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Were You Impressed with XBOX One?

Were you impressed with xbox one?

  • Yes!! Definitely a must buy.

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Maybe...I'll make my judgement at e3.

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • No, PC for Life.

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • No, PS4 is more impressive.

    Votes: 54 49.5%
  • No, I'll stick with my current gen.

    Votes: 18 16.5%

  • Total voters


Some details regarding the new xbox:

- New Xbox is called "Xbox One"
- New and Improved, "Kinect 2"
- Connects to your television/cable box
- Seamlessly switch between Games/TV/Music/Movies with a simple voice command.
- Interact with your TV, such as checking on your fantasy league while watching a sports game.
- DVR integration
- Able to record gameplay
- 8 GB DDR3 Ram (3GB dedicated to OS)
- Blu Ray player
- Intergration of Skype
- You can instantly resume your saved games
- Does not support backwords compatibility
- Must be connected to Kinect 2 to function
- Xbox live Gold account will be carried over
- Cloud Storage
- 500 GB local storage drive (non interchangeable). Supports external drives tho.
- Achievements will be carried over
- Works with SmartGlass
- Approximately 15 exclusives games are in development
- Must be connected online (at least once every 24 hours)
- Is NOT an Always online console
- Games are linked to one account (a fee may be applied if you get the game used)
- Games MUST be installed on your local drive
- Xbox Live Arcade games will NOT transfer over
- Online service still isnt free




Too much entertainment, not enough games. Who in the world wants to Skype or surf Facebook on a gaming console? They really need to go back to the drawing board, or at least admit that video games are second to television and Kinect capabilities.


Too much entertainment, not enough games. Who in the world wants to Skype or surf Facebook on a gaming console? They really need to go back to the drawing board, or at least admit that video games are second to television and Kinect capabilities.
If you can run Skype + play games at the same time then it's full of win

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Some details regarding the new xbox:
- Must be connected online
- Is NOT an Always online console
You do realize these points counter each other right? Additionally, when asked about the always online, the pleasantly vague answer that was given was "Well, if you want to play online and use online material, you'll need an internet connection." and the mention that 3rd party will probably have it (EA's Origin).

Well no fucking shit, but it doesn't answer the question.


How? Lol. The Xbox already has a party system as well as in-game chat. Is there a difference? Oh, and if you want to spend 500+ dollars on a system because you can Skype while playing games just go get yourself a PC.
Skype is better because you are not limited to people only sitting on their couch duh
:REO "Xbox....When's DC?"

ICE_C0LD_ZERO I saw the angryjoe rant, pretty funny, but kinda hoping that's not true. I don't own an xbox, but that's pretty unfortunate if your penalized for borrowing a game from your friend, and all the other stuff. :(


You do realize these points counter each other right? Additionally, when asked about the always online, the pleasantly vague answer that was given was "Well, if you want to play online and use online material, you'll need an internet connection." and the mention that 3rd party will probably have it (EA's Origin).

Well no fucking shit, but it doesn't answer the question.
Microsoft vice president Phil harrison said this.
"There are many devices in your life that require the Internet to function," he said. "Xbox One is no different in that it requires, at some point in the beginning and at various times through its on state, to connect to our cloud and to our Internet."
So essentially, yes in order for xbox one to function properly it will need to eventually be connected to the internet. The issue is still very merky and M$ havent given a steady response on the issue.
source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/05/22/xbox-one-what-we-do-and-dont-know


cr. HP Master
As I've said, I am far from impressed. You can already watch cable television on the Xbox 360 through Xfinity, the hardware/software upgrade is minimal, and these "social features" do not impress me. I never understood the big hooplah about Skype. I have a perfectly capable Android device that can do most of this already and I can carry it around in my pocket lol. This is a fighting games website so I will say I do not think the Xbox One will be the tournament standard console in the future. Not being able to play used games is a serious downfall as well. Say goodbye to Gamefly and similar companies. In a nutshell, bluray, and voice recognition is the next gen for Microsoft.

I do not want to sound like a superior PC douchebag, but my gaming PC is nearly 3 years old and is more powerful than the next gen console. It only cost me a little over $400 to build.

