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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition

shad0ki11er 27

Time will only tell the Greats
i feel like people should use the practice options to the fullest and record deathstroke doing his zoning and try and beat it and then after awhile you will be used to it i feel like he should not be nerfed at all he's fine he is beatable just got to practice against his zoning and find ways in i'm a all bane player so i understand why people want him nerfed but i win a lot of matches against zoning deathstrokes so use practice mode to the fullest


Destroyer of Lazy
well all the kids are in bed and I'm done bathing in scrubsalt. I'm gonna go play the game now...
paraquoting a beer commercial...
"I don't always play Deathstroke, but when I do, I drink sweet salty tears. Stay Free"

I don't even play him but I'm tempted to now just to piss off any of you Nerfers I might meet off. :)


Amen, Amen m2dave. Thank you master zoner :)

As for you people who say it is vague advice to "walk up and duck/block" I'm sorry are you mentally challenged THIS IS HOW YOU APPROACH Deathstroke. Pick Deathstroke in Single Fight and choose Batman as opponent put him on Very Hard. I DARE all of you just TRY and zone him out. you can't Batman WILL fuck your shit up by simple walking, ducking, blocking, sliding and gliding into combos. I'm sorry if an AI can do that than YOU GUYS are just not competent enough to perform like that yet at Injustice.

See I believe most of you have ego problems, you think just cause you were "high-level" or a consistent Top 16 in MK9 than you should be godlike in Injustice right off the bat...well fuck you good sirs I'm sorry that's not how it works. Stay free to KOF players for they will rape the scene and every stale minded MK9 player.


Head Cage
Amen, Amen m2dave. Thank you master zoner :)

As for you people who say it is vague advice to "walk up and duck/block" I'm sorry are you mentally challenged THIS IS HOW YOU APPROACH Deathstroke. Pick Deathstroke in Single Fight and choose Batman as opponent put him on Very Hard. I DARE all of you just TRY and zone him out. you can't Batman WILL fuck your shit up by simple walking, ducking, blocking, sliding and gliding into combos. I'm sorry if an AI can do that than YOU GUYS are just not competent enough to perform like that in Injustice yet.

See I believe most of you have ego problems, you think just cause you were "high-level" or a consistent Top 16 in MK9 than you should be godlike in Injustice right off the bat...well fuck you good sirs I'm sorry that's not how it works. Stay free to KOF players for they will rape the scene and every stale minded MK9 player.
Ima make this my new signature.
All of the people who I have faced that complain about Deathstroke being op. Is that theyre all scrubby and did not put in their time into their character at all.


Button Masher
to everyone saying watch the very hard AI do it.
i dare you to try and duck DS stand shot on reaction like how the AI does.
you do that then yeah NP getting in on him.
but for now its still a game of..
block dash walk duck dash walk try and dodge an intractable dash block dash walk...


to everyone saying watch the very hard AI do it.
i dare you to try and duck DS stand shot on reaction like how the AI does.
you do that then yeah NP getting in on him.
but for now its still a game of..
block dash walk duck dash walk try and dodge an intractable dash block dash walk...
First off it's not everyone it's me who said that.
Secondly like I said If you can't out perform the AI than you're not competent at the game yet, simple.
Everyone would get raided in MK9 whenever the ladder was set to Expert by the end the ladder was a joke.
Whenever the Very Hard AI becomes a joke for Injustice players that is when they can COMPETENTLY perform and wouldn't be bitching uselessly about characters that require you to be somewhat GOOD at the game to deal with properly, not that they're broken or OP; that's just simply bitching and being a bitch yourself.


Coward Character User
I wish I could comment more on this character, but I haven't played an actual human yet. AI insta-jumps (EX) lightning. :(

But he has so much going for him from what I can see in Practice Mode and playing Very Hard mode. Freakin' Smoke's B2 3 with block advantage, some CSZ-esque bomb set-ups, Shang Tsung soul steal-like special move for push back and spacing, tick grab setups, other strings with block advantage, and yeah....the divekicks for whiff punishing and escaping. Love this character. lol.

btw, you said his divekicks should be -10 on block. Aren't they already (at least, according to the game)?
Frame data on jumping attacks are never reliable because it depends on the height your hitbox collides at. The lower you are the quicker you recover thus the less - it is. A low divekick is pretty damn safe vs. most of the cast.

