a win. Rule #1. Of course there is a difference. I don't really see what you are getting at...


Eternal student
It is relevant that he wins almost every tournament regarding the "irrelevant" games. Even if the games are outdated... he is still winning. That is what matters. It doesn't really need to be current. His point still stands. He is good at FG's.
It's almost like I'm saying that Reo was bad at fighting games...
Oh wait no, I said that he is an amazing player, just not top 5

Why are you trying to put words in my mouth?


Ready to lose your head?
I hope you're joking right now
Probably could've worded that better, but hey no take backs. I feel you can catch my drift regardless. Looking at their gameplay from other games in comparison, the execution is clearly lacking, so thats why I said what I did. In a game where you are required to have a much higher level of execution and you can accomplish that, transitions to a far lower level of execution, I'm pretty sure it throws one off if they haven't legitimately worked on it, but just let the similarities carry over. Sure its misjudgment in my eyes, but considering they can and do, do far better, does say and suggest a lot


Eternal student
Probably could've worded that better, but hey no take backs. I feel you can catch my drift regardless. Looking at their gameplay from other games in comparison, the execution is clearly lacking, so thats why I said what I did. In a game where you are required to have a much higher level of execution and you can accomplish that, transitions to a far lower level of execution, I'm pretty sure it throws one off if they haven't legitimately worked on it, but just let the similarities carry over. Sure its misjudgment in my eyes, but considering they can and do, do far better, does say and suggest a lot
Wait, so you're saying the game is "easy". My bad, it looked like you were saying that top players half ass it at tourneys.


No reason in particular. I just wanted to point out that winning is relevant even if the game isn't.
Neither the games (to some degree) nor the wins are relevant, when it comes to making a name for yourself.
The competition is relevant and MK2 and UMK3 don't have that competition. Besides that games do matter, when it comes to such an extreme comparision ... there is a difference if you play MK2, or if you play UMVC3, which is a much harder game by default.

You can't honestly believe that REO winning at MK2 and UMK3 against 5 other people puts him on the same level as Justin Wong making it to TOP 8, or even winning some games like UMVC3, SF4 and SFxT.
You have to be trolling, you have to. There is no way in hell you're such an idiot.


good interview and all and ill be lookin out for this dude at up coming tourneys but i know one thing all the capcom players better watch their damn mouths trying to talk shit about the mk community when i bet they havent even played the top players in MK. all of us know (mk players especially) what REO, brady, perfect legend, CD jr and other top players would do to them if they EVER went to a mk tourney. and the nerve of him to say that if they played the top mk players they "would never win" is out right retarded of him to say that. i hope when they do meet at evo or whatever big tournament thats coming up that they know that MK players are gonna be on TOP again.

Edit: and to add on if mortal kombat is sooooo easy why dont they hop on the sticks with a top player and fight. if its so easy it wont be hard to beat REO'S OP ass kabal right? or perfects legends raiden? or even tom bradys mid tier subzero that can keep up with everyone else to some extent. i dislike shit talkin especially if your not gonna play the game to back it up. no to mention mk players are STILL ruling tournaments even with SF, UMVC3, and tekken players coming over and playing injustice like get real. we've got the momentum heading in to the summer!
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