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Injustice Zoning


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I'm not an elitist by no means. 99% of the Injustice consumers are being zoned out by Deathstroke? ...... sad
I was thinking about this last night while I was just playing around on the game. For a while I was with everyone saying don't nerf him the game is only a week old, yadayada, but as I thought more about it, there are characters that don't have a single zoning tool in there arsenal. This is kind of where MK9's balance did come from, almost everyone had some type of projectile move, just like almost every character had a form of teleport, and those that had no teleport had a different form to use for mobility. So far IGAU doens't have but one character I can think of with a teleport move and there are some that have no projectile move, sure a few have attacks that come from the ground, but that still doesn't solve the issues I have been seeing with this DS problem.

I am not one who would want character nerfs and I am not one who typically would ever even concern myself with it, typically I'de say "well just gonna have figure out how get around it, everything can be countered!", but I have seen some characters thus far that just get limited to barely a form of escape from zoning by DS. I played Mileena in MK9 and many would say "Dude you can IAS and throw Sais until the cows come home", but I couldn't throw them at an angle, nor duck and throw them for a low attack. DS can literally fire guns at any range, any distance, and have the entire screen covered, one is forced to in many cases slowly walk a few steps and duck, block. His trait makes the guns unblockable, and thus far I have only found one weakness in his zoning, he is vunaerable at downward angled air projectiles (Hawkgirl's AMT, or GL's whatever that thing is he can throw in the air) and this is only allowable in one tiny tiny portion of the screen. Again though unless one uses a character with this trait, a DS player can shoot guns all day and I haven't seen him being able to run low on ammo yet nor have a gun jam either, even Harley's PP attack will have a jam.

My point is that if pro-players (I am no pro) are having issues with this DS zoning and are being bodied by noobs and lower level players, then it is safe to assess there exist an issue that needs addressing badly. Sure this game has a few bugs, some I think may not be bugs at all, sure there are some broken aspects, but most of those can be overlooked and can also be overcome, but (granted its been only a week) within those first few days and weeks of a games initial release that is when these issues are going to be trully seen.

I am thankful Reo and TB have addressed the issue, but that is two people out of entire commnity of casual and pro-players. They may have had involvment in the game's development, but still we are seeing too many having a problem with DS pro and casual alike.

Don't take me wrong here, I am not here demanding a nerf, but simply that I feel too many are not looking at a bigger picture and trying to view it from both sides of the fence.


What if this is just intended? What if they actually made the game with zoning to be strong in mind? There are actually gonna be people who are super amped that zoning is strong, its some peoples prefered playstlye. Would everyone be so mad if rush down was just super strong?
I actually think one of the devs said that zoning was going to be strong. I feel like most people prefer rushdown over zoning, but it's certainly their choice to make a zoning heavy game if they want to.


Waiting for Havik
What if this is just intended? What if they actually made the game with zoning to be strong in mind? There are actually gonna be people who are super amped that zoning is strong, its some peoples prefered playstlye. Would everyone be so mad if rush down was just super strong?
I really think a strong zoning was intended but it feels cheap and very tedious for non zoning players and I think NRS didn't enhance zoning with this consequence in mind.


Joker waiting room
What if this is just intended? What if they actually made the game with zoning to be strong in mind? There are actually gonna be people who are super amped that zoning is strong, its some peoples prefered playstlye. Would everyone be so mad if rush down was just super strong?
clearly you havent played MK9


Hello TYM

I am Soul Calibur V player, notably, I placed 9th at EVO 2012 and Top8 at MLG Raleigh 2012.
I am trying to play Injustice now and here are few issues I am concerned about.

NRS said they are aiming at new players, but it is unplayable to new players. Just frame punishment and timings, almost unexistant buffering windows, weird hitboxes and finally - severe disbalance. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying characters are not balanced. I am saying certain aspects of the game, such as specifically melee vs zoning - are unbalanced. In a bad way, that takes fun away from the game and makes it frustrating

The game favors zoning too much. At the same time, there are characters like Bane, Doomsday, Catwoman etc who do not zone.

There are a lot of ways to counter melee in the game, such as backdash, focus atacks (b+3/f+3 + MB), push block etc, but no ways to counter zoning. At the same time dash is not cancellable, movement is very slow.

Lets take a look at SF4 for a second. SF dash wasnt cancellable, walk speed was also slow, it also had focus atacks.
dash was really fast, fireballs were slow, focus costed no meter and game featured a lot of ways to counter fireballs
Injustice fireballs fly like jets, slow walk speed, slow dash, high jump arcs.

Take Catwoman for example, how do you approach? Only using MB-cDash, which is
1) Unsafe
2) Costs meter
3) Late armor

Playing against heavy zoners all your meter goes MB dash, or lucky focus, but thats it. Zoner can do nothing but backdash/walk back and bait your mistake. If there are interactibles around you're stuffed - you cant let them get to interactible (which further improve their zoning) but if you stay full screen - you're done.

