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I must be Insane. Does Fun Matter?

AK Black Preon

(Senseless Venting Powers... Activate)​

So people online just seem to be looking for the "easy win" character. Once they get bodied they either quit the game or complain about you being the one "abusing" something. Combine that with the fact that a lot of people don't play characters that they like. For example my friend Nathan always talked about how Super man "Is a pile of trash and everything he's affiliated is just god awful garbage." Even going as far as to call him his "Meg Griffin of the DC Universe". And its cool to not like a character. But when Injustice dropped, because Super Man has an easy time blowing people up he now mains Super Man.

He claims his favorite DC character is Captain Marvel (Shazam) but won't bother learning him because apparently he's not a good enough character to win with. When I pick Bane I know what to expect and I'll be the first to admit I easily succumb to character loyalty. At the most recent Atlanta Kombat event, I played Bane all night and got BODIED by Pig's Sinestro and Bibulus' Green Lantern. I'm not salty I just learned from the experience. Some characters are just inferior to others and its always been that way. People in the FGC like abusable tactics, characters, and tech. If there was a game with 5-5 matchups all across the boards all of the "tier whores" and "try hards" would deem the game trash. And I do enjoy hanging out with fellow members of the community and getting better at the game.

However with that said, I care more about the enjoyment of the game rather than the results of any match. Now keep in mind this is coming from someone who enjoys the community and the game. Not someone who is going to tournaments (majors). But 95% of those people who fall into this "try hard category" aren't going to tournaments either yet, they'll still whine, complain, and call a game trash because their character isn't top or rage quit because their "easy win" character can't get the job done.

This guys plays Aqua Man, DeathStroke, Super Man, Batman, and is god awful with all of them.

And it really ruins the fun of actually playing with a character you like and then having "your opponent has left the game" flash across the screen. I understand the play to win at all costs mentality in tournament and tournament players. But seriously randoms can't even have fun unless they win is retarded.

Now am I dissing people who play those high tier characters? - No.

Am I dissing people who ONLY have fun by winning? - Kind of questioning why.


Scary Bat
Can see what you're getting at. Except I've sort of pulled an opposite. I really like Aquaman & Green Arrow, I said I would try and main them when the game came out. Apparently they are kinda high tier or whatever but I find I'm next to useless with Aquaman, and I can sort of paly Green Arrow but not really.

So when playing Story mode and STAR Labs I found that I was alright with Wonder Woman, could do some fairly decent damage combos without much of a problem. When she felt a bit slow, I tried Flash as well. Yeah I get beaten a lot online, but I still have fun. Better than playing a senseless Deathstroke.

However there are guys who want to win, both pro and scrub, who will learn the best character that they can use. All rage quitters are assholes.
I play Flash so i get bodied almost all the time by Supermans and other characters i manage to win some matches but is difficult,my friends told me that why i don´t pick another character, my answer: I love Flash he is my favorite DC character even if i have no chances due to the zoning or my skill i´ll continue pick Flash.

Also 6/10 matches i play are Superman so yeah i see a lot of "top tier" characters everywhere, these people just want a win and it´s ok but i think they abuse this.


Positive Poster!
(Senseless Venting Powers... Activate)
Back when MK9 was big, I was maining the undoubtedly weakest character in the game
<~ Jade.
The fun was when Kung Lao and Cyrax players sent me hatemail and top tier "online best" players called me a fucking nightmare.
Get some spite in there and love your character. You'll never be top notch unless you play top notch, but you can sure fake it with the right amount of work.
The weakness of the snowball characters is that they all play the same way. Find counters.
Do work bro.


Noob Saibot
I love the game and have fun no matter if I win or lose. I think all people are competitive by nature and want to win, nobody wants to lose.

Like I said to before in other threads I want to play great players to learn stuff and get better. I wouldn't care if I got bodied.

I play Sinestro because he is my favorite DC character and I love his play style. I wouldn't care if he was downright shit, I would play him any way. I also play Aquaman because he is fun to use. I'm actually 10x better with Aquaman than I am with Sinestro but I enjoy playing as Sinestro because he is my fav.

I played against a really good WW the other night(for online standards that is) and we had a good 15 game set. Never played a good WW before and it was a great experience. I learned so much from those games and enjoyed it.

There is no honor or gamesmanship in the video game community.

If you beat someone the other person is salty and will tell you to go fuck yourself if you say GG. If you get beat by a better player they will talk shit to you and be assholes.

There are "professionals" here that talk down to the community like we are dog shit beneath their feet. It doesn't bother me really because its only a video game . But I do feel bad for those that really take this shit to heart instead of realizing that video games are just that, video games.

And the God Complex is bullshit too. Unless you're a cardio thoracic surgeon, don't think you're hot shit because you play a competitively in a video games because in reality it doesn't mean shit.

Have fun and fuck everybody else who wants to rain on your parade. If you want to get better, great; I do too, but don't let if stress you to the point of an aneurysm.



