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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Really thinking about dropping bane for solomon grundy and maining him like i originally planned especially with match ups like Bane Vs Deathstroke being so frustrating unless you always use LV3 Venom....

I'm A Grappler player so who knows why i eventually settled on maining bane but keep away characters make quick work of bane and my only ways of getting in are the raging charge and using the body splash at mid range


Really thinking about dropping bane for solomon grundy and maining him like i originally planned especially with match ups like Bane Vs Deathstroke being so frustrating unless you always use LV3 Venom....

I'm A Grappler player so who knows why i eventually settled on maining bane but keep away characters make quick work of bane and my only ways of getting in are the raging charge and using the body splash at mid range
Welcome to the grunders!
But don't be fooled, keep away characters are a bad MU for Grundy too

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Welcome to the grunders!
But don't be fooled, keep away characters are a bad MU for Grundy too
I'm not a newcomer to grundy I've been using him since i got the game a few days after launch it's just that he's always taken backseat to bane(My Main)and i understand keep away characters are bad for grundy too but bane has to risk it all to have a chance against those characters

he has to constantly use LV3 Venom to even get close to them and once that runs out he's pretty much dead


only a few.
Not to start a Grundy Match-up discussion... but lets start a Grundy MU discussion lol.

Who in your opinion are the "Few" that you have trouble with, I would love to know.

Only ones Zoning that I have trouble with is: Superman, BA, and KF(Though KF could just be due to not enough matchup experience, in my case) and maybe a well played GA

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Not to start a Grundy Match-up discussion... but lets start a Grundy MU discussion lol.

Who in your opinion are the "Few" that you have trouble with, I would love to know.

Only ones Zoning that I have trouble with is: Superman, BA, and KF(Though KF could just be due to not enough matchup experience, in my case) and maybe a well played GA
In this order:
^^^^^^^^ duh (without infinite he's just a pain to even touch)
Black Adam
Green Lantern
^^^^^^^^^ Hardest three by far
^^^^^^^ because she builds SO much meter.

All other "zoners" aren't nearly as bad and with time I think it'll be proven. I dont' classify Superman, WW or Aquaman zoners, nor do I consider KF.


I have no trouble with raven, but I havnt fought one who uses demon mode like she should

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biggest cyborg upplayer
I have trouble with HQ (but it may be just lack of MU knowledge) and GA. I actually think that Ga is one of his worst MUs, just because Grundy has to take those mixups from mid to fullscreen and WCC doesn´t work much against a GA that keeps jumping backwards while shooting overhead arrows (but then again, it may be just that I am playing the MU wrong).


In this order:
^^^^^^^^ duh (without infinite he's just a pain to even touch)
Black Adam
Green Lantern
^^^^^^^^^ Hardest three by far
^^^^^^^ because she builds SO much meter.

All other "zoners" aren't nearly as bad and with time I think it'll be proven. I dont' classify Superman, WW or Aquaman zoners, nor do I consider KF.
I just havn't played a good enough Cyborg or Green Lantern, so need more MU experience, BA is BLEH at best, Havn't fought a good enough Raven yet, Fought 1 good GA and it wasn't even possible to get near him for 80% of the match


Some of you may laugh, but I've been having trouble with a lot of Batman players lately. I'm trying to think of some good tactics when he throws his bats then charges or jumps at me. That crossover is a pain in the ass. I need to use Grundy's D2 more often.


Some guy with a PS3
Some of you may laugh, but I've been having trouble with a lot of Batman players lately. I'm trying to think of some good tactics when he throws his bats then charges or jumps at me. That crossover is a pain in the ass. I need to use Grundy's D2 more often.
Batman's pretty irksome. Grundy can punish Batman's jumpins with d2 easily, but has to be careful about that bats trait, they mess up everything. When they're not around you can fight him okay. That or if they try to grapple from a while away, ducking/swamp hands will help. That's risky for them, though, and you won't see it as much if they know what they're doing.

Other tip for fighting him, when he's in knockdown, you can WCC his wakeup slide, and get a full combo, or use enhanced swamphands and armor into a wallbounce, etc. Seems like this is for the matchup thread, though.

Also, hi! I'm new here, and very devoted to both Grundy and Injustice. I hope to share/steal some tech, and generally enjoy the company of other zombie mains.

On that note, I'm currently making a giant Grundy guide. It covers a lot of basics, but it's thorough enough, currently it's running about 40 minutes, but it needs a lot more editing before it goes to youtube. Hopefully it'll be up soon, I'm trying to move quickly.


