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Match-up Discussion Bane Matchup Discussion


Ok, how the fuck can you get in on black adam. His MB lightning has serious knockback. It's not possible.

And one of you experts needs to make some videos. There is nothing you can do against a halfway competent Batman either.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Ok, how the fuck can you get in on black adam. His MB lightning has serious knockback. It's not possible.

And one of you experts needs to make some videos. There is nothing you can do against a halfway competent Batman either.
Jump the lightning and abuse his crappy normal projectiles. He doesn't have infinite meter and you can jump in at him. He also doesn't have much for wake-up or anti-air barring lightning cage which we should be able to beat out of the gate.


Your Emporer
You realize when she takes to the air you can do venom upper and chase her down. You don't even need to use charge, honestly Hawkgirl is one of our easiest MUs. Nothing she has access to beats a venom uppercut, it all trades. Her wake-up game is meh, nothing a venom snag won't cure.
From what I can tell you have mostly played defensive zoning Hawkgirls, which is why you have done so well since she more of a rushdown character, if a bit unorthodox.

Venom does help out a lot on her offensive wake-up's (her wake-ups are otherwise some of the best in the game as they are safe with lots of invincibility) though there are also evasive options.

Venom Uppercut, armor or not, has the same problem that Aquaman and Nightwing have, in that it is a predictable move that can be evaded and/or punished.
I'm not saying it's necessarily in HG favor but I don't see anything that makes it an easy MU.


Double Punch stuffs Mace Charge before she can trade, venom or not. Just something worth noting.


I had a really long set with a pretty good Batman, I think the final score was 70-5 or something like that. It seemed like Batman has the advantage everywhere except up close. Although even up close it was not that advantageous for me.

At range he would throw Batarangs with his trait up. If I jumped he would let the trait go and follow with the MB zip for around 30-40%. If I crept up he would wait till I got close enough to use my jump, the F2,D/D1 mix-up, command grab, or a Double Punch, and hit his B2,3...which beat all those options I mentioned...or beat me air to air(only my J1 or preemptive JD3 had a chance to beat his JI2)...or cross me up with his JI2. It felt like Batman's B2,3 and JI2 covered all my options and made him completely safe. Oh, and using the charge had him using the trait with Batarangs to eat my armor and lead into combos, or he'd MB his Batarang to KD me and reset the space.
I tried using lvl 3 venom for a couple of matches to go invuln through the projectiles, but that was where he knew I would charge and just baited it for punishes...while waiting for it to run out and rush me down.

I saw my most success getting in range for a command grab or a B1,1,2. That said, he was not scared of the command grab at all, and would parry just about every time he woke up. One match I might have command grabbed him 4 times in a row on his wakeup.

One last thing. By him staying at full screen most of the match, and taking into account his movement speed vs mine, he was able to use and control all the interactables with spacing.

I tried to describe the matches as best I could without making this too long, but yeah...I was very lost.


You can armor out of the gap between f.2 and 3. I don't know how big it is but a super is guaranteed. Doombawkz Is a double punch possible or can one dash out of it?


I did actually go into the lab and try that out. You can dash or armor after the overhead portion, but nothing catches Batman or punishes it except super(that I could see)....


I did actually go into the lab and try that out. You can dash or armor after the overhead portion, but nothing catches Batman or punishes it except super(that I could see)....
I bet you can throw him on dash.


I bet you can throw him on dash.
Sorry, was kind of unclear on that. I meant you can backdash the last hit, I don't think forward dashing worked(to get a throw). As far as I could tell...there was no way to reach him or punish him during or after. I'd have to test it some more when I get home though.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I meant like between Batman's f.2 3 string.
Then its dependant on how soon you hit it. Like out of a tech break on your grabs, if you use command grab and the like quickly enough it'll catch but if you wait too long it won't. Not to state the obvious, of course. Yes, and no.


Superman was bad too. MBing the laser breaks armor on the charge and has huge knockback. I guess saving for super worked out lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Dominates Raven and Green Arrow, Has a good MU against Grundy (since we can pretty much fight armor to armor and make him take the damage), has a good MU against Cyborg, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Body splash > Black Adam, I could go on...
Hmm can we play? Lol
Reactions: RYX

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Ok ok ok

I've read this whole thread and while I DO appreciate the insane amount of up playing of Bane by some people I'm here to tell u guys an unwinnable my is vs joker

Sinestro is very hard for bane as well

Matter a fact I don't see one favorable MU for bane

I'd be most thrilled to be proven wrong - please MSG me got bane games.

We can even setup a BANE vs pig gauntlet stream "break the pigs back"