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Groove Heaven


Here's a crappy vid I took doing Ribbz's combo if anyone needs it for reference.
As far as her combo system seems to go, you can basically do u3 once or twice out of b3, f3, anti-air (such as d2 into slide or air-to-air 2), slide, or combo into slide. After the u3(s), you can do 22~MB command grab, nj2, f113~daggers, or you can do f112~daggers if you don't want to use a bar.

Anyone find anything interesting in the corner? I've basically just been doing this, but the appropriate amount of u3s to keep them in the corner.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
GGA 16 Bit

What are you using for AA so far, what kind of follow ups both vortex and not vortex have you found so be relatively optimal? I'm going all in wirh the maiden, teach me based bit. :)

Her d+2 is decent. In a lot of MU it works, especially if you're ready and looking for the jump. When it hits high up as AA my bnb is like d+2, jump 2, u+3, 2,2~ender(daggers or mb grab). If it's a trade you can usually still get a 2,2~ender.

If it's one of the juicy unanti-airables then I'd use mb f+3 or try to make them whiff then punish the landing with d+1~slide.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Found some juicy stuff:

A blocked 3~4 midscreen still gives you a free 11 blockstring ^_^ ... they may be able to armor out, but you have a ton of block advantage and the trait cancel allows you to not be pushed back as much and you get a pixel of trait for using it.

EDIT: OK, so you can jump out after jumping 3 before 3~4 can connect... but you cannot jump out of 111~4 and you get a free 3~4 after.


Found some juicy stuff:

A blocked 3~4 midscreen still gives you a free 11 blockstring ^_^ ... they may be able to armor out, but you have a ton of block advantage and the trait cancel allows you to not be pushed back as much and you get a pixel of trait for using it.

EDIT: OK, so you can jump out after jumping 3 before 3~4 can connect... but you cannot jump out of 111~4 and you get a free 3~4 after.
I just came here to post this and I see you took care of. I was using 22 after the 111 though. This find just makes her even better :). 111 hits... hit confirm into slide, if blocked just do this.
What other things do you do for pressure?

Can you hit people out of rolls?

EDIT: What kind of stuff do you do for neutral? Throwing daggers, ice spike, and iad over other projectiles? What do you guys think are her good pokes?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
If the other person ever blocks your daggers from full screen, they're forced to block your next ice spike.

Yeah definitely, if her daggers hit mid I think it would be a lot better.
I KNEW IT! I just hadn't been able to properly test thus. Thx for posting bro. Looks like we shall be maining a character in concert again, my friend

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Her d+2 is decent. In a lot of MU it works, especially if you're ready and looking for the jump. When it hits high up as AA my bnb is like d+2, jump 2, u+3, 2,2~ender(daggers or mb grab). If it's a trade you can usually still get a 2,2~ender.

If it's one of the juicy unanti-airables then I'd use mb f+3 or try to make them whiff then punish the landing with d+1~slide.
I like this, a lot. Thx man. I love this damn character


This one's for you
Konqrr I hadn't watched that video closely until now, but I think you officially just made this character my main lol.

I don't have a way to measure frame advantage other than eyeballing it, but this is how all her attacks cancelled into trait look to me...
Big Advantage:
3, 111, f2
About Neutral:
f11, 11, 1, 22, b1, f1
f112, f113, 1133, d1, b1u3, d2

The main things that really stand out are 3~4/111~4 like you showed, and 22~4 since it's a fast mid that's now completely safe. And if you do her vortex in the corner, you have enough time for a free 111~4 before going into it for just a tiny bit extra chip & meter.

Some random stuff about her trait...
-It takes ~90 instant taps to fully charge
-It takes ~6 times to fully charge if you do 3~4 (or 111~4) and charge it until you're at neutral
-If you start charging it during MB grab, you can charge almost half the bar.


The Ignore Button Is Free
If I don't have meter for MB command grab, I just end my combos with her projectile. It sends them pretty far and then I can start charging up my trait and/or zone.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Grundy can duck under the last hit of f113 and standing 3 if you are not close enough ;_; WTF low hitbox on huge grappler lol


Does anyone know how her parry is supposed to be used? Can you get an attack once it connect or something?


The Prettiest
Does anyone know how her parry is supposed to be used? Can you get an attack once it connect or something?
All I know is you can EX it and get a full combo. The regular parry appears almost useless to me unless you want to back them up to start zoning.


How do you all deal with jumpy oppenents? Thats like the thing of this game it seems. Down 2 works sometimes....