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Question The Buffs Bane Needs?

Yes I thought Bane was fine until I played a good Superman and a good Batman, together, on the same night in a KotH session. Then I realized that he doesn't have answers for certain setups, or his answers require WAY too much risk or WAY too much of a skill differential (i.e. you have to be great, and they have to suck or whiff it).

The other players saw it too, we had a lively discussion about what Bane could do against certain tactics, and usually the answer was "oooh, not a whole lot".

The thing is, some people read that and think that we're saying that Bane is absolute garbage unplayable. He's not. His toolbox is just too weak in a couple of critical areas.

Regarding the sudden turn in this thread into a certain person posting "OOOOH, SECRET TECH WILL SAVE {your character}! YOU WILL DISCOVER THE HIDDEN STUFF THAT MAKES HIM BETTER THAN SUPERMAN!" As far as I know, 9.9 times out of 10, across multiple fighting games and multiple platforms, the 'secret tech' that can help a character is not discovered. Now, it's perfectly reasonable to say 'well maybe there's more to this character then y'all have figured out' but acting like it's Easter Morning and we're all too stupid to find the egg is not very constructive. If history is any indicator, there's probably no egg to find. So just relax with that and let people have a discussion.


Vertebral Subluxationist
And the only way to solve that problem is by asking for buffs? No one is "barging" in. My point is simple and applies to all characters on the roster. No one needs buffs at this point.
How the fuck else can you solve the problem? There's nothing to 'learn' about getting hit with an 80% simple bnb because the only thing that makes him dangerous (his trait) is a double edged sword where the edge pointing at the opponent is a butter knife and the edge pointing at Bane is a fucking lightsaber.

The character is severely flawed and lacking, and it's stupid obvious. A guy with no legs can't run. Buff him with some prosthetics and he might not be beating Usain Bolt, but damn, at least he'll be able to race.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
There is no hidden stuff. There are so little moves and it's painfully obvious you can not do anything against several top tier chars, and have a hard time with the rest.

There is nothing that would "POP UP" omg look I completely forgot that there is this hidden move that explodes fullscreen and you win. No. Everything is there. Everything has been tested. It's crystal clear. Bottom tier and period. No hidden stuff, no pop ups, no newly discovered tech. Batman will pound you into the ground 9-1 whatever tech you can cook up with his lacking move list.


I like to play bad characters
How the fuck else can you solve the problem? There's nothing to 'learn' about getting hit with an 80% simple bnb because the only thing that makes him dangerous (his trait) is a double edged sword where the edge pointing at the opponent is a butter knife and the edge pointing at Bane is a fucking lightsaber.

The character is severely flawed and lacking, and it's stupid obvious. A guy with no legs can't run. Buff him with some prosthetics and he might no be beating Usain Bolt, but damn at least he'll be able to race.
Not only this, which is completely accurate, there are other characters in the game who get the same benefits as Bane's trait, FOR FREE! Free as in specials that are armored just because they are. Armor breaking as part of thier trait on all moves + damage! (hmm who could that be...) yet they recieve no "debuff."

His trait basically is his game and his way to even stay in it, but you suffer for it. If he had a MB special that could extend combo's, or even start one for that matter, for the same damage as what the majority of the cast is capable of for 1 bar, some with none!, then we could debate the debuff. But as far as i'm concerned there is no debate, Bane got screwed. The damage taken aspect needs removed, end of discussion. He has other issues, some that I belive can't be fixed or added in to a released game, but come on fix his trait!

chief713 that wasn't at you btw, you just inspired me to rant a bit ;)
Yeah...his trait debuff is shit, no denying it needs tweaks IMO.

You do know MB charge has armor right? That's your way to get in. 32 frames? Yeah...that needs to be faster.What other way do you guys have in mind? Use his slow walking speed?
I dash. Charge to get in is suicide. On level 1-2 venom his dash works wonders anyway. Even when I'm debuffed I still stay in as close as possible because Bane gets wrecked by most zoners even on chip (with the debuff activated especially).


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Zomg Guiz. I haz a brillyant id-ya! Let's mayk Bane's trayt leik Gurndy's and have his Venom be leik Hakan from SSSSSSSF4 Ultra Arcade yoloswagmaster69 edition. Oil up = Venom pump. While his Venom is on he gets moar properties and stuff and while it's off he's still bad but not terrible lawl!



I like to play bad characters
A faster sweep would be nice, as well as a few standing normals. I have a hard time retaliating sometimes just because his speed is ass and I get hit with someone who has a 6 or 7 frame move.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Oh, and I was being serious about the whole, Oil = Venom shit above lmao. Maybe not make Bane's trait like Grundy's (even though I <3 throws) but give him a whole new trait and make his venom a special. Obviously it would need tweaks to balance it but I think it would mesh nicely. Almost like a Hakan-esque character. C'mon, let's be real. Bane becoming Hakan is a buff...he can't get worse...



Bane isn't a grappler like Grundy, he should not be as slow as him and then still be slower in movement.

Needs faster normals bro

Also what else would his trait be? There's nothing lol


Too simple. And...uncreative...

...Trait creating for this lug is too hard. He only has one mode of attack, and it's "Go."
Knife you can direct, goes anywhere, cancels, hits low overhead and AA and combos everywhere on on the screen. #Derp


Brilliant. It's also a command grab. :confused:
As to your only one mode thing..

Well, it is a bit hard to make a character like Bane outside of his obvious physical ability so unless they gave him a weapon or something there isn't much else. It'd be cool if he had like minions he could summon though :cool:



Venom Addict/Space Pope
"Fear my biceps!" WHAM! *Flex Pose*

Parries all attacks, with 1f startup and 1000 active frames. Projectile invincible. And other ridiculous things I can't think of.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Yeah...his trait debuff is shit, no denying it needs tweaks IMO.

I dash. Charge to get in is suicide. On level 1-2 venom his dash works wonders anyway. Even when I'm debuffed I still stay in as close as possible because Bane gets wrecked by most zoners even on chip (with the debuff activated especially).
Yall got info on how bad the debuff is when it happens after using venom?


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Yall got info on how bad the debuff is when it happens after using venom?
It's one of the threads here.

I like debuff. I'm fine with the design of Bane. I'm fine with his deliberate flaws that result from the design. I'm just not fine with a few things that I think can be easily fixed. I don't think there needs to be new moves or substantial changes to Bane. Damage boosts (use air throw change please), more damage on all moves, definitely more damage on MB moves, MUCH more damage on his super, and we're good. Less venom penalties are fine (no defense penalty has been brought up). But aside from this, I think he's fine, which is why I'm preparing to be disappointed.


Dojo Trainee
It's one of the threads here.

I like debuff. I'm fine with the design of Bane. I'm fine with his deliberate flaws that result from the design. I'm just not fine with a few things that I think can be easily fixed. I don't think there needs to be new moves or substantial changes to Bane. Damage boosts (use air throw change please), more damage on all moves, definitely more damage on MB moves, MUCH more damage on his super, and we're good. Less venom penalties are fine (no defense penalty has been brought up). But aside from this, I think he's fine, which is why I'm preparing to be disappointed.
Yea, I agree with you. Dumping the damage taken debuff would let us pump venom more freely and thus do more damage.
i haven't read every single page of the thread so forgive me if this has been suggested already
what if bane kept the damage from venom but the withdrawal didn't cause a debuff but rather a damage over time effect
it would incentivize banes to really get in there and win the game quickly and efficiently which he is capable of doing with venom

alternatively, what if his super just ended the debuff. he smacks the big ole button before he does it, wouldn't it make sense for him to at least normalize if not go up a venom level?