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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread


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NetherRealm Studios
A possible glitch with aquaman that I have found is that his f13 string will not combo if the f1 hits while the opponent is crouching, essentially eliminating its use as a counterpoke/punish to d1, d2, and sweeps. Idk if this was planned or a bug.
Tom Brady GGA Dizzy EGP Wonder_Chef colt Any insights?
I noticed it not comboing against GGA soonk for some reason a few times, this explains it. Nice find :)

Personally I use it when I think they are going to block to use it for the 50/50 but it would be a nice bonus if this got fixed.


I'm pretty sure this is a bug related to gameplay control:

Alternate Control OFF, BF motions
  • If you walk backwards, and then input F+something to do an special, it won't work, because you have to do the BF motion as a whole
Alternate Control ON, HCF motions
  • If you walk backwards, and then input an special with HCF motion, it will work
  • However, and this is the bug, if you try to do the HCF after a blockstun, the HCF will not work
    • Example: Block anything, keep walking backwards and try to do a special with HCF motion. The HCF motion will not work because the game expects you to go back to neutral before being able to do this kind of motions again
There's a thread I opened pointing this problem


Stay Puft
Sometimes pressing up+forward doesn't make you jump forward but instead do a neutral jump. I feel like this should be addressed since it happens to me too often (it's not my controller).


Lol and I thought I was the only one having problems with cyborgs grapple hook input.. I use a fightstick though... If cancel from a combo string the grapple works fine but from a hardknockdown missile setup its very inconsistant... I still love cyborg

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Xbl: dem0neyes
Sometimes pressing up+forward doesn't make you jump forward but instead do a neutral jump. I feel like this should be addressed since it happens to me too often (it's not my controller).
Thanks now I know i'm not crazy... this has been happening to me as well and I just assumed when I was pushing up forward too slow and hitting up before forward or something. Really didn't want to believe this because this doesnt happen to me in any other fighting game but I chalked it up to the wonkyness of the engine.


Stay Puft
Thanks now I know i'm not crazy... this has been happening to me as well and I just assumed when I was pushing up forward too slow and hitting up before forward or something. Really didn't want to believe this because this doesnt happen to me in any other fighting game but I chalked it up to the wonkyness of the engine.
I know, this seems to be really rare I do not know what's causing it though.


OMG YES. It' really awful. I got used to it somewhat but it still feels really scrubby. You have to mash buffer everything and yet sometimes you can't mash too fast. Sometimes you can delay, but the delay window seems to vary from string to string. It sucks.

Minor thing but I always hate when they don't allow us to skip the end animation of a match.

Of course match making/search system is awful and even worse than SFxT. But I don't think that is likely to change.

Replay channel would be nice. But again, not something that can be easily added I assume.
This and this again

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Wonder Woman issue: after a clash/throw/super (no matter who does it opponent or WW) in sword stance WW goes back to lasso automatically. I don't know if it's intended, but it's not right. Has to be fixed.
Hey guys. First time poster, long time lurker.

I know that nobody cares about the STAR missions, but.... yeah. Wonder Woman mission 248 is glitched. Its a Red Son mission where you have to defeat 20 guards (die in one hit) in like 60 seconds. The problem is that one of the challenges: *survive 8 seconds without getting hit*, doesn't trigger even after 20 seconds without being hit and completing the challenge without getting hit at all. So far this is the only bugged challenge I've encountered in this mode, and I'm currently on mission 150 plus halfway through the Red Son missions.

I'm not sure if there is a reward for completing all the Red Son missions with three stars yet. What I am sure of is that my preorder content should work properly. I'm sort of a completionist and would like to be able to three star every mission. So yeah.... please fix this NRS.
There is a weird glitche with costumes, possibly related to the WBID. I had unlocked a ton of costumes and all of a sudden 10 of them were no longer selectable after I unlocked the new 52 green lantern costume from ios and my WBID synced. They still haven't come back and all of a sudden I have the lex kryponite suit even though I did not beat the missions. My friend lost a couple costumes as well so I know this is not just me experiencing this.

I tried creating a new WBID, to see if that would help but it wouldn't work and earlier I kept getting emails saying thank you for your WBID registration even though I only created one. This is super annoying... I really want those costumes back.

Someone please tell me if they have a similar problem.


Anyone else have a problem where after u join a private 1v1 like 5 or 10 seconds into the match it says "game session no longer available" ,or something along those lines? just happened to me twice ina row and once last night. Both times I messaged the person i was playing with to see what happened and they were just as confused as I was.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
I think when Cyborg is in full on IANB mode against a blocking opponent, that there is some frame drops or slow down.
The animation is much flashier on block than is it on wiff. So perhaps the quickness of consecutive Nova blasts with the animation makes the game slow down ever so slightly... not 100% sure though

Btw this is on xbox and I have only tested the stage atlantis
This is minor and i am no sure if it has been said, but when I was loading my hero card in a koth lobby right before my match was about start. When it it did I could not exit out of my hero card and had to play the game with my card covering 3/4 of the screen. Even at the css and the sss it was there.
Minor funny bug when practicing, as flash in the hall of justice (second stage) use your character trait and use the inter actable where you slide across using a mini ship and flash will secretly activate the air hump of doom
does this thread include bugs including IOS and PS3 rewards because my costumes, backgrounds, etc. are not registering on my PS3 or IOS such as the knightfall bane


Scary Bat
Just a small bug, or I think it is, can someone confirm:

STAR Labs Hawkgirl's final mission, you fight Lex and periodically he armors up and charges his super-laser. To stop this you are meant to attack him a lot, and the sequence stops and his armor comes off and the fight continues.

However what nearly always happens instead is Lex counter or pushblocks when he is meant to be standing still and booting up his laser. The game is then screwed as he starts running around and attacking while he has infinite armor and the health bars have dissappeared. Occasionally lobbing interactables at him will snap it back to normal, but as it is the mission is unnwinnable.


Positive Poster!
After carefully watching almost every character, but mostly the main zoners in this game, I have the following to say:

Personal assessment/opinion subject to flaws yadda yadda. Tis what I think, yo.

1. Zoning has several, conflicting properties regarding game balance.
1.a. A knockback shot should be unsafe on block and very punishable on whiff.
1.b. A shot safe on block and whiff should deal abismal damage.
1.c. Ground-up shots should be unsafe on block and whiff, especially if they are launchers.
1.d. Overhead shots should be unsafe on block and whiff.

2. Zoning is very powerful in this game, but that is not a bad thing.
2.a. The bad thing is how other mechanics seem to merely equal it and only do so within range.
- This means that you take more risk going in to punish zoning than it takes to zone right back.
- And the reward thereof is barely worth taking said risk.
2.b. Thus rushdown and melee characters need more work and are harder to manage.

The game balance needs to reward the character getting in by being able to deal massive damage, because a single shot will force them to have to come right back in.


Certain moves, such as Doomsday 33, Catwoman b2,3 etc have "bubble" effect on them, which, I assume, is in to work as a stage transition move. However they do not function as such.


1 2 3 drink
Anyone else getting random game locking? Occasionally if I'm just screwing around and pushing buttons on the stage load screen in classic mode the game locks at full load and freezes. Can't even hit the xbox button and go to home...gotta restart everytime.
I just have it happening to me right now. The game freezes before battle startsor shortly after battle and i have to turn my xbox off. It happened like 5 times in a row now im starting to panic lol. Gonna try installing the game to see if that works...