earth shake should be overhead to mid instead of overhead to low.
the way it is right now is very op because its really hard to block and theres no consequence for doomsday player to spam it.
it even gives knock down where u cant roll away.
Training mode
practice blocking against it; simple
you don't like it cause it's safe?
The knock down doesn't give fantastic Oki and it doesn't lead into a combo...
I'm sure you can think of other specials in this game that have a lot more going for them on top of being safe...
Jimzam said:
ex shoulder not being +frames on block.
this is doomsdays most broken tool.
he can come in for free when ever he wants with +frames by doing ex shoulder.
It's frame advantage ... so what?
Does he have an untechable, stand alone command grab? uhh... I don't remember one.
So let's say that Doomsday is in your face and is at frame advantage... so what?
what's he gonna do? Doesn't seem like a horrific scenario really...
If he throws, it can be teched!
Does he useD1 xx earthshaker?
some character can block the down 1 and then back dash the entire earthshaker all together Black Adam and Batman are two characters I know for sure that this works on, AGAIN try going to training mode and trying it out yourself...
Best case, if you put the time to learn to block this special, you know what?
after earthsaker is blocked the situation is returned to neutral game. From the neutral game you can continue to block, throw a normal and try to jump or back dash, they can be countered but Doomsday counters are risky/meter dependent.
If Doomsday had a command grab
if METERLESS earthshaker lead to a followup of something on hit
if the knock down from supernova was twice the duration
THEN mayyyybe you'd have a point, maybe!!!
it's pretty obvious to everyone here that you just haven't practiced nearly enough yet and until you do don't expect much sympathy from Doomsday players...