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Strategy Dealing with Deathstroke's zoning


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Even if Cyborg is a superior zoning character theoretically, are his normal attacks better than Deathstroke's? Deathstroke has certain normal attacks that even Kenshi and Freddy wish they had.
No, but Cyborg doesn't really care.


Is there really a case against it? Deathstroke is insanely scrub-friendly, but nothing more than that. He is by no means broken, though he might appear so to the...not so skilled people who come accross him online.
He's probably the flavor of the first week if you ask me. I can't really see DS as a top tier character in a month from now tbh. There are just so many better characters who have yet to be exploited to the fullest. The people who are bitching about his zoning should instead invest that time to training with different characters.


The Prettiest
Is there really a case against it? Deathstroke is insanely scrub-friendly, but nothing more than that. He is by no means broken, though he might appear so to the...not so skilled people who come accross him online.
He's probably the flavor of the first week if you ask me. I can't really see DS as a top tier character in a month from now tbh. There are just so many better characters who have yet to be exploited to the fullest. The people who are bitching about his zoning should instead invest that time to training with different characters.
Don't know who you are, but I like your attitude. Welcome aboard.
Bullets do move you back. They also stagger you greatly leaving you unable to act after being shot.

The bullets are extremly fast and each move can be spammed over and over very quickly.

Deathstroke may not be broken, but the attitude shown by these so called 'pro' players is arrogant and unwarranted. You have a game that is now dominated by people that are able to capitalise on a very effective mechanic. This is not healthy for the game at all regardless of how long it has been out - and it didn't just pop into existence last week. Playtesters knew how DS plays and obviously foresaw no issue at all. That suggest to me they have the wrong playtesters. Don't just rely on 'pros' - you are selling to a much wider audience and if you want to retain that audience you should hacve provided a better way to help people deal with this because it will put people off.

Honestly the FGC is it's own worst enemy; calling people spoiled because they don't enjoy a game experience dominated by bullet spam is assinine and insulting.

DS needs to be toned down.


Bullets do move you back. They also stagger you greatly leaving you unable to act after being shot.

The bullets are extremly fast and each move can be spammed over and over very quickly.

Deathstroke may not be broken, but the attitude shown by these so called 'pro' players is arrogant and unwarranted. You have a game that is now dominated by people that are able to capitalise on a very effective mechanic. This is not healthy for the game at all regardless of how long it has been out - and it didn't just pop into existence last week. Playtesters knew how DS plays and obviously foresaw no issue at all. That suggest to me they have the wrong playtesters. Don't just rely on 'pros' - you are selling to a much wider audience and if you want to retain that audience you should hacve provided a better way to help people deal with this because it will put people off.

Honestly the FGC is it's own worst enemy; calling people spoiled because they don't enjoy a game experience dominated by bullet spam is assinine and insulting.

DS needs to be toned down.
So far i've only seen scrubs play DS. I've destroyed every single one of them with ease. Dunno why you're making such a big deal out of it, it's not like DS is broken as you said yourself. Sure, he has some spammable, effective zoning moves but once you get in he's basically got nothing effective t0 fight you with. His kano flip is unsafe, if you catch him then you can annihilate him and finish him off with the meter he's been helping you build.
Every DS i've encountered so far has been an easy win. At some point, you're going to have to wonder, maybe it's you with a problem and not the character. Maybe you don't have enough to beat some people online.
So far i've only seen scrubs play DS. I've destroyed every single one of them with ease. Dunno why you're making such a big deal out of it, it's not like DS is broken as you said yourself. Sure, he has some spammable, effective zoning moves but once you get in he's basically got nothing effective t0 fight you with. His kano flip is unsafe, if you catch him then you can annihilate him and finish him off with the meter he's been helping you build.
Every DS i've encountered so far has been an easy win. At some point, you're going to have to wonder, maybe it's you with a problem and not the character. Maybe you don't have enough to beat some people online.
But we aren't all pro players.

Nor is it reasonable to expect us to be.

The problem is that DS has very simple and very effective moves that are relatively difficult to coutner that dominate the metagame.

I watched the video coming from this thread and the commentary on it (not the comments below) stank of the worst kind of arrogance. We don't all sit at home with years of gaming experience playing on our 100£ tournmanent pro sticks.

it's not about wanting instant gratification; it's about wanting a good match. that's why people get pissed off with spammers.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
You dont have to be a pro to learn how to block and dash.

It wasn't arrogant in the slightest IMO.It was putting it out there that folks aren't bothering to learn how to get around properly in a new game that doesn't move like other fighters. Everyone is used to games letting them counter projectiles with projectiles, or dash block, or wavedash to get around. This game doesn't have that and folks aren't changing their tactics to compensate. Injustice isn't other fighters. Those moves are simple, but I highly doubt they are going to stay effective considering so many of us are already getting in on them and punishing them. Good matches come from not making the same mistakes after you see that what you are doing doesn't work.

Adapt to Injustice's style of movement.

EDIT: Plus most folks seem to be playing on a pad due to layouts and interact button requirements.


Destroyer of Lazy
But we aren't all pro players.

