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General/Other Here are the buffs Green Arrow needs.

1. Increase damage of normal arrows by 1%.
2. Slightly increase the travel speed of normal arrows.
3. Slightly increase the travel speed of fire arrows.
4. Increase the damage of fire arrows by 1%.
5. Reduce the start up of f2 by 3 or 4 frames.
6. Reduce the time it takes to load an arrow by a few frames.
7. Adjust the hitbox on his standing 1... The move is garbage in its current state.
8. Make Stinger meter burnable at any time, like his other specials.

I don't think any of this is asking for too much... Do you?


1. Increase damage of normal arrows by 1%.
2. Slightly increase the travel speed of normal arrows.
3. Slightly increase the travel speed of fire arrows.
4. Increase the damage of fire arrows by 1%.
5. Reduce the start up of f2 by 3 or 4 frames.
6. Reduce the time it takes to load an arrow by several frames.
7. Adjust the hitbox on his standing 1... The move is garbage in its current state.

I don't think any of this is asking for too much... Do you?
Good recomendations. They are quite reasonable and changes that would definitely help him compete vs the top tiers. I would suggest if number 2 and 3 is not possible that they reduce the startup frames of his his arrow shoot animation/trait/4, meaning the projectile arrows speeds remain the same but he shoots them faster due to less startup frames.
Good recomendations. They are quite reasonable and changes that would definitely help him compete vs the top tiers. I would suggest if number 2 and 3 is not possible that they reduce the startup frames of his his arrow shoot animation/trait/4, meaning the projectile arrows speeds remain the same but he shoots them faster due to less startup frames.
Thanks for responding.

I was also planning to suggest reducing the start up of arrow shots, but I changed my mind, as that might be overbuffing his pressure and mixups a bit... Idk, though... that might be just what he needs. Lord knows his mixups should be a LITTLE harder to see coming.

I just don't want people crying that his pressure is OP, and get him nerfed again. =/

Increasing the travel speed of the arrows (if that's even something that can be done) should enhance his fullscreen game a fair bit, without screwing with his close range stuff.

I do think some of his normals could stand to be faster in general, though.

Edit: I also agree with the rest of you that a boxing glove arrow would be pretty boss. :p


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
...but are they the ones he deserves... oh god I hate myself for making that reference lol but I am in full agreement for the boxing glove arrow, and maybe any other trick arrow he had


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I feel so unlucky lol. In sfxt I mained Dhalsim (which was really good in Vanilla I have to admit), and Tokido had to play him, and with Cody too, just to make everyone rage about how broken he was, and Capcom nerfed him. Now the same thing is happening to Green Arrow. A decent character made look amazing by Chris G, and thanks to the unfamiliarity from the other people placing high in tournaments (REO made his arrow look ass though)

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
1. Increase damage of normal arrows by 1%.
2. Slightly increase the travel speed of normal arrows.
3. Slightly increase the travel speed of fire arrows.
4. Increase the damage of fire arrows by 1%.
5. Reduce the start up of f2 by 3 or 4 frames.
6. Reduce the time it takes to load an arrow by several frames.
7. Adjust the hitbox on his standing 1... The move is garbage in its current state.

I don't think any of this is asking for too much... Do you?

I just want standing 1 to be 6 frames so he has options against Supes.. Other than that, I think we kan work to overcome our bad matchups. For now, Supes is the main one that is just ridiculous since Supes has practically no risks in the match up and is konstantly in an advantageous situation.

Arrow has bad match ups and that's fine, but he shouldn't be kountered by just trait into F23 Breath, especially since trait komes back so quick. Even with the 6 frame jab buff, he would still be in a disadvantageous situation after F23 Breath since the jab kould be baited with a jump into 2 (or dive), low sweep, air dash, or simply by waiting and then wiff punishing. This just gives him one option vs Superman's many options so that it only becomes a bad match up, as opposed to a terrible one. As of now there is nothing Arrow kan do to put himself in a good situation, even if he reads Superman precisely.
It's not a troll thread. I'm completely serious.

And so far, I haven't seen any actual arguments against these buffs. Just a lot of "no because no" and, "oh, well Chris G is winning with him!"

Chris G winning with Green Arrow doesn't in ANY way mean that GA is a good character. It means that Chris is an exceedingly talented player who can expose people for not being familiar with the way GA works.

I know it must make a lot of you angry to think about, but the character does have some pretty big flaws. Mainly in the fullscreen area, which is what most of my ideas address. Though again, I should state that I think he could also stand to have some of his normals come out quicker... F2 in particular, but probably standing 1 as well, because let's be honest, 8 frames for a jab with as poor range as his is too much... Either the hitbox needs to be bigger, or it needs to come out a frame or two quicker.

At the moment, though, I really just want his fullscreen game to be brought up a bit, since that's the area that I think he suffers in the most.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
It's not a troll thread. I'm completely serious.

And so far, I haven't seen any actual arguments against these buffs. Just a lot of "no because no" and, "oh, well Chris G is winning with him!"

Chris G winning with Green Arrow doesn't in ANY way mean that GA is a good character. It means that Chris is an exceedingly talented player who can expose people for not being familiar with the way GA works.

I know it must make a lot of you angry to think about, but the character does have some pretty big flaws. Mainly in the fullscreen area, which is what most of my ideas address. Though again, I should state that I do think he could stand to have some of his normals come out quicker... F2 in particular, but probably standing 1 as well, because let's be honest, 8 frames for a jab with as poor range as his is too much... Either the hitbox needs to be bigger, or it needs to come out a frame or two quicker.

At the moment, though, I really just want his fullscreen game to be brought up a bit, since that's the area that I think he suffers in the most.

I don't think he needs much Full Screen. He has a really good dash and he kan use that to get in, which is where he wants to be most of the time.
Need Green Arrow. He is undefeatable in majors! He is clearly a top 3 character since he just walks over our best so freaking hard they are to chicken shit to address it


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I really hope you are trolling Mash and IPW:p Chris might not have won if the opponents knew that his 50% super reset that he landed quite a few times, is easily escapable by a simple backdash. Might not have made the difference, but people are too unfamiliar with GA to say that he is a great character for winning this major. I sugest you check out REO vs Chris at ECT.