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Match-up Discussion Bane Matchup Discussion


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL Calm down and actually think. Seriously, I know your blood is boiling right now over the fact that maybe some kid at school did F23 to you in the hallway, but it gets better. So calm down, let's focus. All I've doing is telling you this matchup is far from impossible, it's not as bad as you say it is. Simply cause you don't play either char, I know you don't know any better.

-Superman can jump up and do lasers, it's VERY negative on block, I can block and dash in. Punish
-Superman can F23 me. Ok, what else? I can backdash now, I can jump, I can actually move cause stopped
-Superman can F23 breath and it hits me. Big deal I'm across the screen now and I can get back in (remember, I have a REALY fast dash now)
-Superman can F23 MB Breath if he thinks I'll take the hit. That would suck if he guess right but if he does, then fine. What if he guessed wrong? MB Breath on block is negative, now I can move in
-Superman doesn't have great wakeup, so if I actually punished one of his blocked air lasers, I can bait out a wakeup and REALLY hurt him for 60%+
-Let's say Superman doesn't do the wakeup and stands up. Now I'm doing the very impossible thing you said I can't do, I'm gonna use D1 to check him. I can do D1 to double punch. I can do D1 to command grab.
-Bane is also one of the best in the game in the corner, but I'll leave that for another time

Superman is a jack of all trades, but he has weaknesses. If you ever MAINED Superman, you would understand this. I MAINED him, I know he can't just blindly hit F23 against Bane and it's an easy win all day. I've beaten good Supermans, I've lost to good Supermans. This match is not 8-2, it's 6-4
If superman is doing lasers, at a range where you can punish, then you are playing retarded supermen and I'm not surprised that you think this is 4-6.
And yes, after F23 you have options. But what does superman want to do after that? He would just walk backwards or dash backwards.
And yes, letting breath hit you is a great idea, 10% now, and 5% in chip, and since F23 hits you before you can do anything, I'm sure you'll eventually die from losing 15% every time that happens.

And if you didn't do F23 against Bane, then you were a terrible superman. F23, and cancelled into breath stops everything.
F23 is longer ranger than D1
F23 is faster than everything Bane can do.
There is no way for Bane to get in, without getting hit by F23.


MK is kinda dope
JaredL I gave a very good explanation for the matchup, and you're implying no Superman will ever make a mistake, which is nothing short of ignorant naturally. I get it now. That's why you think Superman destroys Bane players, cause for some reason, you think Superman plays perfect all the time. Well shit, I have no defense for this cause it's so incredibly retarded. I thought this was a matchup discussion where PLAYERS actually make mistakes, sorry. Obviously Superman can't just do F23 Breath all day to Bane and win the matchup, I'm sorry for you that you actually think this


Trust me, I'm a doctor
"His trait invalidates Bane's trait"
I'll try to remember that for the other 12 seconds I have mine and he doesn't.

"f.23 is faster than anything and unpunishable"
Good thing we can trade out his f.23 for a backdash punish since our own b.23 happens to have that kind of reach. Btw, our backdash? Goes father than f.23, and we can do more than one. In fact, you can do a backdash buffered scoop and he can't stop that either.

f.23 breath is only +1 on block, we have 7 frames to dash back.

"Positive frames don't mean blah blah snippity"
+12 into a free 10 frame grab into command grab scoop reset.

"He can activate his trait on reaction to blah blah"
We have a 0 frame start-up and can wait his out, he has a 15f start up (to my knowledge) so we can actually cap him when he does activate it if not simply back away and laugh at him.

6-4 Superman?
More like 5-5, air lazers don't bother our dash anymore and that's all he had to stop us.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
"His trait invalidates Bane's trait"
I'll try to remember that for the other 12 seconds I have mine and he doesn't.

"f.23 is faster than anything and unpunishable"
Good thing we can trade out his b.23 for a backdash punish since our own b.23 happens to have that kind of reach.

"Positive frames don't mean blah blah snippity"
+12 into a free 10 frame grab into command grab scoop reset.

"He can activate his trait on reaction to blah blah"
We have a 0 frame start-up and can wait his out, he has a 15f start up (to my knowledge) so we can actually cap him when he does activate it if not simply back away and laugh at him.

6-4 Superman?
More like 5-5, air lazers don't bother our dash anymore and that's all he had to stop us.
You are assuming you are fighting a superman who is very aggressive. Superman does not need to be aggressive to get you.

You start dashing in? Supermans F23 hits you before you can even D1 him.

You venom up at a range? He can respond in kind. And venom applies to his specials, if bane can't get in, he can't use his specials.


