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The Overreacting to IGAU

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He said no

why don't you ask more SPECIFIC things that he will clearly answer.

Does everyone have the "dirt" to be completely viable? Barring nerfs/buffs, if I pick one person do I need to worry about legit unwinnable matches?
Mr Brady, as a joker player what should I be aiming for? What is his general play style like? Also what are his best strings. Most seem to be safe and mix in overheads though he seems to be lacking multiple low normals.

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Lt. Boxy Angelman

Tom Brady

All initial dispute aside, do you believe Deathstroke is over or underrated?
I think the initial omgheisbroken.arg argument will pass with time, but I also, by the looks of him and how his zoning will factor in over time to a game that seems to me to favor jumping a LOT more than MK/on the same level as an SF or something similar, think that he will be a long-standing force in the metagame over time...as long as he doesn't get the nerf bat.

tom really appreciate what youre doing for us. I would like to ask your opinion on nightwings staff, do you think it is useful? if so what is the best way to use it?

last question: who are the low hitbox characters in this game?


Android App Programmer
Tom Brady , how good is Green Arrow? I almost won a Day zero tournament with him just using fundamentals and 10 minutes of fooling around with him.
I know you said that none of the characters from MK9 are that similar to that characters in injustice but if i was a a Sonya player in MK9 who would be the most similar to my playstyle? thank you for any reply

also people say the joker isnt as good as other characters and is low tier any truth to that?

Tom Brady

Tom I agree with kabelfritz it wouldn't hurt to write up a small opinion on every character. (if you have the time) It's day 1 into the game and people would like to know your opinion on each character, the people that would blow you up should not be on this forum in the first place lol.
I also do not want my opinion to influence anyones decision. I can be wrong, I'd like people to make their on decision on what fits them, then ask for help if needed.

I heard from pig that sinestro is one of the worst character in the game. That sucks because he was going to be my main.
Don't know if hes one of the worst, he's just different now.

Tom Brady

Awhile ago you mentioned that one of the stage interactions was kinda buggy, were you talking about the motorcycle on wayne manor?
In a video, a gadget character tried to use it, but it got stuffed, and the motorcycle flipped out and drove straight at the camera, then for the rest of the match, the camera would occasionally glitch out, and the cycle would phase into and out of existence.

Edit here is the video.
also the piano on the inside of Wayne Manor.

He said no

why don't you ask more SPECIFIC things that he will clearly answer.

Does everyone have the "dirt" to be completely viable? Barring nerfs/buffs, if I pick one person do I need to worry about legit unwinnable matches?
Yes, all the dirt is completely viable. You won't have to worry about unwinnable matches.

Mr Brady, as a joker player what should I be aiming for? What is his general play style like? Also what are his best strings. Most seem to be safe and mix in overheads though he seems to be lacking multiple low normals.

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2
The Joker plays a very spammy playstyle up close, his lack of a great anti-air kinda forces this. He abuses jumping 2 and jumping 3. He uses his sweep from its max range to set up his chattering teeth setups. His best strings are F+232, F+21, and 32. His parry can also interrupt several strings and frame traps.

Tom Brady

All initial dispute aside, do you believe Deathstroke is over or underrated?
I think the initial omgheisbroken.arg argument will pass with time, but I also, by the looks of him and how his zoning will factor in over time to a game that seems to me to favor jumping a LOT more than MK/on the same level as an SF or something similar, think that he will be a long-standing force in the metagame over time...as long as he doesn't get the nerf bat.


He is just right. They are ALL dirty, one by one ppl will discover their own dirt and you will see a balance.

tom really appreciate what youre doing for us. I would like to ask your opinion on nightwings staff, do you think it is useful? if so what is the best way to use it?

last question: who are the low hitbox characters in this game?
Nightwings staff has 1 billion frame traps and is devastating in close especially when the opponent is in a corner. Low hitbox characters don't work here like they did in MK9. They can't duck under jump ins, can't cause true mids and overheads to miss, etc.. They can however go under certain projectiles. I'll write a list later of the low hitbox characters. basically, if you can crouch under Cyborgs IAF, you have a "low hitbox".

Tom Brady , how good is Green Arrow? I almost won a Day zero tournament with him just using fundamentals and 10 minutes of fooling around with him.
He's very good. He has mix ups, is safe, has reset set ups with his super, etc. His arrows are also all +4 on block at close range.

I know you said that none of the characters from MK9 are that similar to that characters in injustice but if i was a a Sonya player in MK9 who would be the most similar to my playstyle? thank you for any reply

also people say the joker isnt as good as other characters and is low tier any truth to that?
There really is no Sonya like playstyle character. Tell me the tools you like in a character, then I can help you better.

No truth to the rumor that Joker isn't good.

Lord brady, give me your honest opinion about joker :)
He's a good character overall. He takes time though, he is not an instant gratification character. However, you will be rewarded for the time you put in.

Tom Brady

Can Grundy actually finish his whole poem? I can only get him to go up to Wednesday

how are the mk inputs and the sf inputs? Do you like one better than the other?
I prefer MK style. While SF style won't have specials come out when you hit D,B instead of D on accident, they add inputs. Example.. a move that is a B,F command is now HCF. So, instead of 2 inputs, I now have to enter 5 inputs.


Just looking at Shazam. His normals are average, specials are horrible and it seems like his damage boost/unblockable trait is supposed to make up for the rest of his tools being pants. Is he bottom 5?

