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Does win loss ratio affect whether you play someone in player match?


Guardian Cadet
I'm curious what other people think. about this question. Win/loss ratio definitely affects whether I want to play someone or not, and it worries me.

I really enjoy a good challenge. I like fighting people who are better than me or at my skill level. I don't like wasting my time finishing a fight against someone who is very far below me in skill; it's simply no fun.

So I typically look at win loss ratio. Right now, as long as someone doesn't have some crazy ratio like 5 wins / 100 losses, I'll typically give the fight a chance and assume there will be some healthy competition.

I'm worried because I care about my win/loss ratio for this very reason. While I enjoy fighting people better than me, I get worried honestly if I start losing more than three matches without winning one match because it's basically badly affecting my win loss ratio. I'm worried if my ratio gets too bad than other players will not want to fight me for the same reason I don't want to fight them! lol, hopefully I made my feelings on the matter clear without droning on too long.

So question: What's your perspective on win/loss ratio and how does it affect who you choose to fight? What do you think is the best perspective to have on this matter? Don't worry, there's no wrong answers. I would think a lot of people don't want to fight someone if they lose to them simply because they take a lot of pride in having an impressive win/loss ratio; I definitely have this feeling to some extent too.

This is the one thing I don't like about player matches. They're basically still a form of ranked matches due to this win/loss ratio system.


i only challenge people with better records than me. I accept all challenges and try to play at minimum three matches. the only deal breaker is the ping bars. if you don't have at least three bars, we ain't playing.


Most people that refuse to fight me have like 700 wins and 20 losses. My player match record isn't the greatest, but it's decent, so they refuse to fight for to protect their precious record and don't want a challenge. i also get declined by players with a few games or a bad record.

I never decline a match, but sometimes it's hard for me to get anyone to accept a game.


i only challenge people with better records than me. I accept all challenges and try to play at minimum three matches. the only deal breaker is the ping bars. if you don't have at least three bars, we ain't playing.
The ping bar doesn't work on player or ranked matches. You can only see pings inside rooms in the lobbies. So good luck finding only 3 bar ping players.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I play people from TYM or other good players, record doesn't mean a thing to me. In fact, all good records tell me is you've been playing a bunch of bad players, or something to that affect.


I like to play bad characters
Just like any game on-line records are decieving. Someone could play with thier friends a lot and have a poor record, but actually be pretty good. Some may have great records for the same reason, but not actually be that great. I give just about anybody a chance for the most part within reason. But I won't lie I don't take the matches where someone has 600 wins and less than 50 losses. How I get matched with them is beyond me but it happens.

To Answer your question I wouldn't worry. There will probobly always be someone to play. If that's not satisfying play KOTH or Survivor. Don't worry what on-line warriors think of you.



i've have fought plenty of players with bad records that put up a better fight than people with records above 2/1 w/l

record means very little, unless the numbers are extremely one sided


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
Here is my honest opinion:

Yes it does.

Sometimes, im in the mood to play someone good to level up my mains, learn match-ups, etc.

Sometimes, I want to play someone bad. Whether it be to try a new character or just to beat the ever loving shit out of someone who is clearly worse than me..

However, what I have realized is that even someone with a 500-200 record still isnt as good as their record indicates. Injustice matches are alot quicker, meaning you get more games in extended sessions.

Not to meantion private matches count towards player match record (which makes no sense btw). That can always give the appearance of being good due to boosting or w/e.


I only play people with ~500+ matches and a decent win rate (~40%) UNLESS they challenge me. I'll play anyone that challenges me. I only play 3 bars or more connection wise though.


Owner of the Fuckboy Emporium
Most times it comes down to whom I'm playing.

I main -> and my secondary is Black Adam, so if I'm playing either of them I'll usually play those with higher W/L than me.

However, if I'm trying to learn a new char such as Killer Frost whom I am learning now, I'm usually trying to get down combo timing and such online I will usually try to find those lower than myself just to get some combo practice in and figure out the fundamentals of said character.


1 2 3 drink
Why not look at trueskill rank instead of win/loss ratio? Im not saying trueskill rate is accurate but its more accurate then someones w/l ratio


I had to use my other psn because it would take me atleast 20 mins to find someone to play. My record is 600 something with 100 somethign losses. Online is 90% casual scrubs who just want easy wins. Soon as i went on another account with no wins i was bombarded with requests lol it's a joke


How many games a player has played tells me a loooot more that their win loss ratio.
i rather play a player with 800 wins and 700 losses than one with 100 wins and 40 losses


I find that people with a win/loss ratio that are close are generally better players than people have a huge amount amount of wins and few losses. I also find that people with a very high win to loss ratio will not accept challenges. I guess they're score padding.


thugs bunny
If nobody on my friends list is playing and I feel like playing randoms I never play anyone with a negative win/loss.
Unfortunately every time I come across someone with like 200 wins 70 losses they decline anytime I come across them (Some of the sign-in names I've recognized from this forum tsk, tsk).


The Only Player On The Wii U
Actually, If I remember them playing stupid on a previous fight I tend to decline. Its simply not fun to fight Pistoling Deathstrokes/Sliding Frosts and such online where it literally cannot be punished. Of course I make sure to beat them first though.


This is going to sound lame, but I have a second PSN account with a purposely bad record because a lot of players with clean recppds dont play anyone with a good record. My main accounts records isnt even great, maybe a 3-1 win loss ratio. Its funny though because as soon as the see Im not really a 20 win 50 loss calibur player they quickly leave. Sad I have to do this just for player matches.


Yung Kneecaps
Idk why but last night when I was playing on psn I went undefeated and checked my record to see that I lost points for winning? Wtf even the game hates me for using superman -.-


The Only Player On The Wii U
Just curious, most of you say that youll only play someone better then you, yet not with good stats. That is confusing...