You're going to shoot guns at me?
I love doing this and seeing some characters jump over it for a full combo, whether it's preemptive or spaced out (It's too slow to be used as a reliable reaction AA).She doesn't need buffs. Lift = aa
Her demon stance is fine, if they block pillar then most characters can dash in immediately and safely block demon db2. df2 catches that obv but some characters can punish it depending on range and matchup, otherwise they can be smart and just wait or walk forward a bit before blocking and suffer the chip to get in. Once they do it's not hard to wreck her shit her shit since her backdash is shit, her wakeups are shit and if she wants anything off of d1 she has to commit to unsafe cancels. It's not unjustified, but people need to compare that to characters like Aquaman and BA who have much stronger defensive options in addition to strong spacing games before saying she's retarded and would be broken with a minor buff or two.
Raven's "fine", but from my exp using characters like BA, saying she needs nerfs is laughable. This game really doesn't need more characters with shitty or barely relevant traits.
WoundCowboy: If we're going to nerf her trait, why not Superman, Doomsday, Black Adam, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Batman's? Not like they have to "earn" theirs. Note that I'm not saying this should be done, but I think asking for nerfs on a zoning trait that forces you to be careful against a character that lives and dies on zoning and keeping the opponent out is a bit silly.