MK is kinda dope
Nori, if you have no arguments or contributions, and don't know shit, don't post.
I have been, for the last hour or so, doing nothing but destroying your arguments. As a matter of fact, my first post disproving you had people actually like the post and agree w/me. Now ANOTHER Bane player who actually MAINS the char is trying to educate you like I have been and you say something silly like his F23 will stop his dash. If we BLOCK his laser we can dash in before his F23 comes out. TEST IT IN TRAINING MODE! The Bane players know I actually know my shit but thanks for playing


Aht Aht Aht!
All this superman talk reminds me of one of my favorite moments playing as Bane so far: I had won the previous 2 games against this superman guy who was pretty decent but air dashed and zoned me like a motherfucker and it was so frustrating chasing him down. 3rd match comes, were both down to our last lifebars with about 15% health. Neither of us can clash. He jumps to eye laser and MB to finish me off...I pump up to level 3, time the charge perfectly to where i start it when he is about to hit me, and he falls right into my charge which I MB for the kill. Instant rage quit. Just thought I'd share lol


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I have been, for the last hour or so, doing nothing but destroying your arguments. As a matter of fact, my first post disproving you had people actually like the post and agree w/me. Now ANOTHER Bane player who actually MAINS the char is trying to educate you like I have been and you say something silly like his F23 will stop his dash. If we BLOCK his laser we can dash in before his F23 comes out. TEST IT IN TRAINING MODE! The Bane players know I actually know my shit but thanks for playing
You are fucking assuming he is doing lasers are such an unsafe range.

I have no idea what to tell you, when you are assuming your opponent is worse than you.

And disproving me you didn't know the fucking frame data and reach for banes d1.


MK is kinda dope
All this superman talk reminds me of one of my favorite moments playing as Bane so far: I had won the previous 2 games against this superman guy who was pretty decent but air dashed and zoned me like a motherfucker and it was so frustrating chasing him down. 3rd match comes, were both down to our last lifebars with about 15% health. Neither of us can clash. He jumps to eye laser and MB to finish me off...I pump up to level 3, time the charge perfectly to where i start it when he is about to hit me, and he falls right into my charge which I MB for the kill. Instant rage quit. Just thought I'd share lol
Well in JaredL logic, you suck and the Superman you played is even worse

In real world logic, that's cool as shit:)


MK is kinda dope
JaredL So Superman will never jump and do eye lasers in the match, ever? Well then how will he keep me out? Will he just magically herp a derp spam F23 and that's it? You're being stupid on purpose aren't you....

And yes, I did know the frame data for D1, you didn't even know I was plus on hit or block. If it hits, which it easily can, HE CAN'T F23


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL So Superman will never jump and do eye lasers in the match, ever? Well then how will he keep me out? Will he just magically herp a derp spam F23 and that's it? You're being stupid on purpose aren't you....

Hell do them at a safe fucking range, and he can meterburn it for even safer and huge chip damage. And he'll mix in ground laser not just air.

You are assuming supermen are all retards who don't know how Bane players.


MK is kinda dope
Hell do them at a safe fucking range, and he can meterburn it for even safer and huge chip damage. And he'll mix in ground laser not just air.

You are assuming supermen are all retards who don't know how Bane players.
So.....he'll do the ground laser, which is also bad on block? I'm waiting, just WAITING for the light bulb to click on in your brain. Come on I believe in you...


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So.....he'll do the ground laser, which is also bad on block? I'm waiting, just WAITING for the light bulb to click on in your brain. Come on I believe in you...
You do know that Banes dash isn't an instant teleport with no recovery frames right?

You do know that him doing lasers isn't a guarnateed B23 attempt.
JaredL are you aware that if Bane thinks Superman is going to do the F23 he can do an armored special and knock down Superman? Most of the time, Bane will be armored and Superman will not be able to break it.

And once Supes is down Bane gets to play a fun new game called "get fucked, Supes".

I don't think it's a great matchup - I have a lot of trouble with it personally, but I have a lot of trouble with zoning in general - but once you get in it's time to wrap your big boots in red, white and blue ribbons and jam them up Superman's ass. He'll be shitting Truth, Justice, and the American Way for a week.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL are you aware that if Bane thinks Superman is going to do the F23 he can do an armored special and knock down Superman? Most of the time, Bane will be armored and Superman will not be able to break it.

And once Supes is down Bane gets to play a fun new game called "get fucked, Supes".

I don't think it's a great matchup - I have a lot of trouble with it personally, but I have a lot of trouble with zoning in general - but once you get it's time to wrap your big boots in red, white and blue ribbons and jam them up Superman's ass. He'll be shitting Truth, Justice, and the American Way for a week.
Here is what happens, if Bane starts being armored when he is getting in, he'll be wasting venom, and superman can stop all but a level 3 charge. So, that's out of the question.

Superman, at the point of Bane getting close to being close, will simply get his trait up and it takes a single hit during those 6 seconds for Superman to send Bane full screen and eat a huge combo or go full screen and again, face the same gauntlet.

Superman simply has to be patient and cautious, bane cannot threaten him.


MK is kinda dope
Folks, please knock off the flame baiting and keep the discussion on topic.