For example Superman or Deathstroke. And I saw the video, that Tom Brady and REO recently put up.
To even get a chance at playing them with melee or weaker zoners you have to do what? Spent tons of time learning reaction to lazer, learn frametraps. You have to treat every blocked/ducked projectile differently as they provide different amount of blockstun, thus you need to react to everything well.
For me, the video "Overreacting to Deathstroke" from REO and TB actually showed how hard it is to get in and how many consecutive guesses you have to make and how every mistake puts you full screen away. It is wrong to force this on newer players.
im glad you put your credentials up first so people would actually listen, they dont listen to normal ppl :(

but yeah thats why i dropped FLASH for anyone with a zoning, once he gets in, push block away

you need some sort of zoning to be good at this game
Zoning isn't that bad honestly. People just aren't used to that style of play in Injustice. I'm still getting used to it myself, their are so many options though.

I think to beat zoning it depends on the character. I mean look at GL he has tools to beat runaway zoners. His lift for example is one of the best tools in the game for getting in on jump backers. He also has his air charge and he himself can zone.

Some characters have a real hard time like Catwoman(as mentioned in OP). The thing with Catwoman is she can lock you down if you play her right. If she is facing DS and ever gets in on him, if she is smart she will never get out of his face the rest of the time.

Zoning may seem strong at first, but the more people find ways in the more people have to adjust. It's not like Marvel where you absolutely have to respect projectiles b/c of durability, pushback and all that. You get in on a heavy zoner in Injustice 9 times out of 10 you are in for a while if you know how to.


What if this is just intended? What if they actually made the game with zoning to be strong in mind? There are actually gonna be people who are super amped that zoning is strong, its some peoples prefered playstlye. Would everyone be so mad if rush down was just super strong?
Zoning wouldn't be so bad if the reward for guessing and dodging your way in didn't have so little reward. In some match ups the zoner can play without fear of punishment or even giving up much room to be threatened. They can guess wrong and still maintain advantage for awhile. This is making zoning a bit brainless as it holds few consequences until they can finally escape.


Zoning wouldn't be so bad if the reward for guessing and dodging your way in didn't have so little reward. In some match ups the zoner can play without fear of punishment or even giving up much room to be threatened. They can guess wrong and still maintain advantage for awhile. This is making zoning a bit brainless as it holds few consequences until they can finally escape.
Can you cite examples or just theorycrafting? Everytime a rush down characters get in, they should be dealing over 30% easy. what zoner can guess wrong and not be blown up at mid screen or less? If you are rush down and your most damaging combo knocks back, then switch to a combo that provides you better oki set-ups and stay on that ass.
it feels cheap and very tedious for non zoning players
That is literally the point. In fighting games zoners are always annoying. It's annoying because you cant fight it the same way you'd fight a different match. You have to change up your game.

clearly you havent played MK9
Not really, no.

I guess bottom line to me is there's always going to be something strong, even overpowered. Don't nerf things, adapt. And if it ends up being a game with things you dont enjoy then just play something else.

I know I'm gonna come across as just jumping on to this elitest bandwagon of "learn the game" but last night I got my first real good extended session of Injustice and I was worried about this whole OP DS thing. I played about 30 matches and I think I fought roughly 5 deathstrokes. I lost to one of them because he knew what he was doing.

The better player won, and that's just how it should be.


Big Poppa Pump
Can you cite examples or just theorycrafting? Everytime a rush down characters get in, they should be dealing over 30% easy. what zoner can guess wrong and not be blown up at mid screen or less? If you are rush down and your most damaging combo knocks back, then switch to a combo that provides you better oki set-ups and stay on that ass.
When they get in cant they just be push blocked away stopping them getting their 30% ?


Zoning isn't that bad honestly. People just aren't used to that style of play in Injustice. I'm still getting used to it myself, their are so many options though.

I think to beat zoning it depends on the character. I mean look at GL he has tools to beat runaway zoners. His lift for example is one of the best tools in the game for getting in on jump backers. He also has his air charge and he himself can zone.

Some characters have a real hard time like Catwoman(as mentioned in OP). The thing with Catwoman is she can lock you down if you play her right. If she is facing DS and ever gets in on him, if she is smart she will never get out of his face the rest of the time.

Zoning may seem strong at first, but the more people find ways in the more people have to adjust. It's not like Marvel where you absolutely have to respect projectiles b/c of durability, pushback and all that. You get in on a heavy zoner in Injustice 9 times out of 10 you are in for a while if you know how to.
How does GL beat zoning? The issue with zoning is at fullscreen (no one should be zoning him at lift range). From there it comes down to if the opponent can be threatened by jump bf1 or if they have a better answer such as an AA projectile as well. Bf3 is extremely risky as it can be baited pretty hard and I'm pretty sure it is still unsafe at full screen after going over a whiff due to the long ass recovery. It also has extremely slow start up and you must be at the top of your jump arc to beat some projectiles. His jump rocket also keeps pushing him backwards and you can only advance forward if they get caught jumping. GLs rocket can be ducked and in zoning wars you can't activate the MB versions since you're tieing and the move must be timed, not buffered like other MB projectiles.