For example, it says the jump ins are - on block but we know this is not true. The game assumes you at colliding at the highest possible point. We know that jump in attacks guarantee strings (mediums do at least) and are not minus.


Button Masher
First off it's not everyone it's me who said that.
Secondly like I said If you can't out perform the AI than you're not competent at the game yet, simple.
Everyone would get raided in MK9 whenever the ladder was set to Expert by the end the ladder was a joke.
Whenever the Very Hard AI becomes a joke for Injustice players that is when they can COMPETENTLY perform and wouldn't be bitching uselessly about characters that require you to be somewhat GOOD at the game to deal with properly, not that they're broken or OP; that's just simply bitching and being a bitch yourself.
the demo on VH was a joke to me after like 2 days.
please make a video of u playing a deathstoke and please show us u ducking each shot on reaction like the AI does.
no human can do it that well. thats part of FGs is the mind games.
you thought DS was going to Machine gun? oh hit MB'd it and u got hit by a grenade. The AI knows what u do before u input it so you really cant use the logic of watching them.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Frame data on jumping attacks are never reliable because it depends on the height your hitbox collides at. The lower you are the quicker you recover thus the less - it is. A low divekick is pretty damn safe vs. most of the cast.

For example, it says the jump ins are - on block but we know this is not true. The game assumes you at colliding at the highest possible point. We know that jump in attacks guarantee strings (mediums do at least) and are not minus.
Oh right. How could I forget low divekicks......Sonyaaaa..........jsdjfjkshfd


the demo on VH was a joke to me after like 2 days.
please make a video of u playing a deathstoke and please show us u ducking each shot on reaction like the AI does.
no human can do it that well. thats part of FGs is the mind games.
you thought DS was going to Machine gun? oh hit MB'd it and u got hit by a grenade. The AI knows what u do before u input it so you really cant use the logic of watching them.
I main DS in case you haven't clued in by now. So I know when the sprite jolts what move they are going to do, I rape other Deathstrokes online. And this conversation is over because you just compared the Demo to the actual game..SMH...

We'll talk again in about 6 months when you have FULL control over the game..hopefully.


Button Masher
I main DS in case you haven't clued in by now. So I know when the sprite jolts what move they are going to do, I rape other Deathstrokes online. And this conversation is over because you just compared the Demo to the actual game..SMH...
man youre just too good man im sorry! that online DS swag where netcode & internet connections adds to his annoyingness

still tryin to see that video of u ducking all of DS's stuff on reaction and dashing accordingly and getting in i dont wana watch a zone war. i want to see u get in. please a video of it and ill shut up until then youre just another Scumbag DS player who will be lost when the community figures out his BS better.

also uh yeah i did relate the demo to the game cause demo doomsday fucking shit on people hardcore. still became a joke to me.

(also people who use SMH are unintelligent)


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
I think that pretty much ANY zoning character is going to be hated a lot by the casuals.

I'm pretty sure that even if Deathstroke didn't make it into the game, we'd be dealing with numerous complaints about a different zoner anyways.
Not any this drastic- or valid.
All of you appear to be assuming that any nerfs to Deathstroke will immediately ruin him forever, rendering him unplayable and useless.
NertherRealm is not an unintelligent developer- they've made intelligent nerfs (Kung Lao) (Kind of, almost Cyrax) before, and intelligent buffs before (Baraka, Jax). I'm forgetting some- whatever.
They're only larger, better equipped, and more experienced now- with a larger amount of playtesters available.
They don't want to kill a character either- they want the game to be best for everyone- and, it is likely that NRS will end up making a compromise between the larger, casual part of their fan-base, those who are driven away from the game because of one character- and us- and the tourney pros.
They're not going to take away his guns, but NRS might reduce their stagger- maybe lower assault rifle damage- whatever it is,
, you'll follow your own fucking advice- and ADAPT- the same verb the entire Deathstroke community EXCEPT FOR karaokelove has screamed at the community to do since before this thread.
(inb4 colored text is 4 faggggzz)


