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Match-up Discussion Lex Luthor Matchup Discussion

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I was playing AdmiralAugustus today and we're thinking Lex does pretty well against Grundy. Armor trait into strings will nullify any of his armor, orbs prevent him from getting in when mb swamp hands hits, and he can't air grab j3 unless it's closer range. Everything still needs to be fleshed out more but that's my impression so far.
The thing is that grundy's armor can take three hits and Lex has a pretty shitty backdash. The orb is a good tip, but I dont find Lex's trait to be all that useful.


The thing is that grundy's armor can take three hits and Lex has a pretty shitty backdash. The orb is a good tip, but I dont find Lex's trait to be all that useful.
well, if lex got his trait up and grundy trys to grab you with his corpse walk (3 armor) you absorb the grab and he loses his armor cause the move is finished and you can hit him. if grundy uses corpse walk cancel into a normal, he should lose his armor also after canceling the walk, and you absorb the first normal he throws out after the cancel. so if i am not mistaken and lex got his trait up and grundy throws out any corpse walk options, lex just have to mash any strings, to be good.
i havent tested this, but thats what comes into my mind, thinking about that hole situation
well, if lex got his trait up and grundy trys to grab you with his corpse walk (3 armor) you absorb the grab and he loses his armor cause the move is finished and you can hit him. if grundy uses corpse walk cancel into a normal, he should lose his armor also after canceling the walk, and you absorb the first normal he throws out after the cancel. so if i am not mistaken and lex got his trait up and grundy throws out any corpse walk options, lex just have to mash any strings, to be good.
i havent tested this, but thats what comes into my mind, thinking about that hole situation
I dont know why I never realized that Lex's armor worked on grundy's trait throw. Like for some reason I was thinking they went right through. That's really good to know because he's been a pretty hard matchup for me. Corps Charge is great for punishing whiffed throws after back dashing and then you can get trait up to counter his WC wakeup. Good stuff.


jumping back or neutral jump into ji3 helped me alot against grab happy grundy players so far, after you get a knockdown or combo or something, try to set up your defence or offence. get a close mine or probe against his fast dash, trait up and jump on him, works for me. you absorb any anti air or grab options and punish him with full combo. if they start to respect your trait and all defencive options you have put on the field and they start to hesitate with dashing into you, you can try to zone a little bit with unblockable orbit strkes, close mine and probe, never forget to keep your trait up.
i dont say grundy is free, cause if he knocks you down, his 50/50 oki options are realy scary


Filthy Casual
So someone help me out a bit because I've hit rock bottom with Lex. The only people I now beat are the ones trying to rush me, but everyone else just walks back and it's all over. I don't zone with lex, I know his game, but the time you knock down/avoid a projectile to get a probe up they are already full screen again. No there is no such thing as block and walking in with Lex because that's such BS since they can just rinse and repeat and stay away.

There is no way to get a probe up between superman and killer frost's projectile for example...so what the hell do you do?

I'm just hella frustrated...


Filthy Casual
Anyone think their Lex is an absolute beast on psn? Would like to see how you play against a friend of mine.


i know what you mean, sometimes i play against someone that just out zones me perfectly. its not possible to jump or dash in with lex against zoning. you have to walk (one of the worst movement speeds in the game) and block every projektile until you are close enough to block punish with corp charge, IF they are that stupid to throw it out on that range. is getting realy frustrating at times.
BDMao88 where are you from?


Filthy Casual
i know what you mean, sometimes i play against someone that just out zones me perfectly. its not possible to jump or dash in with lex against zoning. you have to walk (one of the worst movement speeds in the game) and block every projektile until you are close enough to block punish with corpse charge, IF they are that stupid to throw it out on that range. is getting realy frustrating at times.
BDMao88 where are you from?

Thing is when I do walk up a lot of times I get caught off guard with a advancing string and then the process starts all over. But even checking with a charge puts them back to full screen and the fun process starts over. Probe really isn't as great as we are led to believe.

Playing against ok people Lex seems like a beast, but play competitive people that figure out Lex's routine and it seems like any setup is utterly pointless.

I'm not trying to downplay him or anything its just that I've hit a wall! So far Aquaman, Black Adam, and Killer Frost are absolute hell.


yeah could be true, that lex gets worse and worse, if people start to understand the matchup and setups. all his moves have to long of startup imo combined with his horrible movement speed, there will be alot of hard matchups for lex.


