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The Overreacting to IGAU

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Tom Brady
A few questions: So far, zoning is giving me the most trouble. I main Lex and in order to zone, he has to maintain the zoning advantage because of his slow projectiles. How do I get around fast zoning with Lex? Deathstroke and Green Lantern's zoning in particular.

- What do you think of Sinestro? It feels really difficult to zone with him because his projectiles are all negative on block.

- The frame data says that Lex's standing one hits mid, and yet everyone can crouch it. I am assuming that this is more incorrect frame data?


Tom Brady
I read that you wrote for WW in the guide. From your experience was there any match up that stood out as potentially being excessively bad for her? IE 7-3 She feels like a swiss army knife from what ive gathered and can go toe to toe with anyone. Would be nice to know key match ups to study in advance. Thank you for your input!


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Well said. I think people overreact before they let a game develop. That's what happened with MK and truly it got over patched. Sure, some issues were supposed to be taken out, but also a lot of the things that weren't an issue were gone with them, and some other things were put in that were unnecessary.

People need to let the game develop. With flash patching, major issues such as infinites should be easier and faster to patch, but other than that, take time to learn characters, game mechanics and the meta game before crying wolf. Or we'll end up with another overpatched mess.
You know what the funny thing is though? All the reviews (IGN, Gamespot, etc) of this game were brought down for the very reason Tom addressing. People complaining about DS and other characters simply because they can't/couldn't, or didn't know how to, or we incapable of, digging deeper into the system and learning something.


You know what the funny thing is though? All the reviews (IGN, Gamespot, etc) of this game were brought down for the very reason Tom addressing. People complaining about DS and other characters simply because they can't/couldn't, or didn't know how to, or we incapable of, digging deeper into the system and learning something.
The thing about IGN and other reviews though, is that they review for the casual gamer. They don't necessarily review for the people who will dig deeper into the game. Our community will look at those for shits, but never take anything they say that seriously.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
The thing about IGN and other reviews though, is that they review for the casual gamer. They don't necessarily review for the people who will dig deeper into the game. Our community will look at those for shits, but never take anything they say that seriously.
I hear you, it's just infuriating the fact that those sites go in deep (fairly) on MMOs (see their reviews in progress) and large adventure games, digging into those systems and rating them accordingly, but then look at fighting game (generally all of them) in a passing / casual manner, missing the depth, missing meat of the game, and knock them because they don't know how to play them.

It pisses me off more though (not really) that NRS games get written off as "casual" or "not serious" fighting games by these reviewers simply because they have a history associated with past MK games. SF is known as a tournament fighter and and has been for years, so they respect it as one even though they themselves are casual and have very little clue how/why it is. But NRS games (MK games), since they has a more "casual" scheme about them, and have always resonated more with / have always been seen as a more casual frendly game, they get pegged as "not deep" and "not serious" before they've even been played.

Anyway, sorry...don't mind me. I'm just a jaded MK fan.



Looking forward to whatever you got to say about Injustice at Blackulas tomorrow.

Only question that comes to mind right now is if Green Arrows Super (reset) is working as intended, or is this something that's being looked at?

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I was joking, but I only said it because you basically associated two characters because, and I'm assuming, they are large, black, half-robot guys.
Well I like both characters a lot. I plan to try out almost everyone, but looking to who fits my style or who i played in mk9.
So am I, lets get some games in, if you're interested!

You're only the second person Ive seen on the forums near me, what a glorious day!
I'm in Japan too. Are you guys on ps3? What version of the game did you buy if so. I hear there is region lock for online play...


Average at Best
I'm in Japan too. Are you guys on ps3? What version of the game did you buy if so. I hear there is region lock for online play...
I play on both, add me if you would like. I think region lock refers to the platforms and the game idsc having to be from the same region.


Ya'll stingy
I'll do a living guide if the demand is big enough, other than that, no plans on any guides.
then can i bother you to elaborate on the raven antizoning question i asked earlier? today online, i got torn up by green arrow's arrows, superman's heat vision, and deathstroke's guns. her projectile absorb is good if you're anticipating a projectile, but some are really ahrd to react to. the MB+down gives her a ground bounce, but she can't combo off it unless she has her trait active and two bars. btw, her empty void absors some of deathstorke's bullets, but the last ones hit ehr.
any antizoning info for her would be great.


Come and Get it!
was hyped up several weeks leading up to the release of this game and i'm sourly dissapointed...
I realize it's the first week and to be upset at anything seems unreasonable but I REALLY think the general flow of this game is a little... weird.

For lots of characters, it seems the general pattern is to score a knock down and just go HAM on high low mix-ups all day and grind it as hard until you win... feels pretty derpy

I know there must be so much more to this game but i'm having a tough time seeing it and my interest after the first week is diving pretty fast. Umm... do we simply have to become familiar with all the basic high/low strings with every character in the game and learn to block everything as best we can?

