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Guide Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos -- Raven General Discussion Thread

I'm posting this here because I figure if you're in a character subforum discussion you care about getting better and maximizing your beastmode. I'd like to get some lobbies going with like-minded players especially players who are already established and don't mind deigning to play online with unknowns. Add me on XBL: Bolo Yeung.


Lab Rat
If you input the DF3 or DB3 right after pushing the trait button in the air it auto teleports as soon as the trait animation is over. I know this doesn't help with the block string thing, but it can be canceled, just only in the air for now. If I know I can't jump and activate safely I will space in to use the B23. If they block you frame trap DB2, if you hit you activate trait and teleport right on top of them for some wake up goodness, or just chill back and make them fear your full screen grab.


Retirement my ass
Raven's anti-projectile thing is pretty weird to use. The timing for the DB1 is just a little awkward, and unless you MB it I don't really think the little bit of meter is worth the risk of getting hit. In terms of getting in on Dstroke, you can approach on him the same way as everyone else does. Just crouch block his shots and dash forward. He does have to respect your Soul Crush though,, so it makes his life a bit harder. If you neutral crouch his high guns, you can punish w/ a soul crush every time. Just watch for the MB guns, it throws off the timing.


Lab Rat
Anyone have any info about her projectile counter while in demon mode? I though I remembered reading something about it being BAD ASS in demon mode, but I can't find it now.


Retirement my ass
In Demon mode/normal the projectile counter is the same. There is some good tech if you are in demon mode and have 2 bars to burn
If you can catch a projectile, MB and then hit down. It has an unblockable projectile that falls from the top of the screen that has HUGE pop up. If you are in demon form and about half screen you can MB lift and pull em in for like another 40% or something.
I think you can burn 3 bars if you're not in demon form. MB projectile counter, MB soul cruch then MB singularity to B3/whatever.


Lab Rat
Okay, hadn't had a chance to play with any of that yet, still don't own the game. My FGC has been going hard on this game though. We've got a good Flash, Deathstroke, Raven, Grundy, Catwoman...working a few more. I'm bound and determined to have the best Raven in the state and induce some mad salt. I'll let you guys know what tech I find. Such as after a F222 string that is blocked there are a few characters that don't have fast enough long range pokes and you can take a step back and throw them...doesn't work all the time, still need to work with it a bit.


Loud and Klear~
I wish the freakin framedata in the game was actually right, it does more harm than good by having faulty data in the game, its better not having the data there at all -__-


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I find most of it is accurate, besides better to have it in there then to not like most fighters.

Raven's FYYY~ into her TK moves are epic, very damaging combos...it's nuts. I have at least 39%, 40%-46% combos of her enhanced/meter burn TK moves alone combined with BA, or just doing one of her strings into her cancel bb or FF RT bounce cancels into more juggles. She's a juggle beast...

She's also a great zoner, her d,f Y has so much range it's ridiculous and love her power version of it full screen lol and safe.


not sure how many people have tested her projectile parry/reflect but you can get a full combo off it.

Use MB empty void and hold down. your reversal projectile now comes from above the opponents head and bounces.

EDIT: wtf her regular and mb empty void nullifies Deathstrokes low gun shots.... the move says it only parries highs... gdlk


not sure how many people have tested her projectile parry/reflect but you can get a full combo off it.

Use MB empty void and hold down. your reversal projectile now comes from above the opponents head and bounces.

EDIT: wtf her regular and mb empty void nullifies Deathstrokes low gun shots.... the move says it only parries highs... gdlk
I've recorded a few; I posted them in the combo thread. Here's one of them:


I've posted a few in the combo thread. Here's one of them:
best part is you do not even need to be in demon stance.
you can do it in regular stance, as they bounce from the mb empty void just walk forward and then soul crush


best part is you do not even need to be in demon stance.
you can do it in regular stance, as they bounce from the mb empty void just walk forward and then soul crush
Yup! MB Emtpy Void Down, B3, JI3, F222, DF2 for 39% if they are close enough for only 1 meter! I don't have that recorded yet, though. I just like fullscreen demon stance ones cause they're flashy. :p


Yup! MB Emtpy Void Down, B3, JI3, F222, DF2 for 39% if they are close enough for only 1 meter! I don't have that recorded yet, though. I just like fullscreen demon stance ones cause they're flashy. :p
i dont think that would even happen.
you would need to be a jedi to empty void a peojectile that close because of the start up frames.


i dont think that would even happen.
you would need to be a jedi to empty void a peojectile that close because of the start up frames.
Yeah, gotta have some ungodly reflexes, but it's possible at least lol. :p From regular midscreen distance, you can do:
MB Empty Void Down, Forward Dash (depends on distance), MB DF2, F222, DF2 for 30%
or as you said, MB Empty Void Down, Forward Dash, DF2 for 18%


Yeah, gotta have some ungodly reflexes, but it's possible at least lol. :p From regular midscreen distance, you can do:
MB Empty Void Down, Forward Dash, MB DF2, F222, DF2 for 30%
or as you said, MB Empty Void Down, Forward Dash, DF2 for 18%
dont dash, just walk forward after the empty void.


dont dash, just walk forward after the empty void.
Yeah, you could just walk forward. For me it's easier to connect the F222 afterwards if I dashed, but that's just a personal thing. :p Especially if it's fullscreen, I feel like I need to dash! F222 easily connects with just walking forward, too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you definitely don't need to forward dash for the second combo, I just copied and pasted and forgot to change that.
MB Empty Void Down, Walk, DF2


Yeah, you could just walk forward. For me it's easier to connect the F222 afterwards if I dashed, but that's just a personal thing. :p F222 easily connects with just walking forward, too.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you definitely don't need to forward dash for the second combo, I just copied and pasted and forgot to change that.
MB Empty Void Down, Walk, DF2

MB Empty Void Down, Walk, DF2


I found out exactly how to end all her combos. It is literally the 100% best way to end combos.
I will make a video and a thread today or tomorrow. It will be the raven metagame easily.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
i only heard 95% of it is correct...i think people are blowing that out of portion...anyways working on all her strings or normals that can be special cancelable.