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Match-up Discussion Bane Matchup Discussion


Eternal student
Not if he does F23 breath. And again, superman simply needs to be cautious. He does not need to do F23, F23, F23. He simply needs to wait for Bane to get close, do a blockstring, and then dash back to be safe. Yes, if superman was being stupid and constantly doing F23 where he can get wiff punished by a good read, then he deserves it, but a smart superman is more about punishing bane, and not rushing him down.

Bane can't jump in on a superman, and can't dash in safely without eating a blockstring.
Bane can read a backdash, and punish. If superman does F23 against Bane, Bane can backdash and whiff punish. If Superman jumps, the bane can venow uppercut and then start his pressure.

Both of the players have to equally try to guess, bait, and predict the actions of the other when they're in close proximity, how is that an 8-2 match-up?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL I made several posts to you already and people are agreeing w/them. I know you're upset but I spoke to you w/logic all day. You can dash in and do D1. Superman players that are smart don't just spam F23 all day. Maybe you don't, but smart players don't. I know F23 has longer range and is faster, but you have to understand that 2+2 is not 5 and use your brain. I have moves on block that cause advantage. I'm sorry if this concept eludes you. They are literally repeating what I told you all day, you're just mad at anything I say at this point no matter what. I've been right all day dude. I wouldn't comment on Bane/Superman if I wasn't sure of the matchup. I mained both and I tried several times explaining what each can do. I've told you SEVERAL times Superman beats Bane but you insist on having the world agree w/you it's a horrible matchup when most people are telling you it's not. I really don't know what else to say
Tell me, how is Bane having advantage on his normals going to help him when none of his normals are faster than F23? How? Why the fuck is superman letting you do blockstrings on him? Why? Tell me? To let you win? Probably. You play superman who apparently do lasers at a range where you can punish them, and apparently are too stupid to use F23 on you as you dash in or jump in.

I get that sometimes, Bane will do a D1, but 75% of the time, superman will do a F23 first because it is a better fucking move in every way you can measure it.

What happens if superman gets hit by a D1? Is the match over? Hell no. What happens if superman hits you with F23? Huge ass combo, and you'll be eating tons of damage if your venom is debuffing at that time, or you will be wasting levels of venom juts so you don't get that damage. Or on block, its completely safe, allowing superman to continue being cautious and waiting to punish you.

Seriously, he zones at full screen, and as you begin to approach him, he just needs to be cautious and react to how you get in and there is no way for him to be wrong since hes safer, and faster than you.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Bane can read a backdash, and punish. If superman does F23 against Bane, Bane can backdash and whiff punish. If Superman jumps, the bane can venow uppercut and then start his pressure.

Both of the players have to equally try to guess, bait, and predict the actions of the other when they're in close proximity, how is that an 8-2 match-up?
How does Bane punish a backdash after a F23 breath?
And if superman is cautious, he won't be throwing out random F23s. Don't assume that the Bane player makes less mistakes.


MK is kinda dope
Techable knockdown. Then its a guessing game, and not a game over as some are selling it.
I literally told you D1 to Double Punch and you said a good superman will NEVER get hit by D1. Now you FINALLY see a human being can get hit by it and it's a guessing game.



Eternal student
How does Bane punish a backdash after a F23 breath?
And if superman is cautious, he won't be throwing out random F23s. Don't assume that the Bane player makes less mistakes.
Dash in if you predict that the superman will backdash. He'll have to block, if he clicks a button he'll get hit.


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
I just caught up a little with the last few pages. You guys are hilarious.

Superman is beatable for sure. It's difficult to label Bane's match ups, but I think it's more around a 4-6. You have to chase a lot of people but it's not really a terrible thing.

A lot of Superman's moves are highly punishable.

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Eternal student
Techable knockdown. Then its a guessing game, and not a game over as some are selling it.
I'm not saying it's game over, but Bane is one of the scariest characters when he knocks you down.
Have you seen Bane's forward dash? Tech rolling isn't letting you get out of range, and the Bane can just MB if he want an untechable knockdown.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I'm not saying it's game over, but Bane is one of the scariest characters when he knocks you down.
Have you seen Bane's forward dash? Tech rolling isn't letting you get out of range, and the Bane can just MB if he want an untechable knockdown.
Bane has 50/50s on knockdown. And not for amazing damage. Its honestly, not that scary.


Forum General Emeritus
@JaredL and those involved in baiting him

Last chance - Knock off the direct insults and flame baiting each other or infractions will start coming down hard. If you can't have a civil discussion without insults, use the ignore feature.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Think I'll be first to go. Its getting late here, nearly 12am and I don't think this crap helps anyone.

I have too much respect for Bane to keep on cluttering his forums with such inane arguments.


Eternal student
Because if you think he'll backdash, and you forward dash, and he doesn't you'll eat his fists.
Yeah, it's called a read. If he reads wrong, it's bad for him, if bane reads wrong, it's bad for him. Both of them have to read the other, one can't just mindlessly do shit. How is it 8-2?


Yeah matchup is barely 7-3 at worse. Personally I think Nightwing is a worse matchup for Bane, his pressure godlike, he can always deal with Venom, a good amount of his moves leave him airborn with quick startup, he can zone bane out pretty effectivley, his wakeupattacks are extrmeely good, and Bane can only pushblock to deal with the MB Staff Spin loop.


Are Bane's knockdowns really 50/50s or more like 33/33/33?

Wouldn't a 50/50 be block low or high? With Bane you have to choose to avoid the high, avoid the low, or avoid the grab.


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
No, they're 50/50. They defend or you get your offense through. And Bane's really about the resets that go up to 35-40% if you plan it out properly.


If GL takes you with: B1, Lantern Might, Grounded Oa rocket... Then you eat 30-50% damage easily, more it the venom gets off mid combo. All this MU it's about to trade, hit him with an armored move, so he can't get a combo. As you say, GL it's nothing about guessing, if you fail, you die. This match it's all about punish, react in time one unsafe move of GL with something that gives you advantage, and repeat
You can armor all b.1 follow ups. Lol frame gaps yo


Vertebral Subluxationist
Technically, you could mathematically calculate a percentage probability of the opponent getting hit/escaping on wakeup; but there are way too many variables to actually try and figure it out. The algorithm would be fucked up.


MK is kinda dope
Technically, you could mathematically calculate a percentage probability of the opponent getting hit/escaping on wakeup; but there are way too many variables to actually try and figure it out. The algorithm would be fucked up.
Sounds like somebody just volunteered!



Bane has 50/50s on knockdown. And not for amazing damage. Its honestly, not that scary.
Yeah, those knockdowns that I get to go for again and again with frame traps and armor traps with Venom for continuing pressure and increasing damage for 18 seconds all while I shove you in the corner sure isn't scary at all. Nope, nothing to be afraid of.