Update: Today is both the saddest but in a way a good day, saddest in the event that my father is no longer with me in this world, a good day that he no longer has to suffer in this world or worry about the many troubles it brings, at exactly 3:30 today central time my dad passed away peacefully with my sister at his side, i just could not bring myself to see him like he was after they took him off life support, his brain basically went into autopilot doing what it could to survive. I stayed with him for 15 mins after they pulled the tubes out of him watching him but i broke down i couldnt take it, struggling to breathe and gurgling from fluids in his throat, but today all the pain came to an end my dad is finally in the lords grasps...thank u for staying by my side through all of this and thanks for supporting me u guys, Mk9 and injustice will always have a deep place in my heart even more now because weeks before my dads death he actually sat down and watch me play both injustice and mk9 for the first time, he never actually watched me play the game i competed in, while me and him enjoyed an ice cold brew together , next day he was bragging about my skills and accomplishments in both games, my dad was proud of me and he loved me very much, im happy that he molded me into the man i am today and i thank him for always being there 4 me when i needed him...love u dad r.i.p.