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Check Out This Injustice review

stupid review, it seems he only played the arcade mode and only a bit of story mode and how does he know how online is if no one can get on??? and its horribly written


Scary Bat
Although I can't say for certain until I have played it... I'm pretty sure this review is fucking awful. Tekken you can get away with button mashing... this you cannot.


Neutral Skipper
This retard may proceed to suck my genitalia. I just hope that the majority of the people who read his "review" realise that he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
This is typical. All fighting game reviews not done by someone who actually understands just a tad beyond the button-mashing basics are to be taken with a grain of salt. Most professional reviews are pretty bad, anyway.


Tired, But Strong
NetherRealm Studios even included short-scale modes in between which lackadaisically blend various super-hero powers in little mini-game adventure ideals which lack ultimate substance.

This is NOT how you use a thesaurus, people.

If anything's "lacking ultimate substance", it's this review. I can't imagine how this person reviews other fighting games, if his primary point here is a dearth of features and modes, given how Injustice compares in that regard to others.

I have to admit, the line about the old Punisher game made me chuckle, imagining how badly this game would be panned by fighting game enthusiasts were it included. QTEs on every interactable? Geez louise. This is, unfortunately, all he says about actual gameplay aside from referring to it as button-mashing.

I've never used this acronym before, but at this juncture I can do nothing else: SMH.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Yeah, reviews in general should be taken with a grain of salt by everyone. I've seen some pretty UNANIMOUS bad reviews across the board for some of my all time favorite games or movies. The only persons opinion you should care about is YOUR OWN, bottom line.


UPR DanableLector
This is typical. All fighting game reviews not done by someone who actually understands just a tad beyond the button-mashing basics are to be taken with a grain of salt. Most professional reviews are pretty bad, anyway.
At least guys like game trailers and IGN will give the game a fair shake, even if the author of the review isn't a fighting game fan. I am interested to read IGN's review as I believe Destin Legarie (The pride of the sunset) is doing it and I know hes a big DC fan and has been covering the game since its announcement.
At least guys like game trailers and IGN will give the game a fair shake, even if the author of the review isn't a fighting game fan. I am interested to read IGN's review as I believe Destin Legarie (The pride of the sunset) is doing it and I know hes a big DC fan and has been covering the game since its announcement.


Reviews like that are the reason why any average joe shouldn't be allowed to have a website. That shit reeks of "I don't know what the hell I'm talking about."

People usually say places like IGN are bad, but even when I disagree with some IGN scores, I can see they actually put time and thought into their review process.

Fighting games in general are the genre with some of the worst reviews. It's probably the only genre where you can tell from reading a review just how much time the person spent actually playing the game.


What a generalistic review. .. the demo alone doesnt play like button mashing. I know because I tried to button mash.


UPR DanableLector
Reviews like that are the reason why any average joe shouldn't be allowed to have a website. That shit reeks of "I don't know what the hell I'm talking about."

People usually say places like IGN are bad, but even when I disagree with some IGN scores, I can see they actually put time and thought into their review process.

Fighting games in general are the genre with some of the worst reviews. It's probably the only genre where you can tell from reading a review just how much time the person spent actually playing the game.
When I brought up IGN and GT earlier in the thread it was for that reason. At the very least they will dig through the game in its entirety and typically don't leave many stones unturned (in the written reviews).


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Injustice really isn't a button masher, so I don't get how he says "classic button-mashing arcade style" in reference to the game. He also mentions how its fun, and decent, but then ends his review with "avoid it like kryptonite" or some bullshit like that.

That review wreaked of contradictions, and ignorance.


Scary Bat
and now your reviews are revoked.
Hey it's a fact, depending on who you pick all you have to do is mash two buttons at the same time and you're golden... on a noob level. What I mean is by hammering the shit out of the buttons in Tekken your character does the Tekken equivalent of special moves, and you can sort of chain combos.

This you can't really... timing is more important and the combos that go well together are more specific, but hey, it's just an opinion. Obviously if you even remotely know what you're doing in Tekken you can hand any masher their ass.