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
It can't be argued that Deathstroke isn't a phenomenal character. He's extremely versatile and he completely shuts down several members of the cast. There are a lot of solid arguments being presented as to why he could be considered too powerful, but please realize that the majority of the anti-Deathstroke bitching is coming from scrubs and casual players who simply don't want to learn how to deal with him. I fully understand if you think he should be tweaked, but please realize that the vocal minority who you're falling in line with don't want Deathstroke tweaked; they want him neutered. All I'm asking is that if you do rally behind the "Nerf Deathstroke" cause, that you do so carefully and with valid arguments.

I've already lost count of the number of times I've been called a spammer after I armor through someone's attack for a 36% midscreen combo. Or when my opponent decides to just crouch-block on the other end of the screen, waiting for me to approach. Or even when I just move my cursor over Deathstroke's picture in character-select. I've been called a spammer by players who joined a KOTH match when I was playing and saw my Deathstroke meter icon, without seeing any actual match footage. This hatred is unfounded and these players are unreasonable. As much as scrubby Deathstrokes make my character look bad, these players make the "Nerf Deathstroke" crowd look even worse, so please understand when us Deathstroke players get defensive about our character, even if your arguments are well-founded.

Deathstroke is really good, but maybe instead of looking for ways to make him worse, we should be looking at ways to make the other characters more competitive.
NertherRealm is not an unintelligent developer- they've made intelligent nerfs (Kung Lao) (Kind of, almost Cyrax) before, and intelligent buffs before (Baraka, Jax). I'm forgetting some- whatever.
They're only larger, better equipped, and more experienced now- with a larger amount of playtesters available.
They don't want to kill a character either- they want the game to be best for everyone- and, it is likely that NRS will end up making a compromise between the larger, casual part of their fan-base, those who are driven away from the game because of one character- and us- and the tourney pros.
This has actually happened before with Kano. He was a perfectly balanced character, but NRS had a knee-jerk reaction to all of the same kinds of online complaining that Deathstroke is receiving so they nerfed him hard, realized they made a mistake, buffed him too much, realized they made another mistake, and nerfed him into oblivion. This is why us Deathstroke players are so defensive. We've seen this happen before. We don't want to see it happen again.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
My fellow Deathstroke players,

ever since the game came out last week on Tuesday, Deathstroke and the players who use the character have been under constant attack. TestYourMight, Twitter, and Facebook have been submerged into an ocean full of tears and salt. Online scrubs and some tournament players alike are demanding that Deathstroke's zoning be toned down immediately. We cannot control what NRS decides to do, but what we can do is correct factually incorrect and/or misleading information. So if another deluded fool makes another "Deathstroke is superior to Kabal" or "Deathstroke rules all" thread on this website, do your best to counter and rectify the topic creator's arguments.

Learning a character is always difficult in a new fighting game. You have to learn new normal attacks, strings, combos, set ups, frame data, match ups, etc. A mere hotfix and/or patch can destroy months of practicing, testing, and fighting in a heartbeat. A vocal but misinformed minority can destroy all of your hard work, especially if you are tournament player.

I want all Deathstroke players' reflexes heighten. I want all of you armed and dangerous and ready to protect our favorite Injustice character. Post in this thread to confirm your participation as part of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition. We shall not allow that which happened to Kano happen to Deathstroke.

- m2dave, Zoning Master and Protector of Zoning

Also, special thanks to REO and Tom Brady, true knowledgeable and unbiased testers.

Participants of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.

