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General/Other Batgirl Trailer Analysis


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Personally I was open minded abot Batgirl, but dissapointed that Powergirl wasn't chosen instead, but after seeing the trailer, I can't wait to get my hands on her(in more ways than oneJK). She looks to be close to the true Mileena of this game and makes KF look like a poser. Though I do wanna know when fighting outside Wayne Manor where the hell is the grappling hook connecting too in her super ?
I'm guessing from the video that the setup she uses for her super is actually impossible. If you look at the video, she does a MB of the hanging move, then she performs her super. This would only be possible in Training Mode, with the meter turned on max at all times.
Yeah and?

They did this for everyones trailer, they use infinite meter.
I kinda assumed the shoulder tackle special was being meter-burned, but after looking over the gif posted in the first response, I think Rathalos is right in that, the special has a followup with her teleporting back to the floor. THIS IS HUGE, any anti-air tackle can lead to potential hard knockdown setups, and since this is a special rather than a normal attack like Lobo stand 3, she builds more meter doing both the initial tackle and the teleport, which means her double meter burn special MIGHT ACTUALLY BE RELEVANT. I'd like to believe that teleport she does from the tackle is another followup from her trick hop, which would make sense. 2 attack options and one fake-out, with a meter burn variant that tracks your position on the screen, which could be burned again for a full juggle. The fake out could potentially be like Catwoman's evades, since her hurtbox is in the smoke cloud. Incoming meaty setup involving a low or mid? I don't care, I'll turn into a cloud and come back down to punish you with a full combo.

With this in mind, she turns into an even stronger character in the neutral game. I can't jump at her, or I eat a combo. She has a projectile that locks me in place and a normal fireball, so I can't just rush in, either. If I somehow get at her and score a knockdown, her wakeup could potentially fake me out and I get punished for attempting to pressure her. And if I happen to have a good fireball, I have to be cautious of her teleport/projectile counter and trick hop double meter burn that could lead to a full juggle, and a cautious fireball thrower throws the plasma slower than a fireball thrower thats just focused on keeping someone out, so she'll have a better time getting in there and doing work UNLESS HER DASH IS SHIT. The only thing that could really neuter her after assuming all this imo, is if she has really meh strings. Assuming her ground bounce string used in the corner combo hits overhead like most do, she at least has that as an option, unless the bounce sends the opponent too far for a followup (see Hawkgirl 22 used in a mid-screen juggle), and even then, she at least has the time to use the string like Lobo's 113, and get a safe trait activation. However, if she shares the batman curse with her powerful strings being duck-able and punished with Down 1 xx anything, then that will be a problem, unless she has something that's on a similar tier of Bruce's Back 23 ;D.

I used the words "assume" and "potentially" because this could all be 100% wrong and she's totally different from my vision of her based on this gameplay trailer, which could happen. She could actually have strings up the ass that are tricky to block, and her teleport is actually crap n stuff. But I could be right as well >=3. If this is all relevant when she's released, this character is going to be a blast, and the blow-ups will be errwhere.

EDIT: I was wrong about the overhead string bit, she uses an attack where she jumps and strikes the opponent with her elbow, like Shazam back 2, which also hits overhead. That string looked like a string that could launch, so yeah, thats a low starter into full combo and a potential overhead starter.

TL;DR version: I think her shoulder tackle might have a meterless followup, which could be amazing.



Also. I didn't know what quip meant. So here... a witty remark, especially one made on the spur of the moment. She is also one of the only characters to swear at 1:02. She says, "I'm a real pain in the ass, huh?"
Green Arrow says something about putting an arrow in your ass. Catwoman calls other ladies Bitches.


"Trying to make me laugh?"
I was just saying one of the only. I didn't know Catwoman called the other ladies bitches. I need to try her out more...:16Bit
Yeah, it's awesome. You're just kicking their ass and then she randomly shouts "BITCH" - it makes the match for me every time


Neutral Skipper
...I didn't realise her teleport was a projectile counter... Fuck me, man...

I will not main Batgirl.
I will not main Batgirl.
...I didn't realise her teleport was a projectile counter... Fuck me, man...

I will not main Batgirl.
I will not main Batgirl.
You will make her your secondary tho, since she's too godlike to not play. THERE'S NO ESCAPE.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Since we know her finishing move can be used in mid-air it brings up a new question, does it have to be mid-air like CSZ?
That'd be really interesting. Also, from what I've seen, she's probably going to be extremely good (high tier). She looks to be viable at all ranges and has the ability to get a free combo off of her anti-projectile move when meter burned. And....Oh no, doesn't it look like she has the Superman f1 2 later in the vid.
And....Oh no, doesn't it look like she has the Superman f1 2 later in the vid.
Doesnt look like it moves nearly as much forward as his, despite her little hop forward(if I'm looking at the one you are thinking of). I was more interested in her jM to low hit then launch string from early on :3 Also even if that little hop launch string is like supes doesn't mean we have a +1 special to go to :3

Still though, that tracking teleport, I like that dashes can avoid it, so it isn't brain dead, but fast enough to pick up any projectile that cant be held and dash cancelled(Joker, Hawk, Lex, Nightwing, Harley...hmmm did I get all of them..oh wait cyborg will still have that ability), so uhh deathstroke is gonna have a fun time :3

NRS:"Nerf deathstroke? Naw son thats not how we do, here have a character that'll make them regret only being able to play him that one way while the good ones with variable game will still be okay"

I like these NRS guys, they're silly :3

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Doesnt look like it moves nearly as much forward as his, despite her little hop forward(if I'm looking at the one you are thinking of). I was more interested in her jM to low hit then launch string from early on :3 Also even if that little hop launch string is like supes doesn't mean we have a +1 special to go to :3
I'm just saying if Batgirl has that move with the same advantages as Supes, then she'd destroy everyone :D. That launcher does looks sick though, I wonder if she can do that into the multi-stab (MB), then wall bounce, and somehow into that thing that traps opponents in place. If she could do that, she'd be doing massive damage son!