Nor is it reasonable to expect us to be.

The problem is that DS has very simple and very effective moves that are relatively difficult to coutner that dominate the metagame.

I watched the video coming from this thread and the commentary on it (not the comments below) stank of the worst kind of arrogance. We don't all sit at home with years of gaming experience playing on our 100£ tournmanent pro sticks.

it's not about wanting instant gratification; it's about wanting a good match. that's why people get pissed off with spammers.
he is simple... but he's only dominating people with lack of knowledge of counter zoning... he gives people of... let's say less skill a chance to compete which is not a bad thing. but he isn't dominating the meta right now. people who are still spamming (including some "pro" players) still haven't grasped how the game is to be played. but let's be fair... THE GAME IS A WEEK OLD no one really knows how to play yet. what i believe is arrogance is thinking that any of us have enough experience with a nuanced fighting game to think we know enough about it to know what needs balanced. It's ignorant, arrogant, and not warranted. If your new to FG that's awesome, they evolve constantly and what is "top tier" now is rarely, if ever, top tier later. In UMVC3 within the first month ppl were screaming Wesker OP because of shades buff with xfacter. He was never nerfed, and although still a solid all around character is not the top 5 broke character ppl thought. Practice, level up, ask for help with intelligent questions.


Don't run, you're gonna trip...
But we aren't all pro players.

Nor is it reasonable to expect us to be.

The problem is that DS has very simple and very effective moves that are relatively difficult to coutner that dominate the metagame.

I watched the video coming from this thread and the commentary on it (not the comments below) stank of the worst kind of arrogance. We don't all sit at home with years of gaming experience playing on our 100£ tournmanent pro sticks.

it's not about wanting instant gratification; it's about wanting a good match. that's why people get pissed off with spammers.
So if you wanted a good match, shouldn't that motivate you to become better at the game? Like Villian said, he has destroyed MANY DS players who play the zoning game (albeit they are scrubs), shouldn't that be proof enough that this character is very beatable? The way I see it, its about who can apply the fundamentals of zoning to the absolute fullest, making sure your opponent DOES NOT get in. People can easily whine about Nightwing's complete rushdown shenanigans, but no, they want to whine about a character that encourages you to keep someone out.

You can beat DS if you are not stupid, that's all...


I had to deal with two deathstrokes yesterday in tournament. Not gonna lie it was a little annoying. I beat them but still...it was frustrating dealing with all that..


Destroyer of Lazy
I had to deal with two deathstrokes yesterday in tournament. Not gonna lie it was a little annoying. I beat them but still...it was frustrating dealing with all that..
good keep away always is. but frustrating doesn't warrant nerf. I do wish he was made differently though cuz I wanted to main him but keep away isn't my style. still not as bad as morridoom


good keep away always is. but frustrating doesn't warrant nerf. I do wish he was made differently though cuz I wanted to main him but keep away isn't my style. still not as bad as morridoom
Even though I play Morridoom and I'm gonna be biased as all hell, marvel is a game where at least you have assists to help you get in and counter zoning..in this game the movement is a little...slow if I may. I'm no expert on the mk series so I'm not sure if this is how it's always been, but my boy Darth Arma swears the movement in this game sucks. I think that's what makes zoning so hard to deal with.


Destroyer of Lazy
Even though I play Morridoom and I'm gonna be biased as all hell, marvel is a game where at least you have assists to help you get in and counter zoning..in this game the movement is a little...slow if I may. I'm no expert on the mk series so I'm not sure if this is how it's always been, but my boy Darth Arma swears the movement in this game sucks. I think that's what makes zoning so hard to deal with.
I've been playing FG since SF1 but am new to modern MK... it's different for sure I don't know if i'd say it sucks but it's definitely different. It "feels" to me it's by design. Not saying it's good design but not being a MK vet made me approach it like totally brand new exp., (which honestly it is) DS guns can be punished and you missed a lot of opportunites to punish him with your lift at the Break. that comes with character experience if you are willing to put the time in. it's still early though so who knows what tech will come out.


I've been playing FG since SF1 but am new to modern MK... it's different for sure I don't know if i'd say it sucks but it's definitely different. It "feels" to me it's by design. Not saying it's good design but not being a MK vet made me approach it like totally brand new exp., (which honestly it is) DS guns can be punished and you missed a lot of opportunites to punish him with your lift at the Break. that comes with character experience if you are willing to put the time in. it's still early though so who knows what tech will come out.
Yeah I don't know matchups yet, I tried doing force lifts but I just missed the inputs and would just get a whiffed 1. it really is gonna take some practice, but I'm definitely in there...! Just need to pick up some more chars...(since my main joker, is kinda bad at this point.)
Reactions: Jy0


Destroyer of Lazy
Yeah I don't know matchups yet, I tried doing force lifts but I just missed the inputs and would just get a whiffed 1. it really is gonna take some practice, but I'm definitely in there...! Just need to pick up some more chars...(since my main joker, is kinda bad at this point.)
yeah i'm not sure at all about any of his mechanics... he seemed to be able to do good damage though... btw good stuff at the break.