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INJUSTICE: GAU Game Review by Maximilian


Since the demo, Max has dove in to Injustice: Gods Among Us. Even the full-game has caught his interest to where he's been playing it to where it could become a regular competitive fighting game as it will become to many. In this video, Max gives his honest opinion on what he thinks about Injustice. From everything that is well and good to any subtle issues he might have with it including how 'long' stage transitions take.

Check it out and even read through some of his YouTube comments as it may be very interesting to some on how his vast online audience takes his review on the epic DC fighter.

Source: Miles923



today on twitter, Max made some 'harsh' comments about the stage interacts... too much damage, spamamable noob weapons, etc etc


Big Poppa Pump
I've heard alot of folk say he looks like Chad Kroeger. They are damn wrong. I am telling you now he is Nicholas Cage in a disguise.


I'd rather go to the forums and read top players' impressions on this and that than to hear what some youtube celeb casual gamer has to say. I'm also sure that people who want to see his shit subscribe to his channel, and people who don't, don't want to see that shit instead of more important content on the front page.
I'd rather go to the forums and read top players' impressions on this and that than to hear what some youtube celeb casual gamer has to say. I'm also sure that people who want to see his shit subscribe to his channel, and people who don't, don't want to see that shit instead of more important content on the front page.
The guy has been apart of the FGC for a long time.. He is not some casual gamer.. If you're going to bash him for anything it should be the lack of playing and knowing NRS made fighters... You should know what you're talking about before making claims..


The guy has been apart of the FGC for a long time.. He is not some casual gamer.. If you're going to bash him for anything it should be the lack of playing and knowing NRS made fighters... You should know what you're talking about before making claims..
Being popular on youtube doesn't suddenly make you an expert in a field, and he isn't an expert in any game. He doesn't know the games or plays them better than your average joe, which is why he has no place in a "hardcore" website. This is the same logic as caring about what an IGN reviewer thinks about the game...


1 2 3 drink
Next is athene the best paladin in the world's toughts on injustice? Like others said in this thread who gives a damn what he says, i rather hear a pro fightinggame player too then a random online celebrety
Btw isnt this like the third time he got frontpaged?


What's with all the Maximillian hate? Just because he makes a video and shares his thoughts? What good is a topplayer's impression, then?

I like the game regardless of what others think.


Does it matter?
What's with all the Maximillian hate? Just because he makes a video and shares his thoughts? What good is a topplayer's impression, then?

I like the game regardless of what others think.
People hate on him for the simple fact that they don't really know who he is, yet his content and opinions are important enough to be front-paged.

Since he isn't a top player, or a pillar of the community, we should disregard his opinion.


was an ok review. i agree about stage transitions being too long so much and the info on the netcode was interesting. that batman interrogation was hilarious.


People hate on him for the simple fact that they don't really know who he is, yet his content and opinions are important enough to be front-paged.

Since he isn't a top player, or a pillar of the community, we should disregard his opinion.
Then the ones tho frontpaged him are to blame, not Max. ^^

I can see how top-player's opinions matter when it comes to game-technical stuff. About tier discussions and how to play characters, that kind of stuff. But not whether or not to like a game, that was what I meant to say.

I think Max supports the FGC in a very positive way. He doesn't deserve to be hated for that.


It's simple.. We normalize the superman.
Why is everyone reacting to this being front-paged as if it replaced something else? I understand that the majority of you couldn't care less about his opinion, but you guys are reacting the same way you did when you found out some lame character made it into injustice over your favorite. Max brings in a lot of new players and devotes a lot of time to helping them learn and level up at whatever FG he covers.

Whether or not this "deserves" to be on the front page is relative to personal opinion, but for a community that wants to grow and become better recognized in the FGC, you sure are dismissive toward outsiders.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Max is well known in the Capcom community. He gave the game a 4/5. He's putting time into it. Lots of Capcom players are.

Why are we all being such bitches? Do we not want this game to get bigger and become respected? Everyone gets pissed when Capcom guys shit on MK games, and then the Capcom guys decide to give (what is essentially) an MK style game an honest shot and what does the community do? We get pissed at that, too. Makes sense.
Yeah I dont have a problem with him reviwing the game. Like I said, he has been apart of the FGC for a long time and he is not some casual noob.. I am sure he would beat me and tataki in alot of different fighting games.

What I have a problem with is him nit picking the whole review and then at the end he gives it a good score.. He basically said, I dont like this and this and this and this, but yeah the game is kinda good.. I mean really was it that important to make a big deal about the music? Thats my problem with the review..


I am sure he would beat me and tataki in alot of different fighting games.
Don't include me in your assumptions if you've never even seen me play.