Filthy Casual
yeah could be true, that lex gets worse and worse, if people start to understand the matchup and setups. all his moves have to long of startup imo combined with his horrible movement speed, there will be alot of hard matchups for lex.
US - Virginia.


ok i am from germany, so i guess we cant play together cause of the region lock.

i kinda starting to think, that an increased lance blast damage could help alot against that runaway zoning. you can trade alot of projektiles with lance blast, but the 3% damage isnt worth it atm.


Filthy Casual
BDMao88 Explain more about this wall you've hit. What's the problem you're having?
I talked to thead about it and we are both in the same position I believe...also REO commented that...
BDMao88 Oops. I meant to post this in the Injustice forum. Anyway, I have mixed feelings with Lex. Sometimes I feel he can be really great, other times I feel he has too many shortcomings. He seems to be heavily based on momentum and split-second decisions which is something that requires you to be on point at all times (and let's face it, we're human so that's not technically possible). His whiff punishing is top notch, though. I'll give him that. However, patient players can be very annoying like you said.

I would like an explanation for this.

Sent from my mobile
And I agree with him completely as I also trust his opinion.

The wall I've hit is that anyone that can attack from far can easily lame it out no matter what and beat me. I use to think Lex was a beast, but this is against rushdown characters or people that are just ok at the game.

REO is right, you literally need to be on point no matter what if you want a successful Lex and that just ain't happening. It's beyond frustrating trying to walk it in and when you think you're almost their you make a slip up and get hit by some instant projectile or an advancing string.

Punish with a charge? Welcome to square one...AGAIN.

Probe? It goes off at a specific time which if you're playing someone good they will jump it, dash in at a certain time to prevent you from trait dashing, OR even eat your 2% damage to get you with a projectile that does more damage and then you're worse off.

Mine setups are a joke...orbital strikes just dash through them, recovery frames is 56k

lance? What's the point.

Lots of characters wakes up destroy your level 3 armor...

His strings are short and stubby.

I don't mean to downplay him but I can't find any good about him. If your character doesn't need to play offensive he is screwed.

To beat Lex all you do is lame it out, walk backwards, and tech rolls.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Well when you're right, you're right. It's definitely no cake walk for Lex against most of the cast.

You're not downplaying, you're just being truthful about him. I almost feel like there's really not that much left to discover about Lex. I know that's a ridiculous thing to say when the game has only been out for a few weeks, but yeah... I dunno.


I've found that any matchup seems to be distorted quite a bit by if your opponent ducks a lot or not, you have to work so much harder if they do.
What does everyone think of the Lex vs Lantern MU?

Once Lex has a knock down and can get a level 3 from dash canceling a lot of what makes Lantern a threat goes away...however until then Lantern easily has the advantage, his slam attack is fast, has huge range and can catch Lex during the vast majority of his normals due to his height even when crouching so Lex really really needs to play super defensive and be wary of Lantesn mixups. At long range Lanter can just annoy lexx with projectiles until Lex goes forward as all of Lex's projectiles are too slow to fight back with and of course when he tries to make an approach Lanterns high priority slam that leads into big combos is always there...

Not sure if I just need more MU practice but Lantern is the one MU I most struggle with outside of online Deathstrokes :/


Your Emporer
What does everyone think of the Lex vs Lantern MU?

Once Lex has a knock down and can get a level 3 from dash canceling a lot of what makes Lantern a threat goes away...however until then Lantern easily has the advantage, his slam attack is fast, has huge range and can catch Lex during the vast majority of his normals due to his height even when crouching so Lex really really needs to play super defensive and be wary of Lantesn mixups. At long range Lanter can just annoy lexx with projectiles until Lex goes forward as all of Lex's projectiles are too slow to fight back with and of course when he tries to make an approach Lanterns high priority slam that leads into big combos is always there...