Neptune's Beard!!!
I'd take fun over winning anytime. There's nothing more satisfying than winning with your FAVORITE character. Sup's & Nightwing are actually my favorite DC characters, but I feel like it's too easy to win with them. Superman more than Nightwing. Fighting games I usually try to find a character I like that's in the mid-tier or even low. Which is why I main Harley now. I love the character and she can be a challenge to win with. But, I feel like main-ing her has forced me to really step up my skill level with this game. As opposed to when I was using Superman.
Reactions: SLy


fuck man just let people do what they want. does fun matter? no. yes. depending on what you want in a game. you want one thing and i want another. lets do our thing and play without concerning ourselves in others business.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I can ONLY play as characters I like or who I think is flashy and fierce. Total character loyalist. If I picked up Sinestro ~~to win~~ I'd lose more matches than I would with a ~~low tier~~ character I adore. My heart has to belong to them...nothing is more fun and more gratifying than kicking ass with YOUR character. Plus I'm slightly crazy because I think tier lists are nothing more than a psychological group think mechanisim that has derived from theories. Just my opinion... ;)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
fuck man just let people do what they want. does fun matter? no. yes. depending on what you want in a game. you want one thing and i want another. lets do our thing and play without concerning ourselves in others business.
I love you. We think very alike.

AK Black Preon

Plus I'm slightly crazy because I think tier lists are nothing more than a psychological group think mechanisim that has derived from theories. Just my opinion... ;)
Not crazy. I don't think you can have a "Tier List" until the final version of the game is out. Patches and DLC characters and all.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I can ONLY play as characters I like or who I think is flashy and fierce. Total character loyalist. If I picked up Sinestro ~~to win~~ I'd lose more matches than I would with a ~~low tier~~ character I adore. My heart has to belong to them...nothing is more fun and more gratifying than kicking ass with YOUR character. Plus I'm slightly crazy because I think tier lists are nothing more than a psychological group think mechanisim that has derived from theories. Just my opinion... ;)
But... Sinestro is low tier ;)


I play to win but I only will have fun winning with a character I like to play as.

Although I play Deathstroke very lame, believe it or not I think shooting bullets 90% of the time is fun.

WoundCowboy what is your sig from? Thought it was funny and want to see it.
I really like Aquaman & I said I would try and main them when the game came out. Apparently they are kinda high tier or whatever
i did the same exact thing with aquaman and sinestro and people are still giving crap about it. i thought aquaman/sinestro was gonna be fun (i think they are at least) and they suited my playstyle. i'm pretty bad at laying on the pressure, but give me some tools and defensive options and i'm good to go!


The Netherrealm beckons
Sometimes it isn't fun using your favorite character because they're stuck with such inadequate tools that the frustrations outweigh the enjoyment.

For me, it was Stryker with MK9. There are times when I really love using him, but for the most part that character holds me back as a player and I choose someone else.


Some people's enjoyment comes purely from winning. Even if it means using lame ass tactics. Deathstroke and Superman dick riders especially. I tried using them both but found them really boring. I guess they get a kick out of pissing people off with lame tactics. Says more about them than anything.


End Of Humanity
Yes fun matter but when your character is bottom tier , and most of the time you get bodied its not fun ....
I play KF and DS not because they are good but cuz I enjoy using them and rly like the characters . And I picked them before the game was released so .... :p Only character I like but for obvious reasons dont use is Lobo ( impossilbe to play online )

As for winning , the most fun matches ive played so far are these which I lost vs good players ( for example last night vs usedforglue , it was 7-2 for him, some matches close , some I got destroyed but all of them were super fun , or vs xInfraDeadx ares . he is counter zoner but I like challenges )

Alexandru Pascu

I use Superman because he's my favourite comic boom character of all time. Do I body people that have no freaking chance against the match-up because they use inferior characters? Sometimes. Do I body some people because I'm overall better than them? Sometime that happens too. Do I body people that are overall better players than me just because they use an 'inferior' character? Almost never. Sometimes a real good player will have an off match and I'll capitalise on it by punishing evey time he messed up in any way. That happens. People make mistakes and you win when you either make less mistakes or you can punish your opponent's. It's just the way it is. Is Superman boring or easy mode? No. Most of the times I'll beat someone with Superman and I'll beat that same player when using Green or Aquaman or Killer Frost. Sometimes I'll lose if I use any of the other guys mostly cause I haven't practiced the other chars nearly as much nor do I know their strings and what follows up into what. That doesn't make me a bad player just shows I've not put as much time into anyone else. And I can't find Superman boring because it's not a guaranteed win and whoever says this is a moron. Pulling off a 48% trait combo after a good read still feels as rewarding as it did when I started mastering said combo. Getting my opponent into position where I can pull off a 62% corner combo still feels badass. I'm fairly new to fighting games as a whole but I can genuinely say I've never thought about finding the strongest character and only using him. Do I still play Superman the most out of all of them? He's my favourite superhero nay fictional character ever so of course I'm gonna keep using him because he's fun as far as I'm concerned and because I've put in the time to learn his monster combos or to learn when each of his strengths apply. I get just as frustrated when I play against another Superman that all he does is spam his freaking lasers and dash away but that is precisely why I went through that steep learning curve (this is the first fighting game I've really invested myself in so regardless how easy it is for most people it was still a fairly steep curve for me) because I want to feel like it was my effort that won me the match and not my character. And if I lose I'll at least have had a good time and knew I tried my best and I've taken something from it that'll make me that bit better.

P.S.: Sorry for the long post but I think the point of this thread is a valid one it just doesn't apply in all the cases.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
This is a competitive gaming forum. We (at least most of us) play to win. We gain our enjoyment from working hard to win, giving ourselves the best oppurtunity to win, and acheiving that goal. Not from playing a certain character who is trash at the highest possible level (not saying bane is trash, but I think we can establish he is no where near Aquaman) and losing in the name of "fun". If thats what you want to do, then thats cool, and it doesn't make you any less of a gamer or a person or whatever, but you are in the wrong place and are in the minority here. Well I don't know, maybe you won't be, there are a lot of new members with that mentality it seems haha.