Help, I can't see through this thick fog of... injustice!
my apologies for my third question but i am wondering which is the most unpredictable and/or complex character gameplay wise? before the game i assumed it was going to be the joker or aries and it still could be but i am not going to deep into the game yet

also thank you for recommending superman he suits my playstyle


was hyped up several weeks leading up to the release of this game and i'm sourly dissapointed...
I realize it's the first week and to be upset at anything seems unreasonable but I REALLY think the general flow of this game is a little... weird.

For lots of characters, it seems the general pattern is to score a knock down and just go HAM on high low mix-ups all day and grind it as hard until you win... feels pretty derpy

I know there must be so much more to this game but i'm having a tough time seeing it and my interest after the first week is diving pretty fast. Umm... do we simply have to become familiar with all the basic high/low strings with every character in the game and learn to block everything as best we can?

Help, I can't see through this thick fog of... injustice!
What 3D fighter do you play? Any Tekken? You know, high low strings, and people have to become familar with all the basic strings with every character and learn to block everything. But there is more, spacing and footsies play a huge part too, and then you have punishing and countering.

And don't think once everyone knows how to block and punish all the strings the game is completed, and people will just play like robot's adding and subtracting numbers in their head. Frame data and knowledge doesn't detract from strategy it adds to it. I may do an unsafe attack or string, knowing you want to punish it, but instead I cancel into a MB version of the special, or do a MBC and armor through your counter poke.

And that is just the close game, as any player of 2D games know, space control is king. the type of space each different projectile controls, the range each character wishes to stay at. I feel like injustice and MK as well, bridge the gap between what makes 3D fighters so great and what makes 2D fighters so great. SFxTK also has the same sort of target combo's and high low strings, coupled with a ranged spacing game, but the less we mention that game, the better.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady
Who should I be playing!!!? Lol

Obviously I like rush down characters like Kabal, Sonya, and cage who want to make you hold block all day. Anyone like that?

Also, Raven seems like a sweet anti-zoner so I want to add her to my arsenal. What kind of set-ups does she have?

Thanks mate! See you at the next tourney!
Nightwing... I'd get on him now. Most are on Batman and Superman, Nightwing is a sleeper. Nightwing, Batman, and Superman are the best rush down characters.

Raven can block/duck most projectiles and punish with soul crush. She also has a good cross up set up. Ending juggles with F+22U1 gives her an ambiguous cross up set up.

Tom Brady - Sorry if these got answered already somewhere;
Who has the fastest solid punish in the game, and what range of negetive frames would be considered "Unsafe" in Injustice.

Also what sort of startup time do backdashes have before becoming invincible?

Thanks in advance!
-6 and -7 mean that you can punish with D+1~special move. Almost every D+1's is 6 or 7 frames.

Back dashing has between 8 and 11 invincible frames. It varies from character to character, but the lowest is 8 invincible frames. The back dash invincibility becomes active on the first frame.

Tom Brady

Was watching OBS last night and saw you drop all this knowledge, (Frame Data, Punishes, Etc) how'd you even figure out all this stuff in IGAU? Does it just come with FG experience, I mean, it's fine and all reading and digesting info, but, I think it makes you a better player if you figure out and understand it yourself, instead of just listening to someone else, how would other players go about learning the game better themselves so they can come to the same conclusions as you!
Simple... when you have a problem... test it and figure it out. Most are quick to yell "BROKE" rather than lose over and over again until they realize how to beat something. These days players get embarrassed to lose to something they don't understand. This makes them not want to understand it, but say they DO understand it, and that the problem is that the tactic/character is just broke.

People want instant gratification, want to hop on and dominate. Any game that you can hop on and be at the highest level in days is a bad game, yet thats what people want. However, when jimmy down the street hops on and beats your 1 year exp with only days on the game, then you'll wish for more depth.

Thanks PMG, Hitroshura, and Tom. I get the game tomorrow and I'm really hype.

Now a more serious question Tom.

Do you feel it will take a while to make a tier list for the game, since everyone got some dirt?
Yes, IMO if I were to give a day 1 tier list like half the cast is S lol.. its impossible to make a tier list this early.


Nightwing... I'd get on him now. Most are on Batman and Superman, Nightwing is a sleeper. Nightwing, Batman, and Superman are the best rush down characters.

Raven can block/duck most projectiles and punish with soul crush. She also has a good cross up set up. Ending juggles with F+22U1 gives her an ambiguous cross up set up.

-6 and -7 mean that you can punish with D+1~special move. Almost every D+1's is 6 or 7 frames.

