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If you could replace three characters...


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
Green Lantern - Guy Gardner
Doomsday - Darkseid
Grundy - Beast Boy


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Nah man I'm cool with this roster. Sure theres folks I miss but God damn if they didn't nail almost all of my "has to be in" slots. Its week 1. Play em awhile and you'll likely say theres very few you wish weren't in if any.


Get over here!
Get rid of Killer Frost. She has no relevance. I also think Harley was a waste of a spot. Too many Batman characters. I would replace them with Zatanna and Black Canary. I think Bane could have been replaced, but he is my main. So I guess I am a hypocrite ;)


Likes nerds with big ...
I'm not here for Hawkgirl. She is essentially the Michelle Williams of this game. Girl bye!
Why is Solomon Grundy even in this game anyways? What relevance does he have?
And I just hate Shazam so he can go in the corner and never come back too.

Give me Starfire, Circe and Beast Boy. The first two is because this game needs more fabulous pseudo-Drag Queens and the last is just because <3 BB.