HGTV Ermacio
@Zer0 Hundr3d
Count me in


Button Masher
hear me out here guys.....

what if DS guns.... had like -5 added to each blocked gun...?

its a nerf but you can all still zone away. :O

revolutionary thinking huh? nerf doesnt mean useless.


hear me out here guys.....

what if DS guns.... had like -5 added to each blocked gun...?

its a nerf but you can all still zone away. :O

revolutionary thinking huh? nerf doesnt mean useless.
How about -10 why don't we make -30 while we're at it. are you crazy man. The guns already are punishable on block from midscreen all the way to point blank. Sorry you have to try alot harder with Harley than to have DS nerfed so that you could have an easier time to punish him or advance on him. I've been beaten very badly by a couple of nasty Harley mains, guess what they ZONED me out very professionally.


It can't be argued that Deathstroke isn't a phenomenal character. He's extremely versatile and he completely shuts down several members of the cast. There are a lot of solid arguments being presented as to why he could be considered too powerful, but please realize that the majority of the anti-Deathstroke bitching is coming from scrubs and casual players who simply don't want to learn how to deal with him. I fully understand if you think he should be tweaked, but please realize that the vocal minority who you're falling in line with don't want Deathstroke tweaked; they want him neutered. All I'm asking is that if you do rally behind the "Nerf Deathstroke" cause, that you do so carefully and with valid arguments.

I've already lost count of the number of times I've been called a spammer after I armor through someone's attack for a 36% midscreen combo. Or when my opponent decides to just crouch-block on the other end of the screen, waiting for me to approach. Or even when I just move my cursor over Deathstroke's picture in character-select. I've been called a spammer by players who joined a KOTH match when I was playing and saw my Deathstroke meter icon, without seeing any actual match footage. This hatred is unfounded and these players are unreasonable. As much as scrubby Deathstrokes make my character look bad, these players make the "Nerf Deathstroke" crowd look even worse, so please understand when us Deathstroke players get defensive about our character, even if your arguments are well-founded.

Deathstroke is really good, but maybe instead of looking for ways to make him worse, we should be looking at ways to make the other characters more competitive.

This has actually happened before with Kano. He was a perfectly balanced character, but NRS had a knee-jerk reaction to all of the same kinds of online complaining that Deathstroke is receiving so they nerfed him hard, realized they made a mistake, buffed him too much, realized they made another mistake, and nerfed him into oblivion. This is why us Deathstroke players are so defensive. We've seen this happen before. We don't want to see it happen again.


Button Masher
How about -10 why don't we make -30 while we're at it. are you crazy man. The guns already are punishable on block from midscreen all the way to point blank. Sorry you have to try alot harder with Harley than to have DS nerfed so that you could have an easier time to punish him or advance on him. I've been beaten very badly by a couple of nasty Harley mains, guess what they ZONED me out very professionally.
dude i didnt say nerf deathstroke never had. it was merely a suggestion & look u got pissy over it. calm ur tits bro ur online deathstroke will be okay.

edit: if u got out zoned by a harley thats sad.


dude i didnt say nerf deathstroke never had. it was merely a suggestion & look u got pissy over it. calm ur tits bro ur online deathstroke will be okay.
okay there bud clearly you don't know my constant contribution to leveling-up Deathstroke but that's okay you can try to make fun of me and my skill with Deathstroke.

and for getting pissy, refer to karaokelove's post and Kano possibilities.


Button Masher
okay there bud clearly you don't know my constant contribution to leveling-up Deathstroke but that's okay you can try to make fun of me and my skill with Deathstroke.

and for getting pissy, refer to karaokelove's post and Kano possibilities.
just saying anti statics DS will never lose to a harley in a zoning fight, u doing so is sad.
Hmm maybe you should learn to play fighters. Just saying
I am fully aware of how to play fighters. Has nothing to do with me calling out a broken character. Honestly if there was a character of Kabals tier in this game everyone would just be saying "quit whining" and the same shit that they are saying about Deathstroke.

Yes he can be beat but LBSH, at least 2/3rds of the cast is it a pretty big disadvantage vs the character.