That's the 1st time I've EVER heard a Sinestro user say that. Almost sound like up-playing deceptively. Sinestro's trait is the ONLY tool he has to keep him against the better tooled chars of the game. Not only does he have a long charge up to activate it meaning you have to sacrifice damage and/or positioning, the two main things he shouldn't be, but also there's only 3 shots.
So if you're in the 2nd round, made those sacrifices, and the 1st combo you start they clash and its gone back to zero, is fair? This isn't like Batman who can just wait a few seconds and bring the bats back out. Against a really good player you may not even be able to bring back trait again after the clash/transition/super. Even if you WIN or do one of those you still lose it.
Maybeeee if it had wait time like Batman, Black Adam, almost everyone. Maybeeee if you had the ability to just charge one bar and release one at your own discretion, being in control of your own risk/reward level. Or other possible fixes people have brought up. But to say Sinestro's current trait situation is fair" and "balances out" a char who isn't even one of the best is absurd. Especially considering others who have traits as good or better who just have to wait a few seconds to get it back, while they already have much better tools to begin with.