Do we not want this game to get bigger and become respected? Everyone gets pissed when Capcom guys shit on MK games, and then the Capcom guys decide to give (what is essentially) an MK style game an honest shot and what does the community do? We get pissed at that, too. Makes sense.
How did you make that leap in logic? No one goes against new people trying the game, but youtube celebs who have no expertise to offer should not be getting special attention in a hardcore website. Save that shit for Eventhubs.


bye felicia
How did you make that leap in logic? No one goes against new people trying the game, but youtube celebs who have no expertise to offer should not be getting special attention in a hardcore website. Save that shit for Eventhubs.
So because the guy is popular his opinion is irrelevant? Max is a tourney caliber Marvel, CvS, and 3S player with some deep roots in the Capcom community. He's more qualified to speak about it than you think.


So because the guy is popular his opinion is irrelevant? Max is a tourney caliber Marvel, CvS, and 3S player with some deep roots in the Capcom community. He's more qualified to speak about it than you think.
He gets special treatment because he's popular. He doesn't deserve it because he isn't an expert, what's so hard to understand?

And clearly you wouldn't know what "tourney caliber" is if it bit you in the ass. "Deep roots"? A Youtube career that started in 2011 isn't "deep roots". Maybe you should go and educate yourself before you engage in any sort of argument about scenes and games you don't even know.

Actually, I've changed my mind. With the comments I see here, the BS content fits just fine.
Don't include me in your assumptions if you've never even seen me play.
You dont know who Max is so you obviously havent been apart of the FGC for that long.. So I am sure he can beat you in some of the older fighters.. Not only that he plays with the pros all of the time and he even has vids of him playing good pro players offline and online.. So yeah I sure he can beat you in matches in any fighting game.. I dont hear anyone talking about how good you are..


bye felicia
He gets special treatment because he's popular. He doesn't deserve it because he isn't an expert, what's so hard to understand?
Oh, my bad. I didn't realize there were a bunch of other high level players putting out tutorials and vids for every fighter there is on their channel. Link, plz?

And clearly you wouldn't know what "tourney caliber" is if it bit you in the ass. "Deep roots"? A Youtube career that started in 2011 isn't "deep roots". Maybe you should go and educate yourself before you engage in any sort of argument about scenes and games you don't even know.
Why don't you try educating yourself, you're sitting here raging about casuals riding his nuts and you have no idea who the fuck he is. Max IS a tourney player (albeit a mostly retired one) and he has been playing for a very long time. Just because you didn't hear about him until he got interested in your game doesn't mean he didn't exist before that.


You dont know who Max is so you obviously havent been apart of the FGC for that long.. So I am sure he can beat you in some of the older fighters.. Not only that he plays with the pros all of the time and he even has vids of him playing good pro players offline and online.. So yeah I sure he can beat you in matches in any fighting game.. I dont hear anyone talking about how good you are..
Actually, I've been placing well in tournaments for various fighting games (SF, Guilty Gear, Tekken, and in Tekken's case this also includes 1st place at the T5 nationals and 2nd place at the T6 nationals) since 2004, which is way before 2009, before all the scrubs and stream monsters came in droves and people started using the term "FGC", before the scene turned into a total circus, and way before anyone knew who the fuck Maximilian is. You can look for my nickname in other FG forums that existed from way before you ever gave a shit about this genre, starting from tekken zaibatsu, dustloop, SRK etc. and if you try really hard you can also find tournament footage of me playing the aforementioned games. So again your assumption was wrong.

But back to the fucking topic, I know who Maximilian is because it's hard to miss it when every fart he makes is somehow "newsworthy" but unlike you and the rest of the idiotic sheep I'm not elevating him to something he's not (that is- an authority), and if you watch his matches and think that's high level then you are really ignorant about fighting games.


The Prettiest
Actually, I've been placing well in tournaments for various fighting games (SF, Guilty Gear, Tekken, and in Tekken's case this also includes 1st place at the T5 nationals and 2nd place at the T6 nationals) since 2004, which is way before 2009, before all the scrubs and stream monsters came in droves and people started using the term "FGC", before the scene turned into a total circus, and way before anyone knew who the fuck Maximilian is. You can look for my nickname in other FG forums that existed from way before you ever gave a shit about this genre, starting from tekken zaibatsu, dustloop, SRK etc. and if you try really hard you can also find tournament footage of me playing the aforementioned games. So again your assumption was wrong.

But back to the fucking topic, I know who Maximilian is because it's hard to miss it when every fart he makes is somehow "newsworthy" but unlike you and the rest of the idiotic sheep I'm not elevating him to something he's not (that is- an authority), and if you watch his matches and think that's high level then you are really ignorant about fighting games.
Get em.