Fair enough. It is a simple discussion and for some reason JaredL is freaking out and cursing at people.

And JaredL the superman trait forum, that's another person telling you you're wrong BTW. You did want multiple people to tell you you're wrong, it's happening so I don't know what else you want
JaredL have you actually seen this matchup? Bane can go from full-screen to adjacent in two dashes, and these stages aren't infinite. Superman can't pop trait if he's knocked down, and here's something you're not acknowledging - his trait cannot be on for AT LEAST 50% of the time, and Bane has no reason to use Venom when Superman's trait is up. When Superman's trait is up, I let my Venom tick off and then bring it back online when he's on cooldown, so I've got armor and there's nothing that big dork can do about it for a while. This is when you pressure hard, get that knockdown, and keep the Venom flowing while you beat on Superman until he cries uncle.

You're talking about timing and opportunity, but you're not acknowledging that Bane can create openings as well.

I actually think Superman is overpowered (a whine for another day) but it's not like we're helpless little babies who are destined to be his playthings. Bane can make him hurt.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Fair enough. It is a simple discussion and for some reason JaredL is freaking out and cursing at people.

And JaredL the superman trait forum, that's another person telling you you're wrong BTW. You did want multiple people to tell you you're wrong, it's happening so I don't know what else you want
Nori, I'm not the one posting the troll baits, you see all those posts you posted where you are not posting any argument or discussion? Yeah, mods was referring to that.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL have you actually seen this matchup? Bane can go from full-screen to adjacent in two dashes, and these stages aren't infinite. Superman can't pop trait if he's knocked down, and here's something you're not acknowledging - his trait cannot be on for AT LEAST 50% of the time, and Bane has no reason to use Venom when Superman's trait is up. When Superman's trait is up, I let my Venom tick off and then bring it back online when he's on cooldown, so I've got armor and there's nothing that big dork can do about it for a while. This is when you pressure hard, get that knockdown, and keep the Venom flowing while you beat on Superman until he cries uncle.

You're talking about timing and opportunity, but you're not acknowledging that Bane can create openings as well.

I actually think Superman is overpowered (a whine for another day) but it's not like we're helpless little babies who are destined to be his playthings. Bane can make him hurt.
Yes, I'm not saying its 10-0, don't assume I am. Its not impossible.

But supermans trait recovers very fast, and after it runs out and he is zoning you, it will very likely recover by the time bane gets in.

So, what it comes down to is, can superman hit Bane with something to send him full screen or eat a full combo while his trait is active? And the answer is yes. Bane has literally 0 moves that are faster than F23 so he really has to respect it.


MK is kinda dope
JaredL Multiple people again (try to not get off topic) are telling you it's not a 8-2 matchup and you're way off base. EVERYBODY agrees Superman wins the matchup. So what exactly is it that you want? You're arguing just to argue, not me. You wanted to argue in the last thread, I said to come to the Bane forum and discuss it here. Multiple people again are telling you it's not that bad of a matchup and you're arguing every single point we make w/out any logic behind it. I'm lost as to what you want honestly


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
JaredL Multiple people again (try to not get off topic) are telling you it's not a 8-2 matchup and you're way off base. EVERYBODY agrees Superman wins the matchup. So what exactly is it that you want? You're arguing just to argue, not me. You wanted to argue in the last thread, I said to come to the Bane forum and discuss it here. Multiple people again are telling you it's not that bad of a matchup and you're arguing every single point we make w/out any logic behind it. I'm lost as to what you want honestly
You don't know shit dude, you tell me you can dash in and D1... when you are too stupid to check frame data and learn that F23 is both faster, and longer range.

And then you backtrack. You don't know the matchup, you assume supermen are doing lasers at a range where you can punish them. At least other people raise good points, you are clueless. You rely on saying stuff like "everyone agrees with me", instead of actually talking about the matchup.

You talk about banes normals being + on block, as being a counter to superman. That is fuckign irrelevant to the matchup. Bane does not lose because I think he is - on block on his normals, he loses because supermans F23 is faster than every single move in banes movelist, leads into huge combos, and because supermans trait shuts down banes trait without any debuff or consequences.


MK is kinda dope
JaredL I made several posts to you already and people are agreeing w/them. I know you're upset but I spoke to you w/logic all day. You can dash in and do D1. Superman players that are smart don't just spam F23 all day. Maybe you do, but smart players don't. I know F23 has longer range and is faster, but you have to understand that 2+2 is not 5 and use your brain. I have moves on block that cause advantage. I'm sorry if this concept eludes you. They are literally repeating what I told you all day, you're just mad at anything I say at this point no matter what. I've been right all day dude. I wouldn't comment on Bane/Superman if I wasn't sure of the matchup. I mained both and I tried several times explaining what each can do. I've told you SEVERAL times Superman beats Bane but you insist on having the world agree w/you it's a horrible matchup when most people are telling you it's not. I really don't know what else to say