Not sure if I just need more MU practice but Lantern is the one MU I most struggle with outside of online Deathstrokes :/

I would say the MU itself favours Lex, but GL is just obnoxious to fight in general. Remember that you don't want to be even trying your mix-ups without some kind of advantage whether it's trait, orb, mine, poke hit or otherwise, as most of the cast can easily counter you out if you don't have that edge. Try the Corpse charge, then dash cancel trait into combo starter fairly effective.
I would say the MU itself favours Lex, but GL is just obnoxious to fight in general. Remember that you don't want to be even trying your mix-ups without some kind of advantage whether it's trait, orb, mine, poke hit or otherwise, as most of the cast can easily counter you out if you don't have that edge. Try the Corpse charge, then dash cancel trait into combo starter fairly effective.
It's mainly defensive Lanterns that give me trouble, one that rushes down tends to get punished by Corp Charge a lot but one who just stays back and waits for Lex to do anything or try and approach and it's often met with that stupidly fast slam attack on reaction >>

The fact that Lantern isn't threatened by Lex's normally brilliant j.3 or air corp charge bothers me 3:


It's mainly defensive Lanterns that give me trouble, one that rushes down tends to get punished by Corp Charge a lot but one who just stays back and waits for Lex to do anything or try and approach and it's often met with that stupidly fast slam attack on reaction >>

The fact that Lantern isn't threatened by Lex's normally brilliant j.3 or air corp charge bothers me 3:
if they are waiting for you, trait up and get a probe out, then lets see how they deal with your jump ins ^^
edit: if you trait up, you should still be carefull on your defence, dont act like the terminator, cause you have one! armor. dash/walk in, block those gravity lift or whatever its called and punish with corp charge on any range. if you are close enough with trait still up, you can jump in
if they are waiting for you, trait up and get a probe out, then lets see how they deal with your jump ins ^^
edit: if you trait up, you should still be carefull on your defence, dont act like the terminator, cause you have one! armor. dash/walk in, block those gravity lift or whatever its called and punish with corpse charge on any range. if you are close enough with trait still up, you can jump in
Yeah I've kinda tried to just trait up and the response to that tends to be for him to just chuck a projectile at me when I'm dashing just to break it (why can't level 3 trait absorb two hits? D: )

If I manage to knock him down and trait up then yeah I have a chance but when all he does it try and keep back and respond to whatever I do it gets annoying :V

I have tried simply walking forward against him now to force him to try something I can corp charge as a punish or make him do something reckless like jump in a panic allowing me a chance to trait and it's working a bit better but online delay doesn't exactly favor the corp charge reversal window or blocking on reaction when random delays happen :L

I have found out that Lanterns slide kick (the one that leads into an overhead or can be special cancelled) can actually be punished by pretty much every light attack in the game on block if you attack after blocking the low before the overhead or special follow up. For Lex this means he can cancel his crouching light into an MB gravity pull for a full combo punish for him doing the slide.


My english it's not good
Right now, Lex it's my better character(Thats not saying to much XD ). I find him very funny, and normally I feel that the matches that I have lost, was not 'cause of character flaws, they where 'cause my bad choices in the match or not beeing good at Lex's execution ATM. I have much to improve already, I use few times the mine and I know thats it's a very important part of Lex's gameplay.

I have hard times against some Aquamans, and i want to fight more against goods Deathstrokes(I played really funny matches against karaokelove 's brilliant Deathstroke, and althougth he won most of the matches, I feel that I give him a hard run sometimes :p )

I will be pleased to play against a good Lex to learn more, any volunteer?

Deleted member 5032

Right now, Lex it's my better character(Thats not saying to much XD ). I find him very fun, and normally I feel that the matches that I have lost, was not 'cause of character flaws, they where 'cause my bad choices in the match or not beeing good at Lex's execution ATM. I have much to improve already, I use few times the mine and I know thats it's a very important part of Lex's gameplay.

I have hard times against some Aquamans, and i want to fight more against goods Deathstrokes(I played really funs matches against karaokelove 's brilliant Deathstroke, and althougth he won the mayority of the matches, I felt that I give him a hard run sometimes :p )

I will be pleased to play against a good Lex to learn more, any volunteer?
You've got by far the best Lex I've played. I was trying not to spam too hard since we were playing friendly casuals, but I quickly found if I gave you room to breathe, I was fighting a losing battle. You opened my eyes that the MU isn't quite as bad as I initially thought, though I do still think he loses out if the DS player is ok with hanging back and overwhelming him with gunfire.
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