alright!! so i was like....HMMM!! finally i can do some stuff. first 2 hours and discovered tons of things. went online to check peeps and how they doing, to discover persona already released combos that was the base of mine!! and then i was like...alright still some hope for the STANCE CANCEL! hoped on here and was shocked to find 6 pages for wonder woman already....lurked in abit and was like, WTF people already discovered that?
and now it all makes since....the game been out since yesterday apparently and i didnt know HAHAH!
great stuff fellas. would like to add some submissions just to be a part of the gang
Stuff not mentioned and not something special but can be pointers to others...WW is not gonna be my main at the end!
Remember, i only played for 2 dont judge! haha
My notes:
1-Instance air dash is only doable on one side ? the right side...kinda stupid :S. i am talking about the shortcut. f/u, then f should do the trick.
3- That dash is hideous! truly...but we will see. SF doesnt have dashs for example, though maneuver is way faster and smoother.
4- People didnt yet miss around with Cross corners (Example like SFXT and some other games, just giving a recent example). where doing a corner combo, you can go under opponent and switch sides mid one.
Miscs and semi combos examples:
After sweeping you can preform not just IAD crossups (Instant air Dash), but you can also do reverse and it FUCKS the opponent. it makes the opponent switch like crazy between side and no moves comes out just like MK! hope this is just the demo so this wont be in their.
Try it out, Sweep, then dash in quickly into a forward jump, and then instant air back dash (do it start on left side so you can instant air dash as close to the ground as possible...remember, right side only? )
hope they remove this because it just ....not cool. either make opponent able to change and block with direction atleats if their are no button to be excuted :S
5- Stance cancel is interesting. Tons of nasty footsies and mind games can be done to save you couple of frames (which the game was slightly smoother). for example, a frame trap you can fool opponent with;
on block from sweep distance (b+2)~ stance cancel~ Sheild Toss(b,f+2)(EX or not) . if block, you can frame trap jumping or dash in opponent with Sheild Dash.
-I am sure you all tried those and know them...sadly they dont do dmg which they should
haha. so
6- d+2~ stance . you can follow up with fast pokes without the reason to cancel stance into a special moves. example. in corner:
d+2~ stance. 1,1,2~ stance cancel into d,f+3.
In corner. 2,3 ~ Stance Cancel to sword ~ Sheild Dash. Sword stance d+2~ Stance cancel to lasso~ d,f+3 . 2,3~ Grab (30%) with a jump in 3, dmg can go to 36-38% i think? though gravity way stricter
8- Half way to corner:
b+1,1,3. move in 2,3~ stance cancel to sword~ Sheild Dash (Now in corner). (sheild stance) 1,1,2~ Sheild dash
. 30% something...dont remeber
9-My regular BNB, which you guys got better..though i really think mine is the easiest and most efficient for 41% dmg (my opinion):
b+1,1,3. Move in 2,3. b+3. JI 3. 2,3~ Lasso grab
Nice to see you: Wonder chef, Krayzie, Death and Mr.mileena