Some of you are simply blind fanboys that do not care when you are being ripped off. Microsoft has been collecting $8 a month from millions of Americans for several years to only release this sub par machine. They have the money to develop a gaming console that is leaps and bounds ahead of the PS4, but the software/hardware isn't there yet. They rushed next gen consoles. Also, why do some of us pay for Netflix and Hulu only to have to pay Microsoft force us to pay them to use subscriptions we already pay for? It's a scheme most of us are foolish enough to follow.


Dojo Trainee
I only need a console to play games. I have my own media solutions for tv etc.

Recording gameplay is cool, but that's about it. You also don't seem to be able to play your friends games on it. No borrowing or 2nd hand games anymore. Big downside. I'll probably get a ps4.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I won't buy this money grubbing DRM machine and personally I would be appaled that any gamer would buy it either. The features aren't bad at all those are fine, but let me just point out a few things.

It will function offline, but you must connect at least once a day to even use it, which in turn would may even require a Live account, so I am seeing a forced subscription fee for all users.

Mandated Installation of games, doesn't this even defeat the purpose of having a console, its not a console now its cheap ass PC end of story. 500GB is not going to be viable either, that space will be eaten up fast, but then there is the cloud which will likely ransom off storage space for a fee no less, then that data is only available when they are up and running, again DRM...

So you bought a used game for better price or hey your buddy wants to try out the new MK10 or IGAU 1 1/2 (w/e), Please deposit $10.00(or more) to play this used game. In other words no rentals, no lending, no pre-owned, and imagine now when you all wanna gather and have a some fun at a friend's house, better bring your own system, oh yeah don't forget to check in on Mommy M$ or there will be no gaming today...

It gets better too, they are now giving the developers the freedom to use the ONLINE-ONLY option and they are actually encouraging it to be used by the developers. Aww you wanna play IGAU today, well too bad our servers are down, better just enjoy the login screen...
So EA killed the online pass, guess what this is why..

I don't mean to be pesimistic, but how does any of this benifit the consumers, seriously, we pay all this money for a console to play games, in some cases some of us on here to compete for money, imagine not being able to even practice because an online requirement that normally would never be required in the 1st place. This is not looking good for us who play games, not to mention think about what MS tried to do not long ago that involved the kinect. They tried to file patent to allow them to use a device like the kinect to SPY on consumers to allow them to SEE in you living room and even turn content off if you have TOO MANY viewers viewing it that obvisouly didn't pay, because apparently if everyone in you living is watching a movie you rented online, includng the family dog or cat, they all need to pay up too.

Take it for what it is worth the system is built to hate the users and it is built force you to pay extra.

An older article covering the spying patent:
An article covering the used games and other DRm style issues:


Forum General Emeritus
Too much entertainment, not enough games. Who in the world wants to Skype or surf Facebook on a gaming console? They really need to go back to the drawing board, or at least admit that video games are second to television and Kinect capabilities.
Totally disagree as far as other capabilities are not necessary. Nintendo had the same philosophy with the Gamecube and we all know how that turned out (last in the generation.) While I agree games are extremely important, in this day and age of social media and interactivity you need to keep up with the trends and keep up with the times. I use the secondary features on my PS3 and even the Vita very often. One of the main reasons I went with PS3 over the 360 many moons ago was because it was Blu-Ray compatible. Who needs a Blu-Ray player when your game system can double as one?

As far as this Xbox One is concerned, I will not be touching it with a 10-foot pole (other than to smash the thing I suppose.) This is 24/7 DRM, money grubbing at its finest and I want no part of it. Microsoft has been known for its shady business practices long before yesterday, but if all of this is true (used game fees, required Kinect 2 connection, etc) then I hope Microsoft leaves the console business. If Sony follows suit with similar changes on PS4, this could....mark my words....lead to a repeat of the video game crash of 1983 (as far as consoles are concerned.) PC gaming will see a return to prominence.
Ouch, they really focused on television. I don't even watch television, too busy stream monstering. :cool:

I also think it's quite unfortunate how they teamed up with the NFL ($$$$) and EA sports (voted worst gaming company). Not much of a fan of either of them. :(