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Strategy The Boy Wonder! -- Nightwing General Discussion Thread

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TYM White Knight
Everyone is turning on us Nightwing users. Seriously, I don't know what the hell they are supposed to tweak on this character...he is really really good, but he is nowhere close to broken.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
And the ultimate casualty.

He may have given Dick hell over the years...but he's always been a worthy opponent.

Here Lies Slade Wilson.
So for overview, the only needed nerf that happened was making freeze breath -1 right?


Dojo Trainee
Ground Blast would be the most likely subject to that.

Anyway, we have to refocus matchup knowledge on Sinestro now. With Slade getting Kano'd, he's going to be the main Zoner of Injustice for the time being.


Flying Grayson
Being honest here, I don't think anyone really understands Nightwing enough to buff or nerf him. But in my opinion, he's almost perfect the way he is. Literally the only thing he potentially needs is a dedicated/consistent anti-air in escrima.

Also, can we talk about the NW play at ECTV? I slept through signups because I'm a derp, but real rap, y'all need to not use Staff so much. Every time I looked at a screen, any NW playing would be in Staff. And my friend Nas (WW player; entered the tournament as Winterfell) told me that like no one was using Escrima. C'mooonnnnn guys. D:


Ex Shadow Kick
I strictly use escrima in the green lantern matchup because staff lacks mobility. Also for most matchups i switch up my escrima with staff on almost every blockstring, F213 4xx staff spin xx 4 or sometimes i meter burn the staff spin for that +18 too good.


Dojo Trainee
That none of them won? There was more rep from characters that straight up aren't as good as Nightwing.
Because more players who play different characters were there? And they were better players?

That's like condemning the methodology of Aquaman because Brady didn't show up to a tourney and every other player ran into killers.

The best players in the game right now don't main Nightwing. That alone will make it hard for him to actually make an impact.

I'll be sure to Top 8 the next major I go to though just for you.
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