Back dashing has between 8 and 11 invincible frames. It varies from character to character, but the lowest is 8 invincible frames. The back dash invincibility becomes active on the first frame.

Simple... when you have a problem... test it and figure it out. Most are quick to yell "BROKE" rather than lose over and over again until they realize how to beat something. These days players get embarrassed to lose to something they don't understand. This makes them not want to understand it, but say they DO understand it, and that the problem is that the tactic/character is just broke.

People want instant gratification, want to hop on and dominate. Any game that you can hop on and be at the highest level in days is a bad game, yet thats what people want. However, when jimmy down the street hops on and beats your 1 year exp with only days on the game, then you'll wish for more depth.

Yes, IMO if I were to give a day 1 tier list like half the cast is S lol.. its impossible to make a tier list this early.
2 questions, how is bane, and what should I be trying to do? Lol he obviously is bad from full screen, but should I rush down? Hit and run? Read and react? Most people online can't figure out how to block jump in body splash b23, but I feel like that's gonna get blown up at a higher level lol

Tom Brady

The game still needs balancing tweaks. The wakeup system is also horrible... but.. I still love the game.
not even a week old and need balance tweaks? NO.... and the wake up system is fine, wouldn't change a thing.

anyone else think this game is scrubby as hell ?

Tom Brady
A few questions: So far, zoning is giving me the most trouble. I main Lex and in order to zone, he has to maintain the zoning advantage because of his slow projectiles. How do I get around fast zoning with Lex? Deathstroke and Green Lantern's zoning in particular.

- What do you think of Sinestro? It feels really difficult to zone with him because his projectiles are all negative on block.

- The frame data says that Lex's standing one hits mid, and yet everyone can crouch it. I am assuming that this is more incorrect frame data?
The mistake you make is playing Lex in a manner of trying to outzone players and maintaining the zoning adv. What Lex does is get untectable knockdowns with sweep, BF2, or a combo into BF2. Then mix up on wake up. The opponent can BD on wake up, but then you throw the orb and follow that up. Also, is non MB orbital strike is another untechable knockdown.

Tune in to blackulas stream tonight and I'll go over him in detail.

I'm unsure on Sinestro, right now he seems more like a utility character rather then a solid main.

Lex's 1 is high. They'll prob hotfix it to say high in the description, or make the move mid.

Tom Brady
I read that you wrote for WW in the guide. From your experience was there any match up that stood out as potentially being excessively bad for her? IE 7-3 She feels like a swiss army knife from what ive gathered and can go toe to toe with anyone. Would be nice to know key match ups to study in advance. Thank you for your input!
No, not 3-7's for her. Granted, doing any MU numbers right now is ridiculous, but IMO she is a complete character.

tom: Does Cybrog play like Jax?
No, not even close.


Looking forward to whatever you got to say about Injustice at Blackulas tomorrow.

Only question that comes to mind right now is if Green Arrows Super (reset) is working as intended, or is this something that's being looked at?
Working as intended.

then can i bother you to elaborate on the raven antizoning question i asked earlier? today online, i got torn up by green arrow's arrows, superman's heat vision, and deathstroke's guns. her projectile absorb is good if you're anticipating a projectile, but some are really ahrd to react to. the MB+down gives her a ground bounce, but she can't combo off it unless she has her trait active and two bars. btw, her empty void absors some of deathstorke's bullets, but the last ones hit ehr.
any antizoning info for her would be great.
Green Arrow's arrow projectiles are advantage on block, so you have to absorb them. Supermans straight heat vision is also advantage on block but has a lot of start up and is easy to beat out with soul crush, you can also crouch under it and soul crush punish. Supermans DB1 heat vision is punished by soul crush.

was hyped up several weeks leading up to the release of this game and i'm sourly dissapointed...
I realize it's the first week and to be upset at anything seems unreasonable but I REALLY think the general flow of this game is a little... weird.

For lots of characters, it seems the general pattern is to score a knock down and just go HAM on high low mix-ups all day and grind it as hard until you win... feels pretty derpy

I know there must be so much more to this game but i'm having a tough time seeing it and my interest after the first week is diving pretty fast. Umm... do we simply have to become familiar with all the basic high/low strings with every character in the game and learn to block everything as best we can?

Help, I can't see through this thick fog of... injustice!
A lot of these hit level mix ups can be avoided once you learn the game more. I assure you that it gets better over time and with exp.

my apologies for my third question but i am wondering which is the most unpredictable and/or complex character gameplay wise? before the game i assumed it was going to be the joker or aries and it still could be but i am not going to deep into the game yet

also thank you for recommending superman he suits my playstyle
unpredictable? probably Shazam..... complex would be Lex, Harley, or Joker