Some of you may laugh, but I've been having trouble with a lot of Batman players lately. I'm trying to think of some good tactics when he throws his bats then charges or jumps at me. That crossover is a pain in the ass. I need to use Grundy's D2 more often.
Be careful with d2 against his jump ins...for some reasons it will whiff most of the times and you'll eat a full combo.
Df1 works better imho (but sometimes I whiffed the grab too, lol)
I'm sure a lot of you guys already do this, but i just recently realized how essential it is to be proficient at reversing your cancel input for WC when your opponent jumps over you. Its mad punishable otherwise. Also, if you cancel after they jump over, you can often go straight into a f13 and catch them off guard.

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Always have trouble against projectile happy players and get annoyed when people keep telling me "Walking Corpse" Is the answer to all projectile problems when it doesn't make the problem go away
Always have trouble against projectile happy players and get annoyed when people keep telling me "Walking Corpse" Is the answer to all projectile problems
Whoever is telling you that is wrong. WC is a situational tool, not the only way to get in. You must simply be patient. You can dash/just forward walk(which looks sooo intimidating with grundy) between projectiles and block. You can also use MB swamp hands if you make a good read and catch them on startup. One trick that I like to use is fake swamp hands with b2
And then dash in if they jump or block low. I also sometime WCC into MB swamp hands which often surprises people, especially if they are used to empty WCC because you armor theough their punish attempts with MB swamp hands.

Use heavy zoners to your advantage. Get them to corner themselves. Be patient and let them run away, then make all that chip damage worth it destroy them in the corner.

Dont panic when you are taking chip or are losing a lot of health full screen. Be calm and patient. When grundy gets in, he GETS IN.


Some guy with a PS3
I've tried WCCing through every shot of Ares zoning on like week 1, didn't really help. MB swamp hands, his fast dashes, and patience, that's the way. Lizard's on the money with his suggestion.

Also, if they zone primarily on the ground, most times you can take them with patience. Supes and Air zoners, that's who I have more trouble with.

Be careful with d2 against his jump ins...for some reasons it will whiff most of the times and you'll eat a full combo.
Df1 works better imho (but sometimes I whiffed the grab too, lol)
I actually really like d2, I use it a lot more than df1, but df1 is useful, 5 frame startup and a fixed knockdown aren't something to scoff at. I prefer it when I'm in or near the corner. Sideswitches are fun.

From experience, d2 is really nice against Batman. I try to figure it out per matchup, though, because it is pretty bleh against Wonderwoman.


If you cancel walking corpse when they jump over you, just do walking corpse the other way. Your opponents will alway think you wiff (since grundy stays backwards) and try to wiff punish you. But you can block or do any attack immediately.

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so while watching maxamilian? on youtube he stated there is a way to shut down grundys super and said it was very easy. anyone know what that may be. if people can shut down his super and wcg he is going to be very tough to win with.


Some guy with a PS3
Sorry, man, but Grundy's super is a very inconvenient use for his meter. His MB swamp hands are essential against zoners and help in strings at times, his MB walking corpse gives his guaranteed damage a huge boost, and his MB trait/f3 is great for interrupting pressure. With all that and clashes, Grundy's using all his meter as is.

That, and any combo confirm into his super does much more damage when you use 1 or 2 meters instead.

Honestly, after day 1, I've used his super once, as a taunt.

I'm sure a lot of you guys already do this, but i just recently realized how essential it is to be proficient at reversing your cancel input for WC when your opponent jumps over you.
And yeah, I know how important that is. I suck at the reflexes for it. I find I reverse the input most commonly when I use Walking Corpse on wakeup, so sometimes I just input the crossup direction whether I do crossup or not.
not sure what question you are answering there.
i was asking if anyone knew what he was talking about. how do you shut down grundys super very easy?
i use super to finish off the other player and never said or insinuated that using his meter for super was his best option. i dont find that grundy has a problem building meter. i usually have plenty of meter at the end of matches to finish with super if i want.
the last sentance was my opinion.
Any work being done on his cross ups? His J1 while it doesnt cross up technically you can J1 and land on the other side so you have to block left/right very quickly.


Some guy with a PS3
Oh, ok.

I actually have no clue, considering how frivolous I am with meter usage. I just never find a time to use his super, because when I have the meter, one of us wants to clash.