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VSM KT Smith's Living Injustice Tier Chart


Dave let me clear so we don't have this conversation again. I will say it in your native Russian.

Убийца Мороз верхнем ярусе. Она является лучшим женским персонажем. Дэйв является бесплатным.
It isn't flawless Russian but good job, man,
Убийца Мороз - персонаж верхнего ранга....Дэйв является бесплатным -in Russian doesn't make any sense, although people speaking both languages and familiar with meaning of the word FREE will understand:)

Vulcan Hades

Not downplaying Black Adam in the slightest. He's super solid but he still struggles vs some characters with good air mobility or air control.


-Wonder Woman
-Green Lantern
-edit: ok Superman, Lex and Catwoman are probably 5-5.

Will all end up being though matchups for Black Adam in the long run at high level. I know not everyone will agree with this but that's what I think and why I think BA is not top 5. Top 10 yes but he does have faults while some other characters are super well rounded with almost no weaknesses.

Don't nerf Black Adam lol. He's basically like Doomsday right now, people just don't have a clue how to counter dive kick.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Not downplaying Black Adam in the slightest. He's super solid but he still struggles vs some characters with good air mobility or air control.


-Wonder Woman
-Green Lantern
-Possibly Catwoman after watching Maxter vs Han but still not sure

Will all end up being though matchups for Black Adam in the long run at high level. I know not everyone will agree with this but that's what I think and why I think BA is not top 5. Top 10 yes but he does have faults while some other characters are super well rounded with almost no weaknesses.

Don't nerf Black Adam lol. He's basically like Doomsday right now, people just don't have a clue how to counter dive kick.
I heard they might take away his combos next patch


In Zoning We Trust
That BA dive kick is probably my most hated move next to Frost slide. With GL it doesn't matter, but with Sinestro and Raven it feels like sometimes all you can do is block it and then try to counter his next string(s). Clueless as what to do against a blocked dive from BA with Sinestro and Raven. :-/



no cyborg because we know forsssure his zoning will be nerfed


I miss you
I feel Raven's position is accurate. Funny thing is although she has very nice prospects against some of the top boys like aquaman, nightwing, killer frost (maybe supes) and according to someones cyborg, they get the upper hand on her with the other portion of the cast. She has to be very careful (maybe at disadvantage) in some MUs that the top dudes just blast carelessly.
Man... these charts never really click with me. I see a character above another character and think "ok so this character places higher on the tier list". Then I see them on the complete opposite horizontal side meaning they have a ton of faults compared to the lower tier character who has practically no faults. Does that basically mean the higher tier character has better overall matchup stats but their stats are more extreme? (eg. the higher tier character has more 7/3 and 3/7 matchups but overall a better win ratio then the more balanced matchup lower tier char).
That's how I like to think about it. I have a hard time thinking of any MUs where Wonder Woman or Superman are extremely outmatched but on the other hand I can't say they totally destroy a particular character either. On the opposite side I can see Black Adam really screwing certain characters over but there's also some MUs where his options become very limited and predictable.

By this logic a character that goes even in most MUs and has a slight 55-60% advantage in the others could be higher than a character with a crapload of 70% advantages but a handfull of 30% disadvantages depending on your draw in a tournament.

It's all subjective of course but it's nice to have a baseline and it's fun to theorize!
Kf is over rated. Aquaman is still good as fuck. Look as his tools. Great trait. Awesome pokes great anti air. High damage and easy to use. Don't know if Tom still uses him but once there is another big level tourney you'll see some good ones. I think superman and black Adam tho are the best 2 hands down now.


too smart to play MKX
Killer Frost is totally top. Like 50% into a 50/50 that leads to even more damage, + bullshit slide (#voldomainsknowwhatitdo). I lol all day.

But on a cold day in hell do I believe Lex, Joker or Bane are that low. I'm actually terrified they'll get retarded buffs to compensate for unwillingness to try and start eating everyone. Really, I'm reading this tier list mostly as what characters are the easiest to use right now with the exception of a handful who I do see as top tier material, and Flash... I believe his position won't change a whole lot.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
KF in the best scenario situation : top 5
KF in the worst scenario situation: top 10

WW : no way in hell she is nothing but top tier .... she is very dynamic to be underestimated. She is easily top, no doubt

Superman and Aquaman, surely , are top material in this game. Very well-rounded characters, easily top 5 each one .... Aquaman, probably, might be the best character in IGAU, so far till now .... IDK ....

Black Adam is damn good too, a lot of set-ups in his moveset , so, he is annoying to deal with , hehe

Grundy and Deathstroke : watch out, dudes .... these 2 at the highest possible gameplay level played, can be a nightmare for anyone, to handle in competition scene, hehe

Error Macro

It April yet?
KF in the best scenario situation : top 5
KF in the worst scenario situation: top 10

WW : no way in hell she is nothing but top tier .... she is very dynamic to be underestimated. She is easily top, no doubt

Superman and Aquaman, surely , are top material in this game. Very well-rounded characters, easily top 5 each one .... Aquaman, probably, might be the best character in IGAU, so far till now .... IDK ....

Black Adam is damn good too, a lot of set-ups in his moveset , so, he is annoying to deal with , hehe

Grundy and Deathstroke : watch out, dudes .... these 2 at the highest possible gameplay level played, can be a nightmare for anyone, to handle in competition scene, hehe
I'd like to think that Wonder Woman is that good but I need to see more WW get around zoning, in particular zoning that takes away her air control. I haven't seen much of what her sword stance can do up close either.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
KT Smith I would advise you to put Ares in the bottom left side, at the top. I've been using him since launch, this is my conclusion.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Lmao all this bitching about Black Adam and all his placements and he still hasn't made top tier. Tier whores you are fucking up!



KT Smith it would be awesome if you made a similar Tier list just based purely off of each character's "Trait" .. So just a pure Trait Tier (for kicks) For Example, Top Traits are Aquaman, Batman, Supes, etc etc and Worst are Lobo, Harley, etc etc


Gaming4Satan Founder
Lmao all this bitching about Black Adam and all his placements and he still hasn't made top tier. Tier whores you are fucking up!
Black Adam is free to stand block and air to air jump 1's


KT Smith I would advise you to put Ares in the bottom left side, at the top. I've been using him since launch, this is my conclusion.
I feel like he's in the generally correct spot. Part of it is cosmetic because I can't put him directly over sinestro and I can't really displace sinestro without making him look worse than I think he is or displacing other characters and I feel like Ares is stronger than Sinestro by a little bit.


Well-Known Member
But really man, I wish you would change your y axis to "exploitability" because a character who can exploit iagb's (for example) and is well rounded fighting at all parts of the screen is truly top tier.


Zoning Master
Black Adam is free to stand block and air to air jump 1's.
Black Adam is S tier, fool. He has the best backdash and the best aerial mobility in the game. His damage output is also one of the highest in the game. If he had 50/50 mix ups like some other characters, he would be S+.