I just want to thank the community for showing support when i needed it the most despite any quarrels we have had, especially m2dave, in the end its all about hype, never really had any serious problems with u, and liking my status showed me what kind of guy you really where, and for the past from me to u i apologize, i apologize to anyone who might feel ill towards me, but i did it all just to build intensity and excitement and buzz in the community, moving forward i dont know what todays transactions will make me into, anti social? Suicidal maybe? Deeply depressed? ( well already there ) but im here to announce that the medical team for my dad announced that he is infact brain dead, and the family has decided to pull the plug in the next 2 or 3 days, i looked at my dad today all swollen, tubes in his mouth, bandage on his head, cathadar in his groin, and tubes going in and out of his body from god knows where, and drool running down his mouth constantly that i had to keep whiping, i dont see my dad anymore, i just see a shell of his former self... But anyway ill update this later i have to talk to my cousin.