hm, thought he'd still be able to get the grab off, that's awesome haha. thanks.
We have better mobility now, so chase her down and anti-air the bitch. Once she is down, chug up some venom and leave your mark, then back out and repeat it all again. Don't recklessly charge at her and be mindful of mace-charge on wake-uponly other one that's giving me trouble is hawkgirl atm, any tips on that one?
I tried that overall for the community but everybody just wanted to moan and bitch about tiers, instead of doing what the japanese do and make actual matchup charts. Yeah since the patch we for sure need to do this.So we need to have an actual MU chart.The OP is never ever updated.
He doesn't have reliable lows but he does have hella pressure. He is imo our only 7-3 MUNightwing feels like a terrible match up for us as well as some others have said.
In staff, he is a pain in the ass.
Charge stuffs all of her wake ups. You can block her air mace and dash in and uppercut. You have to aim your uppercut though because the range sucks. Once she respects charge and starts blocking, you can grab and combo on knockdowns.only other one that's giving me trouble is hawkgirl atm, any tips on that one?
lol I don't even think a lot of people know how to quantify numbers for Bane's advantage. Hella people are more caught up on their losses and marking everything in disadvantage without a train of thought like this Superman f23 shit.I tried that overall for the community but everybody just wanted to moan and bitch about tiers, instead of doing what the japanese do and make actual matchup charts. Yeah since the patch we for sure need to do this.
My idea (imo) to make this work is find players that are solid w/their char and we play them in sets to see what bane can do and can't, etc. I think it will give us an idea of realistic matchups instead of so much theory fighter
If you aren't afraid of taking a risk, Venom Upper beats all of those on wake-up.Idk if you guys have played any good batgirls (as most of them are terrible) but theres a guy on my friends list whose gotten pretty damn good with her, and shes definitely a tough one. She has three wake ups that are all great for beating bane; if you go for a j.d3 cross up, she smoke bombs. If you go for an unarmored mixup, she smoke bombs or uppercut specials. If you go for an armored mixup (DP, Cmd. grab) she does batwheel (which at my very best timing, I only could get to trade with DP in any level of venom while it beats cmd grab completely). If you neutral jump or crossup, she does the uppercut one into MB for full combo.
Idk if the guy I play against has prior Bane MU experience, but he was extremely good at doing the right wakeup at the right time for every situation; it made it very hard to keep pressure going on batgirl.
We need to respect Aquaman's Trident Scoop for sure.SUPARNOVAX look me up on Live.
Just for fun, have we ever compiled a list of character specific wake-up attacks that we should fear?
Doomsday is giving me fits.We need to respect Aquaman's Trident Scoop for sure.![]()
Since we're on MU Discussion, I think Bane beats Doomsday. Ability to completely shut down his trait and Doomsday's own shitty damage makes this a good 6-4.Doomsday is giving me fits.
I move that we make a list.
None of his wake-ups are safe. If you have meter and you see he's trying to do his Supernova, just MB B.3 and carry him to the corner. Other than that, your armor beats his in almost every situation. That's a big plus.I have no idea why I'm getting dominated by him. His wakeup attacks just seem to work every time.
The cpu has invulnerable frames on wake-up moves. I'm not sure how we could go about testing it.
I did bait them out. I tried blocking, backdashing etc. I'm not saying its an impossible MU by any means, and I did win quite a few matches, but the dude knew what he was doing and I could see batgirl being a bad MU in the future. If I blocked, he did the cartwheel, which is safe on block. backdash was the best bet, but then I had to get in again. Also, this wasn't some run of the mill scrub; I did venomed charges like I do against everyone to see if they can stop it and every single time he had meter he MB b.3 it or just jumped over for a punish, so of course I stopped charging. You're right with the way to approach the match, but I guess the guy was just making some great reads and was in general a solid player.Ok, so stop pressuring. Think about it, what can she do to you? My armored charge eats her projectiles/smoke bomb. Now she can do what exactly? She has to come to me now. I don't have to bully her like I do more than half the cast. I put on armor when I start a match, I charge, use meter to make it hurt and run away. If you play this matchup and bait out her wakeups (everybody panics when bane gets in so you have to start baiting them out and slapping her around for daring to attack the almighty fucking bane) it's not difficult. I think she loses this matchup