It's newsworthy because there's nobody else out there putting out content for the casuals and scrubs to become anything more than that. Because people can watch a goofy Maximillian video about any game and actually get interested in the genre without some old dinosaur telling them they don't belong cause they aren't top 8 and they never cut their teeth on some ancient standard.But back to the fucking topic, I know who Maximilian is because it's hard to miss it when every fart he makes is somehow "newsworthy" but unlike you and the rest of the idiotic sheep I'm not elevating him to something he's not (that is- an authority), and if you watch his matches and think that's high level then you are really ignorant about fighting games.
The dude is humble and open and informative and he's doing it all for the love of the game, so what the fuck is so wrong with having it on the front page of the sites where people go to learn about fight games?
Or are you just salty that he's popular and your prophets aren't?