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I see....Next question do you think stage transition take too long? Also are there patch notes release for the day 1 patch?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
WTF Solomon Grundy cant finish his Poem, whats the point, and someone asked this on Injustice Facebook, and they replied "wait and see :)" its a small thing but i dont see why they have half of it and not the rest

UNLESS its some secret Easter egg, like you have to do something in a really specific sequence anyone try the "Super" after it?

actually did anyone try doing Doomsday's or Flash's super on Watch Tower yet?
In response to question "can Grundy finish his poem?"
OMFG. You're saying that Grundy players will forever stand at the brink of catharsis, bound never to get there?

Ever since the battle arena where they introduced the poem I've been imagining potential eventualities for that poem. Lo and behold, there are no eventualities. Mother of god. What stupid, pointless cinema is this? Bleeding waste of assets actually. The intonation in his voice doesn't even sound final.

Does he get a guaranteed unblockable grab after Wednesday at least? Anything advantageous?

Thanks Tom Brady, no qualms with your sagacious ass. Qualms with NRS over this.


Joker waiting room
Raven - probably the best counter zoner in the game. Can have issues making up a catastrophic life deficit. Also has good tools in close. Does great damage and can end her juggles with F+22U+1 which gives her a cross up attempt.

Harley - good zoning, has a fast overhead air projectile which always helps, one of the best dashes in the game if not the best, her trait sucks for opponents when she gets the bomb after a knockdown.

Sinestro - almost everything he does is full combo punished. he wants to zone, zone, and zone some more. He does have some good whiff punishing with B+13. He wants to get his trait out, he then becomes Sinestro the powerful.

Catwoman - good, safe 50/50 that hurts. he B+3 is evasive as is her back dash. her aa is sketchy unless you use DB+1 which requires a read vs fast jump ins. She wants to get an and mix you up as much as possible.

Hawkgirl - shes a hit and run character. can be frustrating to fight for certain characters.

Bane - winning with him is about managing your character power well. he really wants to get 1 command throw or sweep to hit and from there its very hard for the opponent to get up. He also has one of the best back dashes in the game to help him escape pressure from faster characters.

Aquaman - good damage, good anti-air, prob one of the best defensive characters.
can you please tell me osme good footsie moves with bane and how to use his fullscreen dash, maybe how to get in too?


Right now A LOT of you are overreacting.. "I cant get in" "Zoning is OP", etc...

It feels that way AT FIRST, as you get better at the game it turns fast pace and zoning become less of a factor. I assure you that with time, you won't have any problems getting in.

I am here to help all of you in any way. Use this thread to ask me anything and I'll be glad to help.

Well said. I think people overreact before they let a game develop. That's what happened with MK and truly it got over patched. Sure, some issues were supposed to be taken out, but also a lot of the things that weren't an issue were gone with them, and some other things were put in that were unnecessary.

People need to let the game develop. With flash patching, major issues such as infinites should be easier and faster to patch, but other than that, take time to learn characters, game mechanics and the meta game before crying wolf. Or we'll end up with another overpatched mess.


i have a question since i dont have the game till later. in the watchtower stage can you knock your opponent into mm and does he do anything or is he just there?

Tom Brady

Just looking at Shazam. His normals are average, specials are horrible and it seems like his damage boost/unblockable trait is supposed to make up for the rest of his tools being pants. Is he bottom 5?
My Shazam guide in the Prima strat guide is pretty good.

I see....Next question do you think stage transition take too long? Also are there patch notes release for the day 1 patch?
No, they are fine. No, there aren't any patch notes to my knowledge.

you're making raven sound awesome, but what is her weakness/bad matchup?
Its day 1... and you want to know her bad MU's....

if I had to give one weakness, its trouble making up a big big life deficit.

could you give us your opinion on whos top 5?
I'm holding off on that so that players can form there own opinions. I give a top 5 and ppl drop everyone and flock to those characters because I (someone who can be very wrong) said they are the best.

can you please tell me osme good footsie moves with bane and how to use his fullscreen dash, maybe how to get in too?
D1 is probably his best footsie move. Cancel it into his double overhead punch, use that to harass opponents. If they block the double overhead punch, activate juice and command throw them, using the armor to go through their counter poke. His full screen dash is only good with juice on, use it to get on on zoning heavy players. Level 3 will go through all projectiles. Bane is played in levels to maximize on his tools. Level 1, then right before it runs out level 2, then right before it runs out level 3.

i have a question since i dont have the game till later. in the watchtower stage can you knock your opponent into mm and does he do anything or is he just there?
No, you cannot knock them into MM


Joker waiting room
No, he is not bottom 5. Hell, bottom 5 isnt even bottom 5.
D1 is probably his best footsie move. Cancel it into his double overhead punch, use that to harass opponents. If the block the double overhead punch, activate juice and command throw them, using the armor to go through their counter poke. His full screen dash is only good with juice on, use it to get on on zoning heavy players. Level 3 will go through all projectiles. Bane is played in levels to maximize on his tools. Level 1, then right before it runs out level 2, then right before it runs out level 3.
nice timing, just noticed it in a game, its godlike

i just noticed frame data on a few moves being wrong, for example jokers 323

on block its -29 but the cpu can d1 right after they do it and beat my 9f low

so all he can do to get in is venom and charges? does he have any mixups or is it mainly his command throw? all i can do right now is that high starter overhead to anti air throw for 20%

why is jumping so fucked up in this game? most jumps are anti airable by some characters


Ya'll stingy
its day 1 for us but i think youre on maybe month 4 lol
anyways were you gonna do character write ups like you did in mk? if you are then ill jjust wait to read those instead of asking questions. i always enjoy reading those.
i have 2 gameplay related qeustions, is there any frame advantage after a pushblock or are both charcaters left at neutral? and are there any unclashable moves, like kitanas fans in mk were unbreakable