GL is a great zoner, but against DS it's baaaaad. BF3 is stupid risky and often gets you reset to far corner, low gun go under bf1 and you'll never land the MB. standing MB guns and MB AR beat jumping. b1 can't slide under any of his guns because they last too long. Your only options are wald/duck and VERY carefully time jump bf1...and even then you're still not out of it. DS can simply back jump once and air gun to regain the distance. You'll get in, but you'll lose a lot of life trying to do it. My matches with DS often go with me winning close and midscreen, but I can lose a full health bar the instant he gets fullscreen advantage.

I shouldn't have to work hard to gain nothing :/


Waiting for Havik
If you are rush down and your most damaging combo knocks back, then switch to a combo that provides you better oki set-ups and stay on that ass.
99% of consumers dont know what an "oki set-up" mean. It is wrong when new players have do learn all of this while others just pick a zoning char and go easy mode. The game should feel fair and balance to new players, and as the OP said: "It is wrong to force this on newer players."


When they get in cant they just be push blocked away stopping them getting their guaranteed 30% ?
That first assumes the zoner guessed right and didn't throw out anything unsafe to get punished. that they also have meter to use and the rusher didn't use MBC to counter the push back.

Also, it doesn't push the rusher too far away, I'm not sure, but I think from after push block range deathstroke's guns still aren't safe from punishment.. I should test this... off the the lab!


99% of consumers dont know what an "oki set-up" mean. It is wrong when new players have do learn all of this while others just pick a zoning char and go easy mode. The game should feel fair and balance to new players, and as the OP said: "It is wrong to force this on newer players."
So you want to dumb the game down to COD level's so any dudebro can pick up the controller and mash out shit?

Fuck that and fuck anyone who thinks like that. I'd rather have a niche genre than a ruined one.


Waiting for Havik
That is literally the point. In fighting games zoners are always annoying. It's annoying because you cant fight it the same way you'd fight a different match. You have to change up your game.
Thats completely wrong, just look at street fighter IV, there is zoning but it doesn't feel annoying, and I'm sure that every developer that create zoning chars doesn' have in mind to annoy players.


Big Poppa Pump
That first assumes the zoner guessed right and didn't throw out anything unsafe to get punished. that they also have meter to use and the rusher didn't use MBC to counter the push back.

Also, it doesn't push the rusher too far away, I'm not sure, but I think from after push block range deathstroke's guns still aren't safe from punishment.. I should test this... off the the lab!
Yeah man do. I'm not trying to argue at all just a thought that came into my head. Try Deathstrokes blade spin or something after a pushback, I'm pretty sure he will be able to get them back into a safe distance in a matter of second's.

Let us know what you find out.


Can you cite examples or just theorycrafting? Everytime a rush down characters get in, they should be dealing over 30% easy. what zoner can guess wrong and not be blown up at mid screen or less? If you are rush down and your most damaging combo knocks back, then switch to a combo that provides you better oki set-ups and stay on that ass.
Problem is fullscreen...not midscreen. Fullscreen is easy to obtain for some characters with 1 successful combo, string, MB projectile, or air countered projectile, clash. You can even push block zoning to push out even more.

At fullscreen zoners can play with impunity and make many mistakes before the opponent can get in close enough to present a risk to a bad call. Many ways to cover lots of ground are very risky due to push back and how unsafe forward movement is in this game. walk/duck and ducking forward moving attacks are your safest bet if not blessed with better zoning tools or teleports.


Are people even reading the countless threads and watching vids done by top players and testing out this stuff for themselves on how to counter zoning? I swear, it feels like some people just want shit handed to them without working for it.
How does GL beat zoning? The issue with zoning is at fullscreen (no one should be zoning him at lift range). From there it comes down to if the opponent can be threatened by jump bf1 or if they have a better answer such as an AA projectile as well. Bf3 is extremely risky as it can be baited pretty hard and I'm pretty sure it is still unsafe at full screen after going over a whiff due to the long ass recovery. It also has extremely slow start up and you must be at the top of your jump arc to beat some projectiles. His jump rocket also keeps pushing him backwards and you can only advance forward if they get caught jumping. GLs rocket can be ducked and in zoning wars you can't activate the MB versions since you're tieing and the move must be timed, not buffered like other MB projectiles.

GL is a great zoner, but against DS it's baaaaad. BF3 is stupid risky and often gets you reset to far corner, low gun go under bf1 and you'll never land the MB. standing MB guns and MB AR beat jumping. b1 can't slide under any of his guns because they last too long. Your only options are wald/duck and VERY carefully time jump bf1...and even then you're still not out of it. DS can simply back jump once and air gun to regain the distance. You'll get in, but you'll lose a lot of life trying to do it. My matches with DS often go with me winning close and midscreen, but I can lose a full health bar the instant he gets fullscreen advantage.

I shouldn't have to work hard to gain nothing :/
The point I was making is, people don't magically get fullscreen range away on you. The whole counter zoning